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  1. C

    What do you take?

    Pills Ecs 8's Cotazyms - 6 w/meals 4 w/snacks Losec ADEK Zithromax Puffers and Inhalations Ventoling Puffer Pulmicort Puffer Tobramycin Inhalation Ventolin Inhalation Pulmozyme Oxeze Saline Supposed to take Pulmozyme too but never do (I hope my doctor doesnt read this lol) Typical oral...
  2. C

    What do you take?

    Pills Ecs 8's Cotazyms - 6 w/meals 4 w/snacks Losec ADEK Zithromax Puffers and Inhalations Ventoling Puffer Pulmicort Puffer Tobramycin Inhalation Ventolin Inhalation Pulmozyme Oxeze Saline Supposed to take Pulmozyme too but never do (I hope my doctor doesnt read this lol) Typical oral...
  3. C

    What do you take?

    Pills Ecs 8's Cotazyms - 6 w/meals 4 w/snacks Losec ADEK Zithromax Puffers and Inhalations Ventoling Puffer Pulmicort Puffer Tobramycin Inhalation Ventolin Inhalation Pulmozyme Oxeze Saline Supposed to take Pulmozyme too but never do (I hope my doctor doesnt read this lol) Typical oral...
  4. C

    Exercise Report

    I play sports, thas my exercise. But i havent been doing alot of it lately. I golf once a week and play baseball on sundays. But the humidity in this city is about to land me back in the hospital very soon. I was already in emerg last night for sats, and SOB, but my exercise is very limited...
  5. C

    Question about your own Mortality

    I dont deal with mortality very well. I think about it all the time the fact I wont grow old. Maybe I will but i highly doubt it. The fact i think about it all the time consumes me. Ive actually been the CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) over it. it worked for about a year but it creeps its way...
  6. C

    IV drugs :cefepime and imipenem

    i aslo think the phlebitis can be cause basically by all iv antibiotics at a high infusion rate. veins are sensitive, I really have none left, i cant even get midlines anymore its all picc for me. although 2 admissions ago (8 weeks ago) i had the whole admission on saline locks (9 of them) so...
  7. C

    IV drugs :cefepime and imipenem

    I was just in too and had cefepime for the first time, I was like WTF is this? I was also on meropenum, which I hav before, but I had massive appetite loss, they say it was the meropenum but ive never had that reaction before. I think it was the cefepime.
  8. C

    CF has taken its last shot at me

    All the responses are great and glad alot of people see love over chance. I thought most would be, "oh you shouldnt be doing it period blah blah blah" Thanks again
  9. C

    CF has taken its last shot at me

    Thanks for the responses, Im sure everything will work out, i just hate this possibility, its got me kicked into a hole right now.
  10. C

    CF has taken its last shot at me

    Today I write because its at this moment, is when i truely truely hate this disease. I can handle it taking its shots at me to make me sick, and kill me, whatever. But now it threatens the very thing I live for. Love. I cant stand the thought of losing someone over this disease. The thought...
  11. C

    I cheated my surgery and won!!!

    So i went into my septoplasty ( reconstruction of the septum) and polypectomy with the virus I recently posted about. Man I was so nervous on the table while they were putting hte IV in and getting ready, I kept thinking, should I just get up and confess and go home, but I was like naaah, if I...
  12. C

    Why am I still sick?

    well this sucks, feelin like im dying and no explaination, isnt nature wonderful.
  13. C

    Why am I still sick?

    well the results are in Blood - Normal Mucus - Growing nothing out of the usual Throat Swab - Negative Im absolutely baffled, I think the next order of business is to be tested for bird flu
  14. C

    Why am I still sick?

    if I reschedule itll be months before it gets done, and its the leading cause of my infections, i want it done. I got cultures, im calling right really sucks, doesnt viruses take a few days not two weeks?
  15. C

    Why am I still sick?

    I have had a virus for 11 days and counting. I have had no relief from it yet. Fevers, chills sweats, weight loss, vomitting, hemroids, pain, headaches, dehydration. Dr says its a virus and will flush itself, but that was a week ago. I also have surgery first thing in the a.m. Could this be a...
  16. C

    Everyone lets calm down a little here...

    I think you should know more about cf before you bitch at people about how they feel. Just cause your sick and dont have 80, doesnt mean people at 80 dont feel sick. Ive a function of 73 and can drop to 50 over night. Now tell me how that feels on my body?? Thats right you cant, cause you...
  17. C

    sick of people

    it wasnt the passing of the germ that was the problem, or the moving of the seats. Read it closer, its the way it was handled rudely. distinguish. Chad
  18. C

    CF and Marijuana

    if everyone smoked pot no one would need guns, theyd be too happy!
  19. C

    What are your addictions?

    oh yeah I forgot my worst one, the bad addiction. -shopping and spending money <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">
  20. C

    What are your addictions?

    oh yeah I forgot my worst one, the bad addiction. -shopping and spending money <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">