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  1. M

    natural things

    grassisgreener- i don't know what type of pnemonia it is, but the doc said that there is a chance of getting a pnemonia when using grapefruit seed extract and that the oil that is in the extract can be a risk to the lungs. he does not recommend allowing oil to enter the lungs. i asked him...
  2. M

    natural things

    grassisgreener- i don't know what type of pnemonia it is, but the doc said that there is a chance of getting a pnemonia when using grapefruit seed extract and that the oil that is in the extract can be a risk to the lungs. he does not recommend allowing oil to enter the lungs. i asked him...
  3. M

    natural things

    grassisgreener- i don't know what type of pnemonia it is, but the doc said that there is a chance of getting a pnemonia when using grapefruit seed extract and that the oil that is in the extract can be a risk to the lungs. he does not recommend allowing oil to enter the lungs. i asked him...
  4. M

    natural things

    grassisgreener- i don't know what type of pnemonia it is, but the doc said that there is a chance of getting a pnemonia when using grapefruit seed extract and that the oil that is in the extract can be a risk to the lungs. he does not recommend allowing oil to enter the lungs. i asked him...
  5. M

    natural things

    grassisgreener- i don't know what type of pnemonia it is, but the doc said that there is a chance of getting a pnemonia when using grapefruit seed extract and that the oil that is in the extract can be a risk to the lungs. he does not recommend allowing oil to enter the lungs. i asked him...
  6. M

    High Triglycerides

    Hi, my daughter's bloodwork just came back with high triglycerides and I did some research on it and i do see a correlation with cf. my question is, did anyone else experience this because our doc says not to worry at this time but i can't help but worry. any info, anyone??
  7. M

    High Triglycerides

    Hi, my daughter's bloodwork just came back with high triglycerides and I did some research on it and i do see a correlation with cf. my question is, did anyone else experience this because our doc says not to worry at this time but i can't help but worry. any info, anyone??
  8. M

    High Triglycerides

    Hi, my daughter's bloodwork just came back with high triglycerides and I did some research on it and i do see a correlation with cf. my question is, did anyone else experience this because our doc says not to worry at this time but i can't help but worry. any info, anyone??
  9. M

    High Triglycerides

    Hi, my daughter's bloodwork just came back with high triglycerides and I did some research on it and i do see a correlation with cf. my question is, did anyone else experience this because our doc says not to worry at this time but i can't help but worry. any info, anyone??
  10. M

    High Triglycerides

    Hi, my daughter's bloodwork just came back with high triglycerides and I did some research on it and i do see a correlation with cf. my question is, did anyone else experience this because our doc says not to worry at this time but i can't help but worry. any info, anyone??
  11. M

    The Synagis shot?

    it's a great shot to get. we got it last year and my daughter didn't get sick the entire winter. and when we stopped in april she caught a few small colds so i think it really kept all winter viruses at bay. also, i think you need to have someone do it because they have to weigh the child and...
  12. M

    The Synagis shot?

    it's a great shot to get. we got it last year and my daughter didn't get sick the entire winter. and when we stopped in april she caught a few small colds so i think it really kept all winter viruses at bay. also, i think you need to have someone do it because they have to weigh the child and...
  13. M

    The Synagis shot?

    it's a great shot to get. we got it last year and my daughter didn't get sick the entire winter. and when we stopped in april she caught a few small colds so i think it really kept all winter viruses at bay. also, i think you need to have someone do it because they have to weigh the child and...
  14. M

    The Synagis shot?

    it's a great shot to get. we got it last year and my daughter didn't get sick the entire winter. and when we stopped in april she caught a few small colds so i think it really kept all winter viruses at bay. also, i think you need to have someone do it because they have to weigh the child and...
  15. M

    The Synagis shot?

    it's a great shot to get. we got it last year and my daughter didn't get sick the entire winter. and when we stopped in april she caught a few small colds so i think it really kept all winter viruses at bay. also, i think you need to have someone do it because they have to weigh the child and...
  16. M

    natural things

    I just want to mention that a doc i spoke with says that grapefruitseed extract in the nebulizer can potentially cause a type of pnemonia in some cases. so just be careful.
  17. M

    natural things

    I just want to mention that a doc i spoke with says that grapefruitseed extract in the nebulizer can potentially cause a type of pnemonia in some cases. so just be careful.
  18. M

    natural things

    I just want to mention that a doc i spoke with says that grapefruitseed extract in the nebulizer can potentially cause a type of pnemonia in some cases. so just be careful.
  19. M

    natural things

    I just want to mention that a doc i spoke with says that grapefruitseed extract in the nebulizer can potentially cause a type of pnemonia in some cases. so just be careful.
  20. M

    natural things

    I just want to mention that a doc i spoke with says that grapefruitseed extract in the nebulizer can potentially cause a type of pnemonia in some cases. so just be careful.