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  1. C


    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As the other poster said you can only get shingles if you have had chicken pox before</end quote></div> I actually got shingles at the age of 18 when I was in the hospital for premature membrane rupture (pregnancy). I had never had chicken pox although I had...
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    my husband mentioned something last night that made me think. He said "with the extra salt intake we need to make sure Maxwell is also getting a high citris intake as well." When I gave a puzzled look to him he said, "don't you still have to worry about scurvy with CF?" I don't know the answer...
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    Father Dx

    Did your father have the DNA test or just the SWCL? I am wondering because it seems that it is easier to get testing done for "carrier" screening and other possible CF family members. If it were me I would deffinately get tested before having children and I would advise my siblings to get tested...
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    Question for anonymous about PCD anybody is welcome to respond

    From what I have read this contains many of the CF characteristics. Including mucosa, lung infections, etc.. However, I am wondering since it is not very known and they haven't figured out the DNA of it yet do they know that it is not related to CF? I would think it premature to make that...
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    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Have they tried a nasal endoscopy on Max yet? Sometimes that's helpful, too. It's just basically where they take a long flexible or rigid rod with a light at the end and insert it way up the nose, to the sinus openings so they can actually "see" into the sinus...
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    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Is he your family practice/primary care Dr? If so, might you consider switching to someone else? </end quote></div> He is not our PCP. I had originally requested our PCP refer us to Children's but she sent us to this Dr. allergy/immunoligist and he is not very...
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    Okay so at this point the thing that annoys me the most.. It has been 3 days since the Dr. that ordered the DNA test has gotten the results. Unlike with the SWCL test I had signed a waiver to get the results over the phone and pick them up in person in addition to having them faxed to the Dr. It...
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    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>on the "allergic shiners", I'm assuming you're referring to the dark circles underneath and the puffiness under the eyes that's worse in the am. While they are very often signs of allergies, it also is a common symptom for kids with chronic sinusitis, regardless...
  9. C


    Thank you all for your responces. I picked up the summary this morning. They would not give me the whole work-up. It does state that the results do not rule out the possibility that the individual could have one, or even 2 mutation[s] not detected by this test. As I was mistaken and it says they...
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    We just got told over the phone that the 36 panel DNA mutation test came back negetive. This is crazy but I am not as happy as I thought I would be. This puts us back at square one. I am not sure where to go from here. How much do you fight? Is it likely that not even 1 mutation would show up on...
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    Escape from "Care Bear Land"

    Escape from "Care Bear Land <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Noone else will because you are the only one in the room that sees a gorilla. </end quote></div> I am sure glad you said it because it was what I was thinking. I just didn't want to seem like I was one of the people he discribed in...
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    As we prepare for our results

    I have to wear medical alert tags for all my medicine allergies. I was wondering how many people that have CF wear them to notify paremedics in the event of an accident or breathing problems. I think I may add this question as a poll if I can figure it out. Do you feel it is a good choice to...
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    Gene mutations

    I found this when the dr. recommended our son be tested for cf due to sinusitis. It makes note of the N1303k. I don't know if this is helpful. Mutation in the Gene Responsible for Cystic Fibrosis and Predisposition to Chronic Rhinosinusitis in the General Population XinJing Wang, MD, PhD...
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    Cleaning the House

    My 2 older children didn't understand the change in chores when are Dr. gave us a list of things our 3rd child shouldn't do. He is only 6 yo so we had him vacuuming and stuff like that. He hasn't been dx yet but because of all the sinus issues the dr. said this is something he should probably...
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    cf center second opinion

    A second opinion is never a bad thing. We all want to make sure our children are getting the best treatment in any situation. If the clinic has a problem with that and they are accredited I would notify the foundation. They should know if the dr.'s that are practicing under their acredidations...
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    Teenager and trips

    My sister tells me that even tho my son is not "normal" we have to let him grow up at some point. This is a difficult realazation at this time because he is only 6. She also says letting him take responsibilty for his own actions and consiquenses of those actions is all part of it. Easy said...
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    Am I crazy?

    I have been running into a lot of this c*@p lately. Most of our family members keep questioning why we are getting all these tests ran on our son. I have been getting comments like "well he doesn't seem sick right now", "he looks just fine", "all the sicknesses thus far are probably just a virus...
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    CF history

    If you go to you can find out more. I think it was first recorded in 1955, but the first real absolute dx with the gene mutation findings was in 1989. There is information about it going back to the late 1800's of CF cases, but nothing was known or treated successfully at that time. You...
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    For Parents of Children Diagnosed after 3 years old????

    my son (6 yrs) has yet to be dx. We are waiting for the results of the DNA test. Our Asthma & Allergy Specialist tested him for allergies which he had none. After looking at his history, Failure to Thrive, hyp<b>er</b>thyroidism, prolonged bronchitus (asthma not dx although considered), chronic...
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    For Women Only

    It is not I that have CF, but possibly my son. I have this problem as well. The Dr. at first said oh STD's so they tested me for everything. It was all negetive. As for the inflamation after a check up you might want to be tested for latex allergy. I have had many issues w/ Dr.s because I have...