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  1. V

    picture posting

    someone wrote a thing on putting pictures up of people n then i read one on how to because i had no clue how to so im just seeing if i did this right, *keeps fingers crossed*<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
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    CF Handbook ?

    i asked for a book to show rory one day and they gave me this huge binder full of everything u can think of about cf, how to feed a baby with cf, and what not it was awsome i read it alot. it makes me more comfortable about having a baby and they might have cf
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    CF Handbook ?

    i asked for a book to show rory one day and they gave me this huge binder full of everything u can think of about cf, how to feed a baby with cf, and what not it was awsome i read it alot. it makes me more comfortable about having a baby and they might have cf
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    Anyone want to come chat?

    i joined that site but no one on.....i need a computer so i can be up all night like i always am wasting my brainsells on a computer screen
  5. V

    Anyone want to come chat?

    i joined that site but no one on.....i need a computer so i can be up all night like i always am wasting my brainsells on a computer screen
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    Tune ups

    a clean out is when u go to the hospital like every year once a year and they put u in the hospital for two weeks and insert iv meds into ur system to make sure all bad virius's or anything can go into ur system..
  7. V

    Tune ups

    a clean out is when u go to the hospital like every year once a year and they put u in the hospital for two weeks and insert iv meds into ur system to make sure all bad virius's or anything can go into ur system..
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    neb equipment

    u have to use seprate neb tubes and such because the mixing of the medicine doesnt work well with the lungs i asked the docs that and they said never use the same one do albuterol then put in pulmazyme.
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    neb equipment

    u have to use seprate neb tubes and such because the mixing of the medicine doesnt work well with the lungs i asked the docs that and they said never use the same one do albuterol then put in pulmazyme.
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    thelizardqueen Posts: 325 Joined: Nov 2005 Monday February 13, 2006 11:52 PM We don't have vests in Canada. Wish we did though. ------------------------- AWW i wanna do something about that..i dunno what but ill think of something maybe raise some money and then get one and...
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    thelizardqueen Posts: 325 Joined: Nov 2005 Monday February 13, 2006 11:52 PM We don't have vests in Canada. Wish we did though. ------------------------- AWW i wanna do something about that..i dunno what but ill think of something maybe raise some money and then get one and...
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    one day wout cf

    To Shauna. Wow my sister who is just like one year and something months younger then me named shauna and spelled the same too..she was tested 6 times for cf and all came up negative..thats freaky!! ^_^ SO COOL...sorry for random post
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    one day wout cf

    To Shauna. Wow my sister who is just like one year and something months younger then me named shauna and spelled the same too..she was tested 6 times for cf and all came up negative..thats freaky!! ^_^ SO COOL...sorry for random post
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    Joint pain with CF?

    i dunno if i have arthritus but my bones give me a hell of a run. i got back pain my elbows lock up then snap really loud as does my knees. my legs start to hurt to the point i cant walk...O.o oly hell im a 80 year old in a 12 year old body with a 20 year old birth certificate
  15. V

    Joint pain with CF?

    i dunno if i have arthritus but my bones give me a hell of a run. i got back pain my elbows lock up then snap really loud as does my knees. my legs start to hurt to the point i cant walk...O.o oly hell im a 80 year old in a 12 year old body with a 20 year old birth certificate
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    First visit since oregano

    OOOOOOOOOOOOO thats so great hun!! im so happy for you. I never heard of these oil treatments...hmm maybe i should ask my docs about it...i dunno. BUT CONGRATES HUN!!!!
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    First visit since oregano

    OOOOOOOOOOOOO thats so great hun!! im so happy for you. I never heard of these oil treatments...hmm maybe i should ask my docs about it...i dunno. BUT CONGRATES HUN!!!!
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    one day wout cf

    one day without cf dream was always to go scuba has always held me back, docs say theres the pressure of being underwater can hurt my lungs. so scuba dive and see sharks. my fave animal
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    one day wout cf

    one day without cf dream was always to go scuba has always held me back, docs say theres the pressure of being underwater can hurt my lungs. so scuba dive and see sharks. my fave animal
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    CF book

    Theres a book out there called "Breath" about a little boy named Salz with cf back in the mid evil times and this was during the black plague. It was Really weird but a good one. Thought u might wanna check it out. I forget who its by....u should be able to find it in the large print section of...