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  1. J

    ** Girl Stuff **

    I started my IV meds last week... I usually end up with a yeast infection by the end of  the third or forth week. Any suggestions on how I can prevent this?
  2. J

    ** Girl Stuff **

    I started my IV meds last week... I usually end up with a yeast infection by the end of  the third or forth week. Any suggestions on how I can prevent this?
  3. J

    ** Girl Stuff **

    I started my IV meds last week... I usually end up with a yeast infection by the end of  the third or forth week. Any suggestions on how I can prevent this?
  4. J


    Hi SmoothDave,<br> I LOVE my port. I've had it since Feb of 1998. I want to shake the had of the person who invented this thing, its the best thing ever invented....I use it anywhere from 3-6 times a year. I don't even know its there when I'm not using it. Mine is located over my right breast...
  5. J

    Liz - when is your B'day

    My birthday is Feb 2. Wow.....I'll be 26 next year! When I was 15 I never thought I'd see 25 or 26!<br> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><br>
  6. J


    I've had my port since Feb/'98. Woke up one morning and I was stabbed in the boob too! But I think my needle became loose because I was dancing the night before. That was the second time it happened. The first time it happened was when I was "intimate and active" with my boyfriend....Opps!! Try...
  7. J

    Question on the vest (made by hill-rom)

    <p class="msonormal">Ok, so I finally have my vest in my possession.  I LOVE my vest...I'm grateful for my vest. I'm so lucky to have it. You get the point.... <p class="msonormal">I am using the short vest right hurts my ears and my ribs. I'm 5'2" and weight 130 lbs. I have the...
  8. J

    RIP Cathy Martinet

    Amy, You and Cath's family are in my thoughts. The world can be such a sad place to live. Hang in there.
  9. J

    I ordered my VEST today!!

    So I placed my vest order today (YIPPIE!!!!!!!). Can't stop smiling all day...going to an irish pub tonight to celebrate! I should have it by tuesday as the latest. Do you usually wear the long or short vest (from Hill-Rom)? Do you find much of a difference?
  10. J

    My Fundraiser Was A Success!!! :)

    I started by writing a general letter explaining who I am, what cf is, why we need chest physio. Then I explained the vest and explained how I will benefit from the vest. I mailed and emailed my letter to everyone I know.....asked them to forward it. Then I approached many business here in the...
  11. J

    My Fundraiser Was A Success!!! :)

    Just wanted to let everyone know that my fundraiser was a success. I started fundraising in march to purchase the last benefit held on Sat night. I DID IT!!!! I raised over $12,000 cdn!!!!! For those of you who do not know me...I live in Canada and the insurance companies/govermnet...
  12. J

    what to do with old vest...

    Yes...glad to see you feeling better. You look awsome in your picture by the way! When you're ready just send me an email. My last fundraising function will be this Sat, June 3....should have all the $$ by the end of the night! Can't wait...I'm SO excited!
  13. J

    what to do with old vest...

    Hi Liz... Why don't you email me and we can have a chat about fundraising for the vest. I'm doing very well with it - I should have the funds in a week or so!!!! I'll do whatever I can to help you!
  14. J

    My Tansplant Web Site With PICS!!!

    Job Well Done Kyle & Family!!! Stay strong and thank you SO much for sharing your journey. It really meant alot for me to be able to read it.
  15. J

    voice never came back

    When I started on TOBI my voice left for about 1 week...this was a good thing for my boyfriend at the time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It came back on its own. Hope it works out for Allie.
  16. J

    just curious why you signed up

    Well, I just signed up a little while ago. Funny thing is I sat down on Sat night and wrote my first blog - my introduction to 'me' if you want to call it. When it hit the "post" button I got a pop up box saying there was no catergory selected...but my catrgory was labeled general. Then...
  17. J

    Understanding Each Other

    Good Job Deb! I agree 100%! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  18. J


    SeanDavis, Can you tell me more about oil of oregano???? I've never heard of it before. Thanks!
  19. J

    The Vest

    Opps! Thats me at 6:54 pm. I forgot to log in. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
  20. J

    The Vest

    My private ins is with manulife. The reason it's not covered by health-care ins, private ins or the canadian goverment is because canada drug admin they do not see the vest is medicall necessary...there are other means of therapy for CFers. Bla, bla, bla.....Maybe in 5-10 years they'll listen...