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  1. R

    Very Low Fat Diet & CF

    I have an issue with fatty foods too. I don't have a gall bladder so that could contribute as well. I eat a low fat diet, but include healthy fats on a daily basis: avocado, Fish oil, coconut oil, etc. When I eat unhealthy fats, thats when I get sick as you described. Try switching your fat...
  2. R

    i'm gonna suffer in years too come!!

    This was me exactly. I am now 26 with lung function at 80-85% and still struggle to do my treatments. I have gotten much better over the past year, but that's because at 24, I was hospitalized for the first time. I lost 20 pounds, was out of work for 3 weeks, and forced to do all my treatments...
  3. R

    Can anyone help?

    Go to a hospital that is a CF center. Ask for help from a social worker and get on Medicare. A social worker will do all the work. Be forceful (polite, but forceful). Get in the hospital ASAP and have them treat him with IV antibiotics if needed.
  4. R

    CF and therapy dogs???

    I would guess that a psychiatrist would write off on that. If not one, then find one who will. I have anxiety and depression and has been really bad in the past, and my dog (a big golden lab) helps me greatly. He also helps me with my CF because we go for walks together and gets me moving every...
  5. R

    Nasal Polyps... does anyone have them?

    I've had two sinus surgeries. One when I was a child and the last one in 2007. SO worth it. No more sinus headaches daily and I can breathe. Recovery wasn't bad. I was up and walking around the house that afternoon. Had to force myself to take it easy because I felt so good. Slight headache for...
  6. R

    excessive underarm perspiration

    Yes! I sweat a LOT. Not the most flattering thing as a female, but I have learned to accept it. As a teenager, it bothered my a lot. I started using the clinical strength antiperspirants that you apply before bedtime. Seems to help sometimes, but I haven't found much that helps. I sweat...
  7. R

    Need help with 504 plan

    When I was in school (which was several years ago, I am 26 now), my mom had the doctor write a note saying I would miss a lot of school and not necessarily go to the doctor every time. Discuss that with your CF doctor and perhaps that will suffice. I was very healthy as a child, but I did have a...
  8. R

    What to do with life and CF, Please Help!!

    At first, I thought I wrote this post. I don't have any advice for you, but know you aren't alone. I just turned 26 too and graduated 4 years ago with a Business Admin degree. (Also very useless). I worked in a church for 3-4 years as a Children's minister but now work 2-3 days as a nanny and...
  9. R

    Do I need to go to ER?

    I am not very good at telling when I need to go to the doctor or ER. I have only been hospitalized once for my CF. The time I went to the ER, I had been working 50+ hours a week and working out 5-6 days a week up until the day I went. I realized it was time to go, when I couldn't make it up my...
  10. R

    anxiety meds that dont affect the lungs

    I took Remeron and Ativan while I was having severe anxiety. Remeron will give you the best sleep of your life. I only went off it because it made me hungry constantly, which is great for some CFers, but I don't struggle with keeping weight on. Ask your doc about Remeron! I am dreaming of the...
  11. R

    Zithromycin causing insomnia

    I always get insomnia with my antibiotics. I have been prescribed Trazadone to help me sleep. I use to take over the counter sleeping meds but they dry out my lungs a bit. Ask your doctor for something to help you sleep. Sleep is very important.
  12. R

    In a bad place and could use some reassuring.

    I hope my words will offer you some encouragement here... First, let me explain my situation. I have CF and a decent lung infection. One year ago, I had my first course of IV antibiotics and my lung function has never been the same. I have CFRD as well. I struggle with significant depression...
  13. R

    Cipro and anxiety and depression

    Question... I have taken Cipro for many years now since it is what I am sensitive to. I just got over a battle with the flu. Or so my doctor says so, I wasn't actually tested for it and there wasn't really any point in doing so since it was too late for Tamiflu. Anyway, he put me on Cipro. Last...
  14. R

    health insurance + job questions

    Look into getting on your parents insurance as a disabled dependent. I was able to do this for 2013 and hope to continue on with them. I have stopped working full time last March when I got sick for the first time on IV antibiotics. I now work as a personal assistant and nanny so my hours are...
  15. R

    CF Kids and Pets?

    I wouldn't be as healthy without my lab. We run and walk almost daily. If I am too sick, I have to bring him to my mom's house to run around in the backyard since I don't have one. I have always had dogs growing up and they always got me outside running and playing which is great to CF. Plus, my...
  16. R

    absolutely NEED help with treatment compliance

    I had a hard time doing my treatments my entire life. Luckily, I have been very healthy until this year when I was hospitalized in March for the first time. I was telling my best friend that I don't do my treatments daily and she got pretty upset with me for not doing all I can to take care of...
  17. R

    IV therapy at home/PICC question

    I'm 25 and my first and only PICC line was placed without any sedation earlier this year. They said they would give me Ativan, but they didn't and I didn't care to wait until it kicked in. I was ready to start my meds. I've heard with a lot of kids, they put them to sleep for an outpatient...
  18. R

    Abnormal pap smear

    Quick background information: Been having bad bloating and digestive issues after never really having much issues with bowel movements. Went to GI doctor and he ruled out any gastric emptying problems. Put me on Miralax and Metamucil. Also, went to gyno to see if the issues could be related to...
  19. R

    I need health insurance...

    You are eligible to stay on your parents insurance until you are 26 according to Obama care. I am turning 26 in March and I requested to be eligible to stay on my father's insurance for a life. It's some sort of disabled dependent form. Have your dad ask his HR people about it. It was extremely...
  20. R

    tired in afternoon. dont know if i am getting sick.

    I was having this same issue with thick mucus and eating more. Called my doctor and he put me on Cipro just to be safe. It's best to call the doctor ASAP so it doesn't turn into anything serious. I have been doing extra vest treatments and continuing my work outs that include running, walking...