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  1. Y

    Height Question

    *Edited* We got the results back from the sweat test from Hopkins and they were normal. From here we've ruled everything out "medically" that could keep him from growing so we're going to see a fantastic (and highly recc) homeopathic doctor. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support...
  2. Y

    Height Question

    *Edited* We got the results back from the sweat test from Hopkins and they were normal. From here we've ruled everything out "medically" that could keep him from growing so we're going to see a fantastic (and highly recc) homeopathic doctor. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support...
  3. Y

    Height Question

    *Edited* We got the results back from the sweat test from Hopkins and they were normal. From here we've ruled everything out "medically" that could keep him from growing so we're going to see a fantastic (and highly recc) homeopathic doctor. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support...
  4. Y

    Height Question

    *Edited* We got the results back from the sweat test from Hopkins and they were normal. From here we've ruled everything out "medically" that could keep him from growing so we're going to see a fantastic (and highly recc) homeopathic doctor. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support...
  5. Y

    Height Question

    *Edited* We got the results back from the sweat test from Hopkins and they were normal. From here we've ruled everything out "medically" that could keep him from growing so we're going to see a fantastic (and highly recc) homeopathic doctor. <br /> <br />Good luck everyone and thank you for...
  6. Y

    Doctors visit tommorrow

    Here's how it works- When a person has reflux their body is out of walk and producing too much acid. If you add a base to it, you feel better, but the body is still not functioning right and it thinks "Ooooh more base! Must produce more acid!" Apple cider vinegar works by throwing the...
  7. Y

    Doctors visit tommorrow

    Here's how it works- When a person has reflux their body is out of walk and producing too much acid. If you add a base to it, you feel better, but the body is still not functioning right and it thinks "Ooooh more base! Must produce more acid!" Apple cider vinegar works by throwing the...
  8. Y

    Doctors visit tommorrow

    Here's how it works- When a person has reflux their body is out of walk and producing too much acid. If you add a base to it, you feel better, but the body is still not functioning right and it thinks "Ooooh more base! Must produce more acid!" Apple cider vinegar works by throwing the...
  9. Y

    Doctors visit tommorrow

    Here's how it works- When a person has reflux their body is out of walk and producing too much acid. If you add a base to it, you feel better, but the body is still not functioning right and it thinks "Ooooh more base! Must produce more acid!" Apple cider vinegar works by throwing the...
  10. Y

    Doctors visit tommorrow

    Here's how it works- <br /> <br />When a person has reflux their body is out of walk and producing too much acid. If you add a base to it, you feel better, but the body is still not functioning right and it thinks "Ooooh more base! Must produce more acid!" <br /> <br />Apple cider vinegar...
  11. Y

    Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???

    The breastfeeding may be a concern because formula is harder to process, HOWEVER (and I'm assuming you use disposables) what I found is that my son is allergic to all the chemicals in disposable diapers. When I switched him to cloth diapers, rashes cleared up, but if I even use 1 disposable...
  12. Y

    Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???

    The breastfeeding may be a concern because formula is harder to process, HOWEVER (and I'm assuming you use disposables) what I found is that my son is allergic to all the chemicals in disposable diapers. When I switched him to cloth diapers, rashes cleared up, but if I even use 1 disposable...
  13. Y

    Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???

    The breastfeeding may be a concern because formula is harder to process, HOWEVER (and I'm assuming you use disposables) what I found is that my son is allergic to all the chemicals in disposable diapers. When I switched him to cloth diapers, rashes cleared up, but if I even use 1 disposable...
  14. Y

    Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???

    The breastfeeding may be a concern because formula is harder to process, HOWEVER (and I'm assuming you use disposables) what I found is that my son is allergic to all the chemicals in disposable diapers. When I switched him to cloth diapers, rashes cleared up, but if I even use 1 disposable...
  15. Y

    Diaper Rash worse for CF babies???

    The breastfeeding may be a concern because formula is harder to process, HOWEVER (and I'm assuming you use disposables) what I found is that my son is allergic to all the chemicals in disposable diapers. When I switched him to cloth diapers, rashes cleared up, but if I even use 1 disposable...
  16. Y

    I'm just going to overreact, mkay?

    We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.
  17. Y

    I'm just going to overreact, mkay?

    We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.
  18. Y

    I'm just going to overreact, mkay?

    We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.
  19. Y

    I'm just going to overreact, mkay?

    We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.
  20. Y

    I'm just going to overreact, mkay?

    We haven't done anything but the initial sweat test at a facility that isn't recc by the CFF, so I'm meeting with his ped tomorrow to get a referral to Hopkins and we'll go from there. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens tomorrow.