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  1. G

    Walking verses Running

    The reason I am asking is I don't cough as much when I jog.  I cough more when I walk at 4.0 to 4.2.  When I start jogging at 4.4 or higher my breathing changes and I don't cough until I slow down.  This has really been boggling me.<br> <br> I was sick for a while this spring.  I stayed out of...
  2. G

    Walking verses Running

    Is one better than the other?  
  3. G

    MN screening newborns for CF

    I was watching my local news, in Maine, and there was a report about the State of Minnesota is now screening all newborns for CF.  I think this is great.  The earlier the diagnosis the better chance for a healthier life.  <br> <br> What disturbed me was the parents that  they interviewed just...
  4. G

    Exercise Report

    I just want to check in with everyone that had been exercising. I haven't seen much in peoples blogs about how the exercise is going. I thought I would start the chat up again.  Who is doing what for exercise and how long have you been doing it.<br> <br> I have been going to the gym 5 times a...
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    Adult Forum

    I am wondering does it really need to be policed.  Yeah jokes and stuff are not really appropriate but in Julie's last post I didn't see the need for the few replies that said she posted in the wrong place.  Do I now need to worry every time I post some thing that I an going to get a rude reply...
  6. G

    Adult Forum

    Is there a set of rule on what can and can't be posted as a topic on the adult sections?  I never know where to post something and I I post it in the wrong sections someone is going to post this should be in a different forum...What's the deal?
  7. G

    OT-Update on friend in Iraq

    Julie...I agree with you completely.  I could have written this post.  Bravo!
  8. G

    Why your username?

    I have 3 german shorthair pointers (GSP), which are a type of dog and I love them.  I wanted to use something that didn't give my identity away. I had a user name with my first and last name, than realized this is the internet, who knows what kind of creeps might be reading this forum.  
  9. G

    Circles ABOVE the eyes!

    I also have that.  I have had it since I was very young.  I have always attributed it to my sinus problems but who knows what the real reason is.
  10. G

    does it sound like cf?

    Does his skin taste salty?
  11. G

    well I decided to Join...

    Welcome. Good Luck with the babies.
  12. G

    CF centers.....

    My CF Center has an educational day every year. Last year they had a list of all the CF Centers and how they ranked. It was based on things like life expectancy and hospilizations. I didn't go this year because I was out of town. I believe this info was sent to all accredited CF centers. I am...
  13. G


    Dear Anonymous, The Gene Therapy Clinical Trial was long. It was about 18 months. I had a lot of tests and needles. I participated in 1997. I had to sit in a big plastic tent and inhale a cold virus that carried the healthy gene. They did the bronchs to see if the correct protein grew in my...
  14. G


    The only time I have had it done I volunteered to do it. I had several within a 2 month period. I was in the gene therapy clinical trial. They in my mouth down my thoat. They did give me some medication so I don't remeber it except for the one they miscalculated how much medicine to give me. I...
  15. G

    Bronchodialator stuff

  16. G

    Hi, newbie here...

    Hi Sid, I have never heard this but I know when I drink too much my lung infections flare up. I partied pretty hard in college and I am still alive...some times I wonder how. I do know that alcohol does thicken the secretions in your body. Since we already have thick, sticky mucus, it just...
  17. G

    Brigham and Womens transplant program

    A person with type A blood can donate blood to a person with type A or type AB. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB. A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with type AB only. A person with type O blood can donate to anyone. A person...
  18. G

    Brigham and Womens transplant program

    My friend Neil was AB+.
  19. G

    Brigham and Womens transplant program

    Vicki, I did the gene therapy trial with Dr, Lapey. He also tried to get me to join the CF team that was running in the Boston Marithon but I never did. He is a pretty awesome guy.
  20. G

    Mucus Plugs

    I cough up big green gobs. This is not the normal stuff I bing up. My normal stuff is pretty thin almost liquid like with some color. I know it is mucus from my lungs. But once and a while I cough up mucus that is in a glob and very stick...what do you guys think? It doesn't look like an alien...