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  1. M

    Got new lungs

    Wow - congratulations. I know you did a lot of sports/riding. I hope you can get back into that.
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    My son has this combination: 3849+10kbC and 712-G->T

    Javier, Welcome to the CF forums! I'm sorry about your son's diagnosis but glad you found this website and that your son is doing well and with perhaps a milder presentation of the disease. As you know, certain mutations impair CFTR function more than others, yet people with the same...
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    We remember Frank Deford

    Thanks for sharing the sad news and that beautiful article.
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    scared - newly found out i had 2 CFTR mutations

    Snailj12, CT scans are certainly more detailed than x-rays, but if the x-ray is clear, that is a good start. In my case, an x-ray when I am feeling well shows a "small hazy pnuemonia" that the radiologist reports, then the pulmonologist says is actually one of my areas of bronchiectasis. My...
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    Running shoe advice (somewhat off-topic, yet on topic ;) )

    Have you tried Zumba, Bangra masala, Nia, dance fitness? I spent years trying to be a runner but my personality and knees just aren't geared for it. In contrast, music and varied body movement makes me really happy. Also the company of others, old and young, fit and not. I'm not chatty, but...
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    So, if ivacaftor "works", what does that actually mean?

    I just wrote up a summary of some new research out on ivacaftor - g155d mutation and 12 people in the study. Nonetheless, a long study looking at inflammatory markers, mucus plugging and perhaps most important, bacteria density, especially pseudomonas...
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    Low Cholesterol High Triglycerides have CFRD

    SchonLift, I'm guessing you don't drink alcohol as that would mess up your blood sugars, too, but I figured I mention just in case -- even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglycerides. I have bronchiectasis w/o CF, so my experience is relatively useless to you :) but I do work to keep my...
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    Strange response to antibiotics, anyone else experience this?

    I lost my post a couple of times because my phone screen was sweaty or something :) Anyway, I was trying to say that an improvement in breathing lags for me. I get past the extra green mucus and fever of an exacerbation, but even while still on the tail end of antibiotics, I'll be tight and...
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    Article about Mycobacterium and CF

    Wow - interesting and scary. Thank you for sharing.
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    M. Abscesses and dentists in the news

    M. Abscessus risk in dentist offices in news..
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    i need to reunite with my husband who has CF. our plans have all gone wrong. help!

    OP, Sites that deal with health conditions usually have a painful history of people who've joined with an invented story to ask for money. Suspicion is wisdom from experience. It's not personal.
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    Eye pain from coughing ?

    mom2two, Wow! That is yikes! Good job to your eye doctor. And sorta impressive about your super compensating eye. So glad it doesn't have to do all that extra work anymore. Does your doctor or you have any idea how old the tears and partial detachment were? Are you really nearsighted to begin...
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    Adult with CF - when/what/how to tell my kids?

    Wow, I'm guessing you don't cough all the time? When my kids were little, that was how they found me in the house. :) It doesn't sound like you have been lying to them e.g. "I am just going to the hospital for a routine procedure" or "I take this med for asthma." Even if you did, I don't think...
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    Eye pain from coughing ?

    LL, Oh no, I am so sorry you had all that happen to you - a concussion and eye problems. No one needs that, but on top of the chronic stuff you deal with, it's not fair of the universe at all :( I hope you improve and faster than the doctor indicated. Are you doing periodic testing...
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    Love, CF and transplants

    The Modern Love column of the New York Times last week has a personal essay by someone with CF, who received a transplant and talks about the experience and it's impact on his marriage. I thought it was interesting and really well written. When Love Isn’t as Simple as Standing by Your Man...
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    Eye pain from coughing ?

    Aaah, I remember such shenanigans also lol. In addition to the term "walk of shame," there should also be the term "burst eye vessel of shame."
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    Eye pain from coughing ?

    Last week, I either caught something nasty from the ER (I was there for a family member) or the stress of it all made me get sick. Either way, I've had a fever and one of those itchy convulsive coughs since about a day and a half later. The kind of cough where if you are (finally) sleeping, you...
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    I miss reading your posts, hope you are fine.

    Hi - I hope you and your sons are doing well too! Welcome back
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    NSAIDs inhibit ovulation

    You're welcome!
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    NSAIDs inhibit ovulation

    I think this is worth posting in the Pregnancy forum, as people with CF are often put on a regimen of Ibuprofen. It was not one of the three NSAIDs tested, but it's perhaps relevant nonetheless, especially at the CF dose. And even for CFers not trying to conceive, this may help understand your...