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  1. C

    not doin well and doctors dont know y

    Thank u blood stopped for now but always comes back for some reason every few weeks I just really hope my numbers havnt went down need to find out reason I keep bleeding and fix it fast a cure would b nice to
  2. C

    why do I cough up blood every other month

    I cough up blood every other month its not alot and doesnt last but a few hours of streeking then its gone I wondwring why I feel ok and breathing fine no different than usual and is this hirting my lungs like damaging them its been happening for a long time now bout a year told doctors they...
  3. C

    not doin well and doctors dont know y

    With fortaz its saline and with colistin its sterile water just coughed up little blood it seems to have stopped hopefully I go to Pittsburgh and they're good and they actually answer the phone when u need something not sure what im goin to do bout this time with the blood wasn't much so ill...
  4. C

    not doin well and doctors dont know y

    It seemed to help thin my mucus and make it a lighter color im not doin good right now got up from sleeping and coughed up some blood so im worried bout that it seems to b happing more and more frequent so dont know what im goin to do yet not much really either c if it stops or go in hospital...
  5. C

    clinical trials and social security disability

    Thank u for the help
  6. C

    not doin well and doctors dont know y

    Thank u all for replys and I have cultured pudo and cepicia b dont know y he put me on fortaz but seems to b lighting my mucus thank u all agian
  7. C

    not doin well and doctors dont know y

    I feel tightness in front of my chest almost all day long and short of breath so went to doctors my pfts where as high as they ever been 59% not high as they should but high for my base is 51% amd he said I sounded good all that so dont know y the pain tightness and shortness of breath all the...
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    clinical trials and social security disability

    Im tring to do taxes and not feeling good this week either and my cousin who has cf also is is bad shape in hospital anyway im worried bout the tax paper I got from doin clinical trials I made $1100 from trials this year $8000 from part time job and then my social security disabilit money I...
  9. C

    Is a decline inevitable?

    On study for it seems like forever now been on actual drug for long time too decline has been happening for awhile now I hope everyone stays healthy tring to stay positive
  10. C

    Anyone use ceftazidime

    Anyone else have experience with this medicine or can tell me if its worth putting into my regime thanks everyone
  11. C

    Is a decline inevitable?

    In my situation with it a big yes the kaldeco has done nothing for me and im very complaint with my treatments and meds juat nothing helps im 35 fev1 of 50 to 55 on a good day has steadily went down over the years but for some with different genes it wont b so fast or maybe not at all but in my...
  12. C

    Anyone use ceftazidime

    Oh my goodness the smell boit made me sick it is stright sulfur rotten eggs I was not ready for that this stuff better help to go threw this stench lol
  13. C

    Anyone use ceftazidime

    Thamk u this first time using it hope it dowa some good thank u for replying stay well
  14. C

    Anyone use ceftazidime

    Did anyone has side effects and does it seem to help and what ru using to mix it with doctors sais I could use sterile water or saline hoping it does some good thanks for help
  15. C

    How often?

    I know blood can b the most scariest things to deal with I know ive had it alot and doctors say it could b alot of different things infection scarring doin to much just alot of things so what I do is get on antibiotics and steroids and try not to do to much if still continuing they tell me to...
  16. C

    Where are all the people with CF on this forum when you need support?!

    I just want to say thank u for everyone that is supportive to everyone and tries to help and comfort other cfers u guys have helped me when I have been scared or sick not everyone in my life can understand what im goin threw but u guys do and it helps thank u
  17. C

    how much exercise is to much

    Thank u all for replying to me and all the help amd encouragment im driving to docs now hope everything goes well thank u agian
  18. C

    how much exercise is to much

    Hope everyone gets better and stays healthy
  19. C

    how much exercise is to much

    Im having a bad time hard to breath tring to walk everyday little bit I go to doctors tommorow hope pfts r ok I bet they suck though before I got bad I was working out alot tring my best to do everything I could to breathe better I thought I was doin the right thing now I cant breath good at all...
  20. C

    Need to learn more about End Stage CF (Supporting a Friend)

    I juat hate hearing this I will pray for miracle and his peace and comfort I hate it so bad I wish they would find a cure already and stop this suffering anyway sorry I get worked up keep us updated and I will keep prayers going