a little worried. college


New member
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that i am a little worried about college. i began as a freshman at 19 because of a year abroad but am starting to feel worried about graduation. As a result of my CF, my parents will not let me enroll in more than 3 classes. At this pace i will graduate when i am a thousand, or so it feels like. I have taken a heavier course load in the past but got sick and ended up not being able to finish 2 out of my 5 courses. I am 21 and am just starting my junior year. If anyone has been through something similar, the clarification that i am not the only one would be nice. All of my friends graduate at the end of the year and i wanted to be with them. But even taking into account my year off, i am still behind. If anyone could speak on this or has any advice, i would appreciate it.

Thanks a lot
Aaron Rossman
21 y/o with CF diagnosed at birth.


New member
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that i am a little worried about college. i began as a freshman at 19 because of a year abroad but am starting to feel worried about graduation. As a result of my CF, my parents will not let me enroll in more than 3 classes. At this pace i will graduate when i am a thousand, or so it feels like. I have taken a heavier course load in the past but got sick and ended up not being able to finish 2 out of my 5 courses. I am 21 and am just starting my junior year. If anyone has been through something similar, the clarification that i am not the only one would be nice. All of my friends graduate at the end of the year and i wanted to be with them. But even taking into account my year off, i am still behind. If anyone could speak on this or has any advice, i would appreciate it.

Thanks a lot
Aaron Rossman
21 y/o with CF diagnosed at birth.


New member
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that i am a little worried about college. i began as a freshman at 19 because of a year abroad but am starting to feel worried about graduation. As a result of my CF, my parents will not let me enroll in more than 3 classes. At this pace i will graduate when i am a thousand, or so it feels like. I have taken a heavier course load in the past but got sick and ended up not being able to finish 2 out of my 5 courses. I am 21 and am just starting my junior year. If anyone has been through something similar, the clarification that i am not the only one would be nice. All of my friends graduate at the end of the year and i wanted to be with them. But even taking into account my year off, i am still behind. If anyone could speak on this or has any advice, i would appreciate it.

Thanks a lot
Aaron Rossman
21 y/o with CF diagnosed at birth.


New member
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that i am a little worried about college. i began as a freshman at 19 because of a year abroad but am starting to feel worried about graduation. As a result of my CF, my parents will not let me enroll in more than 3 classes. At this pace i will graduate when i am a thousand, or so it feels like. I have taken a heavier course load in the past but got sick and ended up not being able to finish 2 out of my 5 courses. I am 21 and am just starting my junior year. If anyone has been through something similar, the clarification that i am not the only one would be nice. All of my friends graduate at the end of the year and i wanted to be with them. But even taking into account my year off, i am still behind. If anyone could speak on this or has any advice, i would appreciate it.

Thanks a lot
Aaron Rossman
21 y/o with CF diagnosed at birth.


New member
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that i am a little worried about college. i began as a freshman at 19 because of a year abroad but am starting to feel worried about graduation. As a result of my CF, my parents will not let me enroll in more than 3 classes. At this pace i will graduate when i am a thousand, or so it feels like. I have taken a heavier course load in the past but got sick and ended up not being able to finish 2 out of my 5 courses. I am 21 and am just starting my junior year. If anyone has been through something similar, the clarification that i am not the only one would be nice. All of my friends graduate at the end of the year and i wanted to be with them. But even taking into account my year off, i am still behind. If anyone could speak on this or has any advice, i would appreciate it.
<br />
<br />Thanks a lot
<br />Aaron Rossman
<br />21 y/o with CF diagnosed at birth.


New member
I had a long post, then my computer froze and had to restart... oh well probably better that way.

Just to let you know, sounds like we are exactly similar, except I didnt do a year abroad. But I had a hard time surrendering to the idea I could only take 12 credits (minimum to be full time and stay on parents insurance) and take years to graduate.

