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  1. J

    Not sure what to do....

    I was such a skeptic when the vest was mentioned to us for our then 5 year old. I was afraid that it wouldn't do as good as we were doing her Chest PT, you know not flipping her in all different positions and such. She was hospitalized several times that particular year with her lungs...
  2. J

    Confused and Frustrated

    This is not my area at all, but I've been reading on here a long time, and I would almost want the "poop" test ( i forget what yall call it, my daughter has never had one) and for his vitamin levels to be checked to see if he is digesting properly. I do know that Abby would get constipated some...
  3. J

    Confused and Frustrated

    This is not my area at all, but I've been reading on here a long time, and I would almost want the "poop" test ( i forget what yall call it, my daughter has never had one) and for his vitamin levels to be checked to see if he is digesting properly. I do know that Abby would get constipated some...
  4. J

    Confused and Frustrated

    This is not my area at all, but I've been reading on here a long time, and I would almost want the "poop" test ( i forget what yall call it, my daughter has never had one) and for his vitamin levels to be checked to see if he is digesting properly. I do know that Abby would get constipated some...
  5. J

    Why doesn't it seem like doctors are super aggressive with sinuses?

    I wanted to chime in and tell you our experience. Abby started sinus surgeries when she was probably 4 and we have been through 10 total now, but I wouldn't trade for them. Before we had her sinus surgery she was miserable!! She couldn't breathe through her nose at all and snored extremely...
  6. J

    Why doesn't it seem like doctors are super aggressive with sinuses?

    I wanted to chime in and tell you our experience. Abby started sinus surgeries when she was probably 4 and we have been through 10 total now, but I wouldn't trade for them. Before we had her sinus surgery she was miserable!! She couldn't breathe through her nose at all and snored extremely...
  7. J

    Why doesn't it seem like doctors are super aggressive with sinuses?

    I wanted to chime in and tell you our experience. Abby started sinus surgeries when she was probably 4 and we have been through 10 total now, but I wouldn't trade for them. Before we had her sinus surgery she was miserable!! She couldn't breathe through her nose at all and snored extremely...
  8. J

    sinus issues

    I agree sounds like it is time to see an ENT for sure. Good luck!! Don't let them minimize his suffering, I can't stand it when my baby can't breathe. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And the sinus rinses are a God send. They are hard to get use to but cleans...
  9. J

    sinus issues

    I agree sounds like it is time to see an ENT for sure. Good luck!! Don't let them minimize his suffering, I can't stand it when my baby can't breathe. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And the sinus rinses are a God send. They are hard to get use to but cleans...
  10. J

    sinus issues

    I agree sounds like it is time to see an ENT for sure. Good luck!! Don't let them minimize his suffering, I can't stand it when my baby can't breathe. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And the sinus rinses are a God send. They are hard to get use to but cleans...
  11. J

    Post Traumatic Stress in parents of kids with CF

    Heather...thank you so much for sharing that with us!! I am sitting here in awww!! I have never thought of it like that..and I too could not make it through without crying and reliving all the events that have gotten us here. Amazing speech!
  12. J

    Post Traumatic Stress in parents of kids with CF

    Heather...thank you so much for sharing that with us!! I am sitting here in awww!! I have never thought of it like that..and I too could not make it through without crying and reliving all the events that have gotten us here. Amazing speech!
  13. J

    Post Traumatic Stress in parents of kids with CF

    Heather...thank you so much for sharing that with us!! I am sitting here in awww!! I have never thought of it like that..and I too could not make it through without crying and reliving all the events that have gotten us here. Amazing speech!
  14. J

    Physio Vest

    I have no idea which is better since we only have the vest, but we love it! Just like the above 2 commented the customer service is wonderful, they send replacement parts for free immediately when needed and never ask the first question. It too his it's own carrying case on wheels. Good Luck
  15. J

    Physio Vest

    I have no idea which is better since we only have the vest, but we love it! Just like the above 2 commented the customer service is wonderful, they send replacement parts for free immediately when needed and never ask the first question. It too his it's own carrying case on wheels. Good Luck
  16. J

    Physio Vest

    I have no idea which is better since we only have the vest, but we love it! Just like the above 2 commented the customer service is wonderful, they send replacement parts for free immediately when needed and never ask the first question. It too his it's own carrying case on wheels. Good Luck
  17. J

    Suspected CF-looking for information

    Lots of prayers sent your way!!! Good luck!!!
  18. J

    Suspected CF-looking for information

    Lots of prayers sent your way!!! Good luck!!!
  19. J

    Suspected CF-looking for information

    Lots of prayers sent your way!!! Good luck!!!
  20. J

    frustrated...son is sick never ends is the web address where we got ours. Our house had to have a large unit and it was $3000, but in our case it was well worth it; and we were able to deduct it from our taxes as well. Not sure if it is right for everyone, but it was a God send for us. Abby has been tested for...