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  1. D

    Hi from England

    Im 23 with cf and from washington state.
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    Your Help has saved my life!!

    Matt, Sorry to hear about the loss of your parents. That must be really hard dealing with your illness and not having your parents around anymore. There's alot in life to live for . So just take good care of your cf. Did your parents have cf to? Take Care ! You are in my thoughts and prayers. If...
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    Your Help has saved my life!!

    [No message]
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    zythromax ?

    My doctor has me take zithromax 250mg tablets every monday, wednesday,friday.
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    Aol Instant Messenger

    Diane,Sorry i got busy . I want to talk to you . So please email or instant nessage me back =)Kelli
  6. D re-design

    I think this website is very useful with people with cystic fibrosis. It also nice because you can chat with people that know what you are going through. This is a very helpful website to me to . Keep up the good work staff.
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    Howd' ya pay for meds?

    You can get on medical cupon through the state. I get it and it pays for all my medicines and hospitalizations and doctors. Go down to the welfare office where you live and apply for medical cupon.
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    Lung Transplant

    Thank you all who replied to my concerns about lung transplant. I really appreciate all your answers .Thanks, Kelli
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    Lung Transplant

    Does most adults that have cystic fibrosis have to get a lung transplant at some point in there life ?That's one of my biggest fears is to have to get a lung transplant .
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    Help What is it like living with it?

    Loving girlfriend,That's cool. Im from yakima washington.
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    Making Ends meet!!!

    Charlie,Im not sure about that if you can get social security and be employed. You will have to check into that with social security okay. Sorry i wish i could answer that for you .~Kelli~
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    Making Ends meet!!!

    I get a monthly check in the mail from social sercurity. I got approved to be on social security because of my health problems. I recommended that other people that need this income should try and get on it to.
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    I exercise more in the summer. I swim alot and walk alot during the summer. I don't exercise really in the winter.~ Kelli~