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  1. K


    My daughter will be 3 in April. She was in the hospital 5 times last year due to GI problems. She was on 3 caps of miralax (daily), dulcolax sup (every other day), liquid colace 2t (daily). She had several bm's a day but continued to fill up. We could not find any answers and were extremely...
  2. K


    My daughter will be 3 in April. She was in the hospital 5 times last year due to GI problems. She was on 3 caps of miralax (daily), dulcolax sup (every other day), liquid colace 2t (daily). She had several bm's a day but continued to fill up. We could not find any answers and were extremely...
  3. K

    Probiotics and Supplements

    Thank you for all of your help! I cannot wait to get started! You are all so wonderful! I appreciate this site and really don't know where I would be without it! THANK YOU! Love, Katie
  4. K

    Probiotics and Supplements

    Thank you for all of your help! I cannot wait to get started! You are all so wonderful! I appreciate this site and really don't know where I would be without it! THANK YOU! Love, Katie
  5. K

    Probiotics and Supplements

    Thank you for all of your help! I cannot wait to get started! <br /> <br />You are all so wonderful! I appreciate this site and really don't know where I would be without it! <br /> <br />THANK YOU! <br />Love, Katie
  6. K

    Probiotics and Supplements

    Hi! I'm looking for any advice on probiotics and supplements for my 14 month old. She chronically cultures PA, so we are on 28 day cycles of TOBI and have been since she was 3 months old. She has taken Cipro twice in 11 months and has been treated for several ear infections with Omnicef (sp?)...
  7. K

    Probiotics and Supplements

    Hi! I'm looking for any advice on probiotics and supplements for my 14 month old. She chronically cultures PA, so we are on 28 day cycles of TOBI and have been since she was 3 months old. She has taken Cipro twice in 11 months and has been treated for several ear infections with Omnicef (sp?)...
  8. K

    Probiotics and Supplements

    Hi! I'm looking for any advice on probiotics and supplements for my 14 month old. She chronically cultures PA, so we are on 28 day cycles of TOBI and have been since she was 3 months old. She has taken Cipro twice in 11 months and has been treated for several ear infections with Omnicef (sp?)...
  9. K

    Questions about summer...

    I cannot thank you enough for all the comments! You are all so wonderful! THANK YOU!
  10. K

    Questions about summer...

    I cannot thank you enough for all the comments! You are all so wonderful! THANK YOU!
  11. K

    Questions about summer...

    I cannot thank you enough for all the comments! You are all so wonderful! THANK YOU!
  12. K

    Questions about summer...

    Hello! I have so many questions now that the weather is nice and I want to take my kids (1 year olds) outside to play. They are crawling, walking, and touching so much more now! I felt great during the winter when it was okay to stay inside, and all I had to worry about was the health of...
  13. K

    Questions about summer...

    Hello! I have so many questions now that the weather is nice and I want to take my kids (1 year olds) outside to play. They are crawling, walking, and touching so much more now! I felt great during the winter when it was okay to stay inside, and all I had to worry about was the health of...
  14. K

    Questions about summer...

    Hello! I have so many questions now that the weather is nice and I want to take my kids (1 year olds) outside to play. They are crawling, walking, and touching so much more now! I felt great during the winter when it was okay to stay inside, and all I had to worry about was the health of...
  15. K

    Questions about summer...

    Hello! I have 1 year old twins and my daughter, Kadyn, has CF (she is on 28 day cycles of TOBI for PA). I have so many questions now that she is crawling, walking, chasing her brother, going outside, and summer is coming....I felt pretty good during the winter when it was okay to stay...
  16. K

    Questions about summer...

    Hello! I have 1 year old twins and my daughter, Kadyn, has CF (she is on 28 day cycles of TOBI for PA). I have so many questions now that she is crawling, walking, chasing her brother, going outside, and summer is coming....I felt pretty good during the winter when it was okay to stay...
  17. K

    Questions about summer...

    Hello! I have 1 year old twins and my daughter, Kadyn, has CF (she is on 28 day cycles of TOBI for PA). I have so many questions now that she is crawling, walking, chasing her brother, going outside, and summer is coming....I felt pretty good during the winter when it was okay to stay...
  18. K

    What do I do?

    Hi Robin! I can absolutely relate to the overwhelming feelings you are having! My husband and I have had the same feelings and continue to experience them daily! We also have twins (9 months on January 17th) Our daughter, Kadyn was diagnosed with CF at birth. Her brother Koy does not have...
  19. K

    What do I do?

    Hi Robin! I can absolutely relate to the overwhelming feelings you are having! My husband and I have had the same feelings and continue to experience them daily! We also have twins (9 months on January 17th) Our daughter, Kadyn was diagnosed with CF at birth. Her brother Koy does not have...
  20. K

    What do I do?

    Hi Robin! I can absolutely relate to the overwhelming feelings you are having! My husband and I have had the same feelings and continue to experience them daily! We also have twins (9 months on January 17th) Our daughter, Kadyn was diagnosed with CF at birth. Her brother Koy does not have...