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    poem to share

    MomofJosh, I don't know you or your history, but I gather that your son has passed. I am deeply sorry. My best friend just had the 10th year anniversary of her son's death. He did not have CF (he died hours after being born). I know that the loss is always there and she still thinks about...
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    Ok so i'm starting a fundraiser for CF and CFRD

    I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but try They are bean bag bears. I actually sold some of these last year. They are really cute. The down side is that you have to purchase the bears yourself. Your cost is $2.50 per bear and then they...
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    Cleaning the House

    I hate cleaning myself. I especially hate dusting, but it doesn't bother my breathing. That is my least favorite job (lol). I do most of the cleaning in the house. My husband does help with the vacuuming and we rotate nights on doing dishes. But he won't do the dusting. It gets bad because...
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    nose bleeds

    I also get nose bleeds. I just had one yesterday. I don't think mine are due to medicine. Like the others, I think mine are due to dry weather/conditions. I sleep with a fan on too, so I'm sure that adds to it. I'm no doctor, but I don't think I'd be too concerned unless he starts having...
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    Stomach aches!!!

    I too have had similar problems when eating pizza (from certain restaurants). There is only one place that we get pizza from that hasn't given me stomach problems. I also took an extra enzyme thinking that might help. But, low and behold, I started getting stomach cramps/pain and had to make...
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    For Parents of Children Diagnosed after 3 years old????

    Well, I'm not a parent, but I have CF. I was diagnosed at about the age of 3. I know when I was a baby, my mom said I would cry because I was hungry all the time. I ended up having a prolapsed rectum and my mom called the dr. I don't know all the in's and out's, but for some reason, the dr...
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    Another Port Question

    Kelly, I don't have a port, but my sister does. I think hers might be in the same place. Her vein is a little bit raised on her neck (which really GROSSES me out) and the port is just below her collar bone. I think she has nurses come out to flush it every so often. I will send her this...
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    US Healthcare Costs

    I know everybody's insurance plan varies, but mine is a pretty good one (in my opinion anyway). It is an HMO. And believe me, I've heard some horror stories about HMO's, but I haven't had any problems with mine thus far (knock on wood). My husband just recently changed jobs but it is still...
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    Question about genes?

    Thanks all for your responses. Just in the couple of weeks that I have been on here, I have found a lot of info that I wasn't even aware of. I may ask the dr. when I go next week. I had the sweat test done (diagnosed at 3). My fear of needles will probably prevent me from doing it, but maybe...
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    CF care in Alaska?

    <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=" "> </a> I don't know anything about Alaska, but here is a link from the cystic fribrosis foundation site that might be...
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    Question about genes?

    Hello. I've noticed that a lot of people on here post asking about specific gene mutations. I must be out of the loop or just behind on CF information. How do they determine what gene you have? I didn't even realize they could do this. Are certain genes worse than others? Just curious.
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    Just have to post how I am feeling

    Hi Julie. I would say to just try and not let it bother you, but it's easy for me to say that. I know if it was me, I would be upset/hurt too because my feelings get hurt too easily. I don't really know what the big deal was about where it was posted. I could certainly understand you putting...
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    Hi all, I'm new to this...

    Hello. Welcome aboard. I'm still pretty new on here myself; only been on for a couple of weeks. I can relate to what you are saying. I am now 35 and have only been in the hospital 4 times in my life (one for stomach flu bug). I have nevery really heard anybody at our clinic push for the...
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    Question about your own Mortality

    I guess I've never really thought about that deeply. I've just always had that "you won't live past 20" engrained in me since I was a child, that I just knew I was going to die young (I'm 35 now). I don't really worry about dying. Actaully, there has always been a part of me that is thankful...
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    The Vest

    Hello. I do have a hand held percussor/vibrator. I've had it probably close to 20 years now. I went to the link you had listed. I've never seen one that looked like that. Mine is black, quite a bit smaller, and it doesn't have the long handle on it. To be honest, I don't really remember...
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    OT-Update on friend in Iraq

    Julie, how true. You don't know how disgusted I get watching the news. It just seems like they marvel in showing all the bad stuff that happens, and then if a soldier has done something inappropriate, they are all over it. I think I only saw a few segments on the news (2 days at the most)...
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    Question about coughing/sneezing

    Thank you all for replying. I'm glad to know that I'm not just weird (lol). I don't really think, at least for me anyway, that it is allergies. I have never had any problems with allergies (none that I know of anyway). Thanks again for the input.
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    Question about coughing/sneezing

    Hello. I thought I would post this to see if anybody else has experienced this. After coughing hard for a few minutes, I break out in a sneeze in the middle of coughing. I know my sister does this as well. Just wondered if anybody else has experienced this (if maybe it is a CF related thing)...
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    I think OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I think I have a touch of it. My closet has to be a certain way, my knick-knacks have to be just right, etc. If I leave the house thinking I have forgotten to do something (lock the door), it will bother me til I get back home. I know some...
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    POLL: Did your insurance cover the vest?

    I was very fortunate in that our clinic was picked as a "trial clinic". They gave us the vest at no cost to us (my sister also got one). They had a few stipulations. You had to supply them with any info they requested about your insurance company and they would call you every so often to get...