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  1. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    Hey Destaney. My name is Brian, I have cf and diabetes, if there is anything you would like to talk about you can reply or e-mail me.
  2. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    Hey Shamrock. I only have 2 years left in school until I go to college. I don't really find school hard except for maybe Math. My favorite class would have to be Spanish 1. In my spare time I like hanging out with my friends, going to movies, listening to music, but what I do the most in my...
  3. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    Hi Qty22... I play golf, basketball, football, track, and baseball. I play hockey for fun every once in a while. The kinds of music that I like is rock, christian rock, hip-hop, and a little rap, but not much...What about you? What sports do you like? What kinds of music do you like? Well hope...
  4. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    Hi... My name is Brian if you would like to talk you can e-mail me at I'm 16 and play sports, listen to music and other things as well. Well I hope you write back or reply, thanks...
  5. C

    what do u do when u have lost hope!

    Hi out there. I am a 16 year old male with cf and diabetes. I am a sophomore in high school. I know what it's like to give up and think life won't ever get better. I used to think that life sucked because my parents divorced when I was seven, was having a tough time with taking my meds, and then...
  6. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    I like watching MTV and other things. I am a sophomore in high school which is 10th grade. In my spare time I'm either playing golf or basketball, listening to music or hanging out with friends. So what all things do you like to do? What grade level are you at in school?
  7. C

    cf and diabetes in teens

    Hi, my name is Brian... I am a 16 year old male with cf and diabetes. My advice would be to get them involved with as many activities with other kids as you can. especially sports... It's hard to explain but, when I was younger I only had one friend but then I went out for little league baseball...
  8. C

    cf and hving diabetes

    Hi...My name is Brian. I am a 16 year old male with cf and diabetes also. I would really like to talk to your son some time my e-mail address is Maybe I could help him because I can relate to what he's going through. It was sure hard for me when I found out i had cfrd...
  9. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    I like playing sports, listening to music, going to basketball and baseball games, hangin out with friends, and goin to the movies...My parents and my grandparents aren't from Ireland, but I am Irish...The state I live in is Colorado in the U.S. but am originally from Oklahoma...So, what all do...
  10. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    I like golf, basketball, baseball, track, and football. The kind of music I like ranges from rock to rap and hip-hop. So... What are your hobbies?
  11. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    Hi... Sorry about that, I am the person from America, I forgot to login... Creed....
  12. C

    recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

    RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it. Hi my name is Brian, I am a 16 old male with cf. I have never met anybody with cf. Last year i had a chance to go meet with someone but the day we were supposed to meet she got sick, eventually it got...
  13. C

    Looking to talk to someone

    Hi. My name is Brian. I am a 16 year old male looking for someone to talk to my age. I play sports, listen to music, and other things. My E-mail is so if you are interested reply or write me an e-mail. Thanks...