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  1. R

    I'm scared and need some reassuring.

    This was very timely for me. I just went to the doctor today where my lung function is at 83% and this is pretty much my new baseline. While I know this is great to be 25 and have it that high - I have always been in the 90 to 100%. I have been doing my treatments very diligently and working my...
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    In the middle of the night... (for bleeders)

    I've only coughed up blood a handful of times. One was because I had an upper stomach scope, stopped breathing, and they caused a lot of trauma to me as they shoved a breathing tube down my throat and I coughed up massive amounts of blood. Any other time, it means infection. I usually stay up to...
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    Starting neb meds again and have some ?s

    Maybe I'm just completely ignorant on this situation, but my doctor told me I only need to sterilize my nebs one time a day. His theory is that you're putting antibiotics into the nebs and that should theoretically kill all germs. I don't sterilize every time I use them, but I also don't...
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    SSI question

    It can't hurt to apply, right? I'm 25 and applied a few days ago. Although I am in good health, it has declined this year with my first hospitalization this March. I have CFRD and struggled with depression, anxiety, and ADHD while working a full-time job. I am anxiously awaiting to hear what...
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    The Best Exercise to Raise PFT scores

    I'm a personal trainer and fitness is my passion and my life. Here is a combination that I do and recommend: Swimming (good for expanding the lungs and stretching the muscles of the lungs and upper body), running (good for expanding the lungs and the pounding loosens the mucus), strength...
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    I've been on Lexapro 20 mg for a year and it has greatly improved my anxiety and depression. While I have learned to better cope with my anxiety and depression through behavior modification, I do believe that anti depressants are definitely needed because we sometimes cannot even think straight...
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    sore muscles from coughing.

    I get extremely tight muscles in my back, neck, and shoulders and it can be very painful. I usually take 3-4 Advil, a warm bath, and massage my shoulders myself. If I wasn't single, I'd be making my spouse do it :) Also a hot shower can help if I just let the hot water run over my back. I'll...
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    Stomach issues - Gastroparesis?

    I know lots of us struggle with stomach issues on here so maybe ya'll can give me some insight. I've had a lot of nausea, heartburn, general pain, fatigue, and bloating lately. Went to the gastroentrenologist yesterday and he said it could be a number of things: general pancreatitis symptoms...
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    Just wrote a book about my struggle with CF. It's available now on Amazon.

    I went to UNT too! I'm going to place my order - thanks for sharing. Looking forward to it!
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    I have been on Lexapro for just over a year. Started off on 10 mg, then added Abilify 2mg, and then upped Lexapro to 20 mg along with the Abilify. I was very depressed at the time and was having severe anxiety. I also took Remeron for a few months but got off it because I was hungry constantly...
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    I am a Personal Trainer and also have CF

    Hey! I'm a trainer too. Got certified a few months ago and am working for another trainer learning the ins and outs of personal training. Glad to see another CFer helping people become stronger, healthier, and more fit!
  12. R

    Have you improved your fev1????

    I am not sure if this counts but I was at 57% March 1 when I was hospitalized for my first exacerbation. Two weeks later was at 76%. Tested a few days ago and I'm at 84%. I'm hoping to get in the 90s next time I have an appt in November. My doctor said using Cayston can improve numbers by 10%. I...
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    Kate, I have begun swimming to train for a triathalon. Getting back in the pool after not swimming regularly (use to swim 1 mile a day a few years ago) was very tough. I could only do 6 laps at once and had a lot of anxiety doing so. I would say keep doing it and force yourself. Make up your...
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    Just Joined! How are you guys and girls on running??

    I run my best at 8:00 min miles, but it's far too hot for that now. I now run 10:00 minute miles but my FEV1 is 84% right now. For a single mile, I can do 6:30 but definitely not in this heat. I say it doesn't really matter your time, you are out there doing it and that's what counts. I always...
  15. R

    CF tattoos

    Thanks for posting that facebook page. I think I'm going to get "just breathe" on my ribs under my arm. Already have an inside bicep tattoo that says "I am my Beloved's" and don't want something too big. In reality, all we want to do is just breathe anyway, right?
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    Starting School - what all did you do?

    When I was in school, my mom always spoke with the teacher and administration staff at school before school started each year. She would let them know that I needed unlimited bathroom breaks, always had to have access to water, and if I wanted a snack that I needed to be allowed to have it (even...
  17. R

    Are you a pro-pill popper?

    I've been popping 6-8 pills at once since I was 3 or 4. I don't know that I would use the term "pill popping" as I thought of pill heads taking xanex and what not.
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    CF tattoos

    I already have two so I'm not worried about "compromising my immune system". I'm all about keeping healthy but I don't feel this will harm me. That's not my point - just wondering if anyone has any tattoos related to their CF.
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    CF tattoos

    Hey guys! Thinking of getting "breathe easy" tattooed on me as a reminder of the struggle we face daily. Does anyone have any tattoos that are CF related?
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    Any sprint triathletes here?

    I signed up for a Half Ironman in April. I have a Sprint tri in October and it will be my first. Currently, I am swimming 2-3 times a week, cycling 2-4 times, running twice, and lifting weights 5 times a week. At the moment, I am trying to gain some muscle before the HIM training begins...