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  1. S

    CFRD & snacks

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i> Just a side note: There are a lot of variables to b/s numbers...not just food. Exercise can help and it can hurt. I've been told that if your b/s is 250+, exercise will cause your sugars to go up! 249 and...
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    CFRD & snacks

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CaliSally</b></i> Just a side note: There are a lot of variables to b/s numbers...not just food. Exercise can help and it can hurt. I've been told that if your b/s is 250+, exercise will cause your sugars to go up! 249 and...
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    new chat room

    uh link please?
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    new chat room

    uh link please?
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    new chat room

    uh link please?
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    CFRD & snacks

    If your insurance wont cover a paticular med, then I would talk with your doctor and see about getting a letter of nessessity<sp> stating the need for that insullin. I have problems with my insurance not covering certain meds and I reported it to my doctor and he took care of it for me. Just...
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    CFRD & snacks

    If your insurance wont cover a paticular med, then I would talk with your doctor and see about getting a letter of nessessity<sp> stating the need for that insullin. I have problems with my insurance not covering certain meds and I reported it to my doctor and he took care of it for me. Just...
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    CFRD & snacks

    If your insurance wont cover a paticular med, then I would talk with your doctor and see about getting a letter of nessessity<sp> stating the need for that insullin. I have problems with my insurance not covering certain meds and I reported it to my doctor and he took care of it for me. Just...
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    PICC Placement Experiences

    Hi Chris, I have had only 1 PICC done so far, that was after my Tx surgery. It was done in the IR also and placed in my left arm just under the armpit. I was nervous at first, but the crew that was prepping me was great. Just before starting they popped the radio on and asked what I would like...
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    PICC Placement Experiences

    Hi Chris, I have had only 1 PICC done so far, that was after my Tx surgery. It was done in the IR also and placed in my left arm just under the armpit. I was nervous at first, but the crew that was prepping me was great. Just before starting they popped the radio on and asked what I would like...
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    PICC Placement Experiences

    Hi Chris, I have had only 1 PICC done so far, that was after my Tx surgery. It was done in the IR also and placed in my left arm just under the armpit. I was nervous at first, but the crew that was prepping me was great. Just before starting they popped the radio on and asked what I would like...
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    This is awsome, I have thought about things like this, but never gave thought about Tai Chi or Qi Gong, actually never heard of Qi Gong before. This is great, I am going to look into it, thanks Risa =)
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    This is awsome, I have thought about things like this, but never gave thought about Tai Chi or Qi Gong, actually never heard of Qi Gong before. This is great, I am going to look into it, thanks Risa =)
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    This is awsome, I have thought about things like this, but never gave thought about Tai Chi or Qi Gong, actually never heard of Qi Gong before. This is great, I am going to look into it, thanks Risa =)
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    It's been just over a month!

    Thanks for all the replies and support, means a lot =)<hr> Shoshanna, I was transplanted down in Tucson, Az. At UMC, University Medical Center at University of Arizona. My doctor, Dr. Gandy, is awsome. Well... I have been on Oxygen, 2L, for about 6 years continous. In late Dec 06, I got sick...
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    It's been just over a month!

    Thanks for all the replies and support, means a lot =)<hr> Shoshanna, I was transplanted down in Tucson, Az. At UMC, University Medical Center at University of Arizona. My doctor, Dr. Gandy, is awsome. Well... I have been on Oxygen, 2L, for about 6 years continous. In late Dec 06, I got sick...
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    It's been just over a month!

    Thanks for all the replies and support, means a lot =)<hr> Shoshanna, I was transplanted down in Tucson, Az. At UMC, University Medical Center at University of Arizona. My doctor, Dr. Gandy, is awsome. Well... I have been on Oxygen, 2L, for about 6 years continous. In late Dec 06, I got sick...
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    he's gone................

    My thoughts are with you and his family.
  19. S

    he's gone................

    My thoughts are with you and his family.
  20. S

    he's gone................

    My thoughts are with you and his family.