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  1. C

    I just have to post how I am feeling

    We all have our requests and need support for one thing or another. You have given me several words of wisdom and as a person that has been in you friends situation my heart goes out to her. However, one can only be left alone because of anothers actions before resentment sets in. Remember you...
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    Relationship Question

    my spouse and I fought a lot and we have only been together 4 years. Money is always an issue and we are the penny pinching type. However, I was a smoker and he was not. I would only smoke 2-3 pack a week but the cost still add up. Every month $40 to $60 on nothing really. We are now spending...
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    Adult Forum

    check the forum help under categories. Candace
  4. C

    wat is the life span for someone with cf?

    the median age is 36.8. You can find more info like that on Candace mother to Maxwell (waiting on DNA results to confirm tentative dx)
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    Question about your own Mortality

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I was actually laying down in my bed the other night thinking of ways that CF is a blessing, and one of them is that we won't have to get old. </end quote></div> Sorry had to get this out. You forgot to mention not going back into diapers.
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    Question about your own Mortality

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>" Don't worry I don't have that as an option to get old" </end quote></div> I think this is probably a very normal response. My neice (17) (my oldest sisters daughter) just found out she has no female hormes and has Turner's Syndrom, she will likely never be...
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    when should I second guess a Dr.?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>What happens if the 36 carrier test is negative? Will your insurance pay for additional testing or will he be considered negative?? I ask because our insurance will not pay for Ambry or the Quest extended panel for our peace of mind even though the Genzyme panel...
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    when should I second guess a Dr.?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Our insurance will only cover in network medical providers and we have to pay a higher copay, higher percentage of charges if we go out of network. We can't get a referral to an accreditted CF clinic because BCBS considers the medical care in town adequate, as...
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    when should I second guess a Dr.?

    We haven't got the results of the DNA test it was done today. So we don't know plus they are only testing the 36 most common. Our Dr. is not a CF Dr., our insurance will not let us take him to a CF Dr. with out more results. The SWCL level at 49 isn't enough because the family history thing...
  10. C

    when should I second guess a Dr.?

    I was doing research on webmd about the current meds our Dr. has our son on yesterday. He was tested for allergies and had none yet the doctor gave him more perscription allergy meds. As I was looking it up (Nasonex) the dr. has perscribeb my son twice the normal/known safe dosage for a child...
  11. C

    My daughter is being tested

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>am curious on how long it takes for the test to come back</end quote></div> My son just got back from the DNA testing. They told me the results should be in by Wednesday. That is for the 36 panel, not sure if larger panels take longer. I keep praying that if...
  12. C

    My daughter is being tested

    Debbie, As I was told "a tentative welcome to the CF families". We are ubdergoing testing for our son (6 years old) that had similar problems durring his first year and has continued to have more minor symptoms . Thankfully no pneumonia, but a lot of the other symptoms. His sweat chloride was 49...
  13. C

    Why your Username?

    Candie Bar was my nickname when I was a little girl. Unfortunately many of my family members still call me that. It is a great Ice Breaker with little kids. When ever I go to a place where there will be a lot of children I stuff my pockets full of miniatures kids love it. 76 is the year I was born.
  14. C

    Gene Mutations

    In our current quest to get the facts because our son has been tenatively dx at 6 yrs old I spoke with a CF dr. I had a million questions about CF, but because they have not confirmed CF w/ DNA test (gets the 36 s.m. panel tomorrow) we can not be sent to him yet (insurance thing). Any way as I...
  15. C

    talk about a kick in the head

    you are all so amazing! When they sent the email last night telling us to remove them I was bauling, hardly slept I was so upset. My husband on the other hand was angry. His uncle (by marriage) was the one that sent the email (a control freak from what I gather) as no one in the household is...
  16. C

    talk about a kick in the head

    My husband wrote this to Dear Prudence this morning. The nerve of some people. Why do people find it necessary to be so mean? Time heals all things, as the saying goes; it would seem I am not that fortunate. Over the course of the last two years, my wife and I have received several articles of...
  17. C

    Yet another problem?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>My question is - would the Kyphosis be caused by the CF.</end quote></div> I don't know much about other problems related to CF, but from what I have read I would think this would be unrelated (my 6 year old has been awaiting dx.) I would suggest you contact...
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    This is very interesting.. Our son Maxwell who is currently undx, but having testing for CF is always asking me to add more salt to his food.. I have gone out of my way to eliminate as much salt as possible (down to buying unsalted pc, butter, etc.) from our home. I do this because of all the...
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    CF Clinics OHIO

    Columbus Children's Hospital Columbus, OH Appointments: (614) 722-4766 Contact Info: Karen S. McCoy, M.D. Columbus Children's Hospital -- ADULT PROGRAM Columbus, OH Appointments: (614) 722-4766 Contact Info: John S. Heintz, M.D. This is from
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    Interesting turn of events..

    Well, with Maxwell we still don't know about CF he is scheduled for a DNA test and Sinus CT on Thursday 22nd of June. However, our family battles with rare diseases has just begun. We started a curiosity in our family and many members are now going to the Dr.'s. My niece (17) just went in for...