Most friends graduated last spring, the other few I was somewhat close too, this Fall. But now I am taking 2 classes only a semester to graduate by next Fall. (thanks to medicare)

now, I feel so sick a lot of times, I dont want to go to school most days. I used to love school, the thrill of learning and getting the best grade possible.. know I think I just like learning, but at my own slow pace haha

anyways. I know Im not necessarily the best example, but I have been there, and I lived through it. I cried (im a girl haha) when i thought about "being left behind" ... it might not be sooo bad but my bestest friends ended up staying for graduate school so I still get to see her outside of school even though we have no classes together.


New member
I had a long post, then my computer froze and had to restart... oh well probably better that way.

Just to let you know, sounds like we are exactly similar, except I didnt do a year abroad. But I had a hard time surrendering to the idea I could only take 12 credits (minimum to be full time and stay on parents insurance) and take years to graduate.

Most friends graduated last spring, the other few I was somewhat close too, this Fall. But now I am taking 2 classes only a semester to graduate by next Fall. (thanks to medicare)

now, I feel so sick a lot of times, I dont want to go to school most days. I used to love school, the thrill of learning and getting the best grade possible.. know I think I just like learning, but at my own slow pace haha

anyways. I know Im not necessarily the best example, but I have been there, and I lived through it. I cried (im a girl haha) when i thought about "being left behind" ... it might not be sooo bad but my bestest friends ended up staying for graduate school so I still get to see her outside of school even though we have no classes together.


New member
I had a long post, then my computer froze and had to restart... oh well probably better that way.

Just to let you know, sounds like we are exactly similar, except I didnt do a year abroad. But I had a hard time surrendering to the idea I could only take 12 credits (minimum to be full time and stay on parents insurance) and take years to graduate.

Most friends graduated last spring, the other few I was somewhat close too, this Fall. But now I am taking 2 classes only a semester to graduate by next Fall. (thanks to medicare)

now, I feel so sick a lot of times, I dont want to go to school most days. I used to love school, the thrill of learning and getting the best grade possible.. know I think I just like learning, but at my own slow pace haha

anyways. I know Im not necessarily the best example, but I have been there, and I lived through it. I cried (im a girl haha) when i thought about "being left behind" ... it might not be sooo bad but my bestest friends ended up staying for graduate school so I still get to see her outside of school even though we have no classes together.


New member
I had a long post, then my computer froze and had to restart... oh well probably better that way.

Just to let you know, sounds like we are exactly similar, except I didnt do a year abroad. But I had a hard time surrendering to the idea I could only take 12 credits (minimum to be full time and stay on parents insurance) and take years to graduate.

Most friends graduated last spring, the other few I was somewhat close too, this Fall. But now I am taking 2 classes only a semester to graduate by next Fall. (thanks to medicare)

now, I feel so sick a lot of times, I dont want to go to school most days. I used to love school, the thrill of learning and getting the best grade possible.. know I think I just like learning, but at my own slow pace haha

anyways. I know Im not necessarily the best example, but I have been there, and I lived through it. I cried (im a girl haha) when i thought about "being left behind" ... it might not be sooo bad but my bestest friends ended up staying for graduate school so I still get to see her outside of school even though we have no classes together.


New member
I had a long post, then my computer froze and had to restart... oh well probably better that way.
<br />
<br />Just to let you know, sounds like we are exactly similar, except I didnt do a year abroad. But I had a hard time surrendering to the idea I could only take 12 credits (minimum to be full time and stay on parents insurance) and take years to graduate.
<br />
<br />Most friends graduated last spring, the other few I was somewhat close too, this Fall. But now I am taking 2 classes only a semester to graduate by next Fall. (thanks to medicare)
<br />
<br />now, I feel so sick a lot of times, I dont want to go to school most days. I used to love school, the thrill of learning and getting the best grade possible.. know I think I just like learning, but at my own slow pace haha
<br />
<br />anyways. I know Im not necessarