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  1. F

    Daily medications

    I'm noticing that nearly everyone has listed pulmozyme as one of their meds. My son is 3 and this has never been presented to us as an option. Could you all share some more about it? I don't trust my current clinic--had to fight like hell to get the vest, so I would think the same would be...
  2. F

    Daily medications

    I'm noticing that nearly everyone has listed pulmozyme as one of their meds. My son is 3 and this has never been presented to us as an option. Could you all share some more about it? I don't trust my current clinic--had to fight like hell to get the vest, so I would think the same would be...
  3. F

    Daily medications

    I'm noticing that nearly everyone has listed pulmozyme as one of their meds. My son is 3 and this has never been presented to us as an option. Could you all share some more about it? I don't trust my current clinic--had to fight like hell to get the vest, so I would think the same would be...
  4. F

    Daily medications

    I'm noticing that nearly everyone has listed pulmozyme as one of their meds. My son is 3 and this has never been presented to us as an option. Could you all share some more about it? I don't trust my current clinic--had to fight like hell to get the vest, so I would think the same would be...
  5. F

    Daily medications

    I'm noticing that nearly everyone has listed pulmozyme as one of their meds. My son is 3 and this has never been presented to us as an option. Could you all share some more about it? I don't trust my current clinic--had to fight like hell to get the vest, so I would think the same would be...
  6. F

    Daily medications

    I'm noticing that nearly everyone has listed pulmozyme as one of their meds. My son is 3 and this has never been presented to us as an option. Could you all share some more about it? I don't trust my current clinic--had to fight like hell to get the vest, so I would think the same would be...
  7. F

    Why are some people so ignorant ????

    I get this kind of thing all the time--"but he doesn't look sick." It's frustrating, obviously! While I can now educate anyone about CF, sometimes it is just so tiring to do so. TO have to tell and retell the story. I just want to focus on Finnegan as my son, not as a diagnosis, and when I...
  8. F

    Why are some people so ignorant ????

    I get this kind of thing all the time--"but he doesn't look sick." It's frustrating, obviously! While I can now educate anyone about CF, sometimes it is just so tiring to do so. TO have to tell and retell the story. I just want to focus on Finnegan as my son, not as a diagnosis, and when I...
  9. F

    Why are some people so ignorant ????

    I get this kind of thing all the time--"but he doesn't look sick." It's frustrating, obviously! While I can now educate anyone about CF, sometimes it is just so tiring to do so. TO have to tell and retell the story. I just want to focus on Finnegan as my son, not as a diagnosis, and when I...
  10. F

    Why are some people so ignorant ????

    I get this kind of thing all the time--"but he doesn't look sick." It's frustrating, obviously! While I can now educate anyone about CF, sometimes it is just so tiring to do so. TO have to tell and retell the story. I just want to focus on Finnegan as my son, not as a diagnosis, and when I...
  11. F

    Why are some people so ignorant ????

    I get this kind of thing all the time--"but he doesn't look sick." It's frustrating, obviously! While I can now educate anyone about CF, sometimes it is just so tiring to do so. TO have to tell and retell the story. I just want to focus on Finnegan as my son, not as a diagnosis, and when I...
  12. F

    Why are some people so ignorant ????

    I get this kind of thing all the time--"but he doesn't look sick." It's frustrating, obviously! While I can now educate anyone about CF, sometimes it is just so tiring to do so. TO have to tell and retell the story. I just want to focus on Finnegan as my son, not as a diagnosis, and when I...
  13. F

    Airline Travel and Meds

    I just flew out from Boston to Detroit. The vest garned alot of interest from security, but was eventually let through. Make sure, as others have said, that any liquids you are taking arei n ziplock bags. The applesauce got through without a problem. Regardless, current TSA/security...
  14. F

    Airline Travel and Meds

    I just flew out from Boston to Detroit. The vest garned alot of interest from security, but was eventually let through. Make sure, as others have said, that any liquids you are taking arei n ziplock bags. The applesauce got through without a problem. Regardless, current TSA/security...
  15. F

    Airline Travel and Meds

    I just flew out from Boston to Detroit. The vest garned alot of interest from security, but was eventually let through. Make sure, as others have said, that any liquids you are taking arei n ziplock bags. The applesauce got through without a problem. Regardless, current TSA/security...
  16. F

    Airline Travel and Meds

    I just flew out from Boston to Detroit. The vest garned alot of interest from security, but was eventually let through. Make sure, as others have said, that any liquids you are taking arei n ziplock bags. The applesauce got through without a problem. Regardless, current TSA/security...
  17. F

    Airline Travel and Meds

    I just flew out from Boston to Detroit. The vest garned alot of interest from security, but was eventually let through. Make sure, as others have said, that any liquids you are taking arei n ziplock bags. The applesauce got through without a problem. Regardless, current TSA/security...
  18. F

    Airline Travel and Meds

    I just flew out from Boston to Detroit. The vest garned alot of interest from security, but was eventually let through. Make sure, as others have said, that any liquids you are taking arei n ziplock bags. The applesauce got through without a problem. Regardless, current TSA/security...
  19. F

    poopy help, please...DIOS?

    Hey all, New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the...
  20. F

    poopy help, please...DIOS?

    Hey all, New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the...