Search results

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    Barry Manilow?

    KK, I live in Indiana. But my hubby loved to go Las V before we got married, and I've never been to Las V so , I told him about it and he said what a perfect time to go.
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    Barry Manilow?

    I'm going to go, is anyone else?
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    Getting pregnant with CF?

    Ok I have gotten pregnant. I have an almost 3 year old, and she was easy to concive. Well I thought so. I kept bugging my X husband to have a baby and he would always tell my no. Well a friend of mine came to visit and she had just had a baby and i told him that we needed a baby, so he said...
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    Parents with childern with CF and without CF

    no my mom is not Catholic or some other religion where birth control is/was not a popular choice. My mother had her tubes tie after me and than untie 7 years later. Yes I am married. Yes I would like my daughter to have a sibing to go throw life with, but my husband is not a CF carrier, we had...
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    Parents with childern with CF and without CF

    Ok I have Cf and I'm 1 of six kids ( the middle child) in my family and the only one with CF. I have asked my mother why she had more childern, even knowing I had CF and she has yet to give me an answer. So my Question to you guys is. Knowing that your baby has CF why would you have more at...
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    It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's my 24th Birthday and Doctors didn't think I would make it this far. Well all I have to say to them is <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">. Doctors told my mom that i would die before i was 5 and when I lived past that it than went to 21, what do doctors know...
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    How close are they really?

    How close are they to finding a cure for CF? I don't really keep up on that part of CF. Only because I always thought that I was going to die before they ever found. Sarah 23 w/cf
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    Eating without enzymes

    I was told bye my doctor that I had to take my pills with EVERYTHING. Sarah 23 w/cf
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    Am I the only one?

    Am I the only one that have blamed God for having CF? For along time I did and hated to got to church with my family because of it. I have got over blaming God. I just wanted to know if I was the only one. Sarah 23/24 in12 days w/cf
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    Anyone from Indiana?

    RE: Anyone from Indiana? i really try to see Dr. macke because Dr. stevens told me at 12 that I was going to die and since than i jst don't care for him and he knows it Sarah
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    Anyone from Indiana?

    RE: Anyone from Indiana? I'm 23 and still see Dr. Stevens and Dr Macke. I love Dr. Macke, he the best doc I've seen Sarah 2 w/cf
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    Anyone from Indiana?

    RE: Anyone from Indiana? forgot to login in Sarah
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    Trying to gain weight?

    My Doc and my mom who is a NP, are telling me to gain weight. The thing is it's hard. I'm 120lb and 5'7". They are telling me that I need to be 130 at least. So my question is how do I do it. I do work out to try and gain, but thats not working. I don't drink boost because I don't like...
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    Anyone from Indiana?

    Anyone from Indiana? Hi I'm sarah 23 w/cf and was wanting to know if anyone was from Indiana? I'm from Evansville, Indiana. And looking for people to chat to.
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    Tune up?

    Hi. I was just wanting to know how many of you go to the hospital for a tune up every year? I go a least once a year. Sarah 23 w/cf
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    New question about SSI

    I was told that I wouldn't have to reapply. I was told that 4 yrs ago. Sarah 23 w/cf
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    Outtie Bellybutton

    I have an inie. Sarah 23 w/cf
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    18 month old spitting enzymes out

    Hi my name is Sarah and I was 14 mths when I was dx and my mom wold put them in my baby food that had other little things in them so that I coundn't tell that they were in my food. My mom told me to tell yo to try tapeocan pudding. and to the lady that said to just give the pills with ouut...
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    Life Insurance? And telling your kids that your sick w/cf?

    I'm 24 and trying to get life insurance but it's harder than I tought. I have call at least 25 places and no one will give me it. They tell me that they can give me assidental death insurance. Like thats going to work for me, I know that CF will kill me not a car. Has anyone had this...
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    ? for the women

    If you and your husband have had a baby or plan to, have they been tested to see if they have the CF genes? I was just wanting to know? My X-Husband was a carrier and we had a healthy baby girl 2 1/2 yrs ago. And now my new husband was tested and we found out that he's not a carrier. We...