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  1. S

    Sibling Problems due to CF

    yeah my lil sis is very sensitive and she loves to be the center of attantion and it kills her to not be we r always trying to tell her that its not good to have this kinda disease and she just wont listen but the rest of them seem pretty good
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    i thought that i was depressed but now i just know its just funks that i go through my mom even now thinks that i might be depressed cuz i dont eat to much for some very odd reason and im not really hungry but she asked me the other day if i was and i said that i wasnt but anyway i used to hate...
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    AD and CF?

    hey im 14 and my parents dont treat me to much differently but i do feal different from everyone else i just know that im not the same as all of my friends are but i dont really care unless i get left out just because i have CF i dont really worry about it and it is a routine for me and some of...
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    A New Game!!!

    title lap
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    a game!!!

    silver.......................desktop or laptop?
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    i am being raised Christain and i totally believe in God and Jesus as my lord and savior and He helps me through everything that ive been going through and forever will.
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    daughter diagnosed yesterday...need guidance

    well be glad that they found out sooner i was 3 when my parents found out and i was starving to death and my lungs sustained damage so thank God that u found out sooner cuz it coulda been a lot worse
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    If you get made fun of from being short

    i mean its fun to flirt well its fun for me anyway i dont know about anyone else but i sure like it
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    If you get made fun of from being short

    well im really short 4ft 10 1/2inches and im 14 i get made fun of a lot but it doesnt bother me cuz i just start laughing and then smash them into something very fun and yeah they dont do it much anymore cuz they know it doesnt bother me but it is very fun to play with ppl its a very good way to...
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    to tell or not?

    well i dont bring it up but i think that everyone that i know knows that i have CFand i still have a couple of guys that like me if it weren't for my mom one of them might have been my bf already but u know no one treats me differently really everyone just thinks of me as a encourgment for them...