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  1. G

    Why do you do/not do clinical trials for CFF?

    I have done several clinical trials. I did one for gene therapy which was pretty cool to be part of. It was very time consuming. I had to go to Boston a lot. I also had to have scopes of my lungs done. The study lasted about a year. I also did one for a nebulized drug. Not sure what that...
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    Mucus Plugs

    How do you know when you have a mucus plug or have coughed one up? Just something I have always been curious about.
  3. G

    Brigham and Womens transplant program

    I know the wait time really depends on blood type and all of the evaluation stuff. My friend had a very rare blood type. While he was waiting he passed on. They actually had to take him off the transplant list because he got too sick. An alternative they were looking at was a lob transplant...
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    Brigham and Womens transplant program

    Hi Vicki, Did you ever have Dr. Lapey at MGH?
  5. G


    It won't hurt to use separt neb. cups. It is just one more thing to clean. I guess I start in the morning. I would love to hear what others know about this. Amy...I know you are always a good person to respond to medication questions.
  6. G

    SEAN DAVIS**** WHER ARE U??????

    Does any one have his email address? Maybe some one should drop him an email to see if everything is okay.
  7. G


    I have read on this forum not to use the same neb. cup for pulmozyme as other medications. I also told my clinic I used the same neb. cup and they said that is not recommended but didn't say why. Does any one know why? I have been doing it for years and years. I will change my ways if I know...
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    Hypertonic Saline

    Hi Sonia, I have been on the 7% since March. Somedays I cough more than others. Sometimes I cough a lot during the treatment but my doctor said that might be from from irritation of the saline. So he recommended that I took albuterol first that helps and the cough is more productive and not...
  9. G

    Just started Hypertonic Saline...Have Q's

    To Anonymous: I have been using foundation care as well. Thanks for the update on the price they knocked the price down by .90 a dose. I just called and refilled my prescription. Thanks for the information.
  10. G

    Excercise instead of CPT

    I never did any CPT or Vest until I was about 27. When I was younger I ran all the time. I was never sick. In college I stopped running...guess what...I got sick. My lungs started filling up and I did damage to my lungs by not exercising. I still only do CPT when I am in the hospital. I do...
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    post nasal drip

    I have that all the time. Best recomendation is to clear it out and spit it out so it doesn't go int to her lungs and cause a lung infection. When I really want it to go away I take over the counter sinus medication. Allergy medication does nothing for me either.
  12. G


    For some reason it let me post this time. I think it has some thing to do with the java script.
  13. G


    I can't post a new freezes on me. and then freezes my computer...Help!
  14. G

    How much do you cough up during treatments

    I do air way clearance twice a day. I get up about 1/4 cup between the 2 times. But the air way clearance also allows me to brig stuff up all day. If I don't do it, I don't cough or bring anything up.
  15. G

    How long do you wait...

    How long do you wait before you call the docror when you are not feeling "normal"? I feel like sometimes I call too soon and sometimes I call to late. I would like to hear what other's with CF do.
  16. G


    I had my pollups out 3 times. The last time was in 1997. Pollup remove has come a long way. He may not need the surgery more than once or twice. It was the best thing I ever had done. My sinuses still bother me but not nearly as much. Like today, I have a sinus headache but it has rained...
  17. G

    Can I mix....

    Mixing certain meds can make one of the medications less effective. I know you can not mix pulmozyme or tobi with anything. I don't know about anything else.
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    Spring time

    I had allegy tests done and they came out negative but I am not sure if I believe it.
  19. G

    Spring time

    Does anyone else feel worse in the spring time than any other time of year. Since the beginning of March, I have not felt healthy. When I look back it is always the spring when I need a tune up. Is it just me?
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    GERD will also affect your Lung functions.