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  1. V


    in the hospital once again evidently i have a lung infection but it got worse through the past couple days and i dunno how long i will be in here. im thinking of doing piccline home meds. Can you tell me how it goes or is it scary. im kinda clutz so im afraid id rip it out on accident or...
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    Dr Apt Update =\

    Risa Were you just diagnosed with adhd? How do you know you really have this? I was just diagnosed yesh and i know i have this because i have a history of it in my family and no one seemed suprised when i told them. Scarlett81 You probably know what's best for you, but I just wanted to say...
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    Dr Apt Update =\

    Hey everyone its Betty. Well i went to the dr yesterday. He kinda made me mad. He told me i had adhd and i was depressed (i could have told him that) anyways i asked for medicine to slow down my adhd because its driving me mad, i cant finish anything i start and i cant sit still its been like...
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    YAY! im soooo happy with my doctors appt.!

    Good job hun keep up the wonderful work im proud that they came out great!!
  5. V

    YAY! im soooo happy with my doctors appt.!

    Good job hun keep up the wonderful work im proud that they came out great!!
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    Members of the Forum

    thats a great idea ^_^ !!!! go for it!
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    Members of the Forum

    thats a great idea ^_^ !!!! go for it!
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    these sound like really great ideas and i will look around with the tendancy laws and stuff to see what i can do im tired of her doing htis all the time.i just want to pay my rent and be left alone. She tried to write me up one day because she said people was coming to my house and smoking out...
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    these sound like really great ideas and i will look around with the tendancy laws and stuff to see what i can do im tired of her doing htis all the time.i just want to pay my rent and be left alone. She tried to write me up one day because she said people was coming to my house and smoking out...
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    sean what would be really freaky is that my landlord is a WOMAN!! lmao!! and yesh im trying to move out. Its hard when ur on ssi and u make a lil so im doing my best. i should study up on the tendents rights and stuff...hmm -.-
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    sean what would be really freaky is that my landlord is a WOMAN!! lmao!! and yesh im trying to move out. Its hard when ur on ssi and u make a lil so im doing my best. i should study up on the tendents rights and stuff...hmm -.-
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    inspections will be like 4 times a month at times and ill have a month once in a while with no inspections. They make excuses to come up there like today they were up there 3 times..for stupid crap and they gave me a inspection note and watched me open it and read it im like ...u can go...
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    inspections will be like 4 times a month at times and ill have a month once in a while with no inspections. They make excuses to come up there like today they were up there 3 times..for stupid crap and they gave me a inspection note and watched me open it and read it im like ...u can go...
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    here is what gets me...

    this is a site for people to talk about what bothers them or what is making them happy. I put up with the "BELIVE IN GOD HE WILL CURE YOU" crap so i guess we all have things about this site we dont like i love this site...the bad and the good. *shrugs*
  15. V

    here is what gets me...

    this is a site for people to talk about what bothers them or what is making them happy. I put up with the "BELIVE IN GOD HE WILL CURE YOU" crap so i guess we all have things about this site we dont like i love this site...the bad and the good. *shrugs*
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    Ok heres the thing i live in a crappy apartment complex with crappy rules. They expect ur house and carpets ur walls and EVERYTHING to be in tip top shape..but heres one thing THEY DONT GET THAT I CANT KEEP IT UP ALL THE TIME!!!! My health gets down like any other cf patient and im tired of...
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    trouble keeping house with cf

    Ok heres the thing i live in a crappy apartment complex with crappy rules. They expect ur house and carpets ur walls and EVERYTHING to be in tip top shape..but heres one thing THEY DONT GET THAT I CANT KEEP IT UP ALL THE TIME!!!! My health gets down like any other cf patient and im tired of...
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    picture posting

    lol i gots photobucket ^_^
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    picture posting

    lol i gots photobucket ^_^
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    picture posting

    someone wrote a thing on putting pictures up of people n then i read one on how to because i had no clue how to so im just seeing if i did this right, *keeps fingers crossed*<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">