Search results

  1. S

    Jury Duty and CF

    Thank you. Looking back it was probably one of those scam sites that just want to take your money. Just in case I'll follow up though
  2. S

    Do you culture MAC and swim?

    I swam all my life, only cultured mac recently. 3-18 I swam at outdoor pools as part of a swim team. The last 5 years I've been swimming at 24 hr Fitness in their indoor pool. I've asked my doctor about this too and he said the benefits outweigh the risks, and most of the time public pools...
  3. S

    Hoping this isn't my new normal...

    I definitely agree with this. CF and mental health are so very much connected, sometimes I feel it doesn't get enough credit. Thankful for forums like these that help us connect with each other and sort out some of our thoughts. Reading your post I was actually a bit jealous that you managed...
  4. S

    Jury Duty and CF

    Recently a family member got arrested so I started searching around websites for warrant look-ups and found that my name pop'd up. The only thing I can think of is missing a Jury Summons, and I guess it would make sense since my last summons was over seven years ago. I was going to go to the...
  5. S

    The Other Half of the Battle

    The contrast is between those that are sick with CF and flat out depend on SSD and those who are sick with CF but not yet at a point where they are willing to give up work (or live by the guidelines that SSD has in place, such as not being able to make over x income).
  6. S

    The Other Half of the Battle

    Understood. As a Mental Health worker I get really defensive when it comes to people on disability. When I hear words such as "leach", "pariah", "burden on society", exc. usually it comes from people who are uneducated on what exactly it is that people go through in their daily lives to warrant...
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    The Other Half of the Battle

    As far as insurance is concerned, I am one of the lucky ones. My parents have good health coverage through their work and I am covered under their plan due to a permanent disability clause that needs to be filled out every 3 years. If I remember correctly, anyone with CF can qualify but I will...
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    Kalydeco update

    Even the people in the clinical trials don't know if they are on the drug. If they are on it, they don't know at what dose. FDA needs accurate data, some subjects will get the short end of the stick. If you look hard enough I'm sure you can find both positive and negative stories about the drug...
  9. S

    how common is it to get kidney stones when you have CF.?

    I can attest they hurt like hell. I've only had one so far *knock on wood* but I agree water water water.
  10. S

    People take CF lightly

    While I am new to explaining it (personally I've only opened up to more people recently because I had to, hospital stays and all) I just tell it like it is, although I guess it also depends on who you are telling it to. For example: To family- I don't sugar coat anything, I'm comfortable with...
  11. S

    When do you need Oxygen?

    Lately my Oxygen levels I have been testing with my home sat machine have been declining and I am worried about what to do. I was in the hospital about 6 months ago and I hate to say it but its probably time to go in again, but what else can improve Oxygen levels in the body? Any medications...
  12. S

    CF friendly careers?

    In summary community work/social work/govt. funded agencies you shouldn't have a problem disclosing your CF, but if you are in the cutthroat world of business where it is all about the dollar I'd look elsewhere.
  13. S

    Difference between VX-661/VX-770 and VX-809/VX-770 study

    From what has been talked about it is just a different way of deliverance, scientific stuff that would probably need to be answered by a geneticist. From what I understand (and don't quote me) the 661 helps unfold the chromosome so more salt can be delivered to the cells from the sodium chloride...
  14. S

    New eRapid - LOVE IT

    I think the main difference is it is now "officially" approved for all medications, so it is easier to get insured (Though they are still working on it in my region). They probably did some minor improvements as well.
  15. S

    Work and CF

    In the United States our standard work week is 40 hrs for most employees, however there is no law that says a person can only work that amount (at least not at an individualized level). For example, a person would be free to work a "full" work week during the day and hold a second job at...
  16. S

    Work and CF

    I'll assume the best and give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a troll, because I have to agree with the others' who posted, it is pretty common knowledge. I'll keep it brief and to the point, take it as you will. Along with the fun of having CF you also get a breeding-ground for...
  17. S

    Work and CF

    I too have CF and work, about the same amount of hours, however I feel right now I benefit more from work than it hurts me. It forces me to be more proactive, when you are sick at work it shows. It has been said a million zillion times but exercise really does help. If you want to be discrete...
  18. S

    stockpiling for civil unrest?

    LOL I remember that, I was in 6th grade then. It wasn't really until I took 8th grade astronomy that I had legitimate fears about getting blown the blank up though (family site). The probability is small, but there actually are proven things that can end life as we know it. I'd be more...
  19. S

    stockpiling for civil unrest?

    My mistake. I thought this thread was about a significant global event, something such as an asteroid hitting the Earth or nuclear bombs going off. I can really care less about a few people fighting, especially during an election year. If that is what keeps you going though then more power to you.
  20. S

    stockpiling for civil unrest?

    Well if you want to know the blunt truth we will all be dead, plain and simple. My friends like to hypothesize what they would do if the end of the world happens (watch WAY too many movies), but the truth is even many of them- healthy people- wouldn't survive. It won't be a story of tragedy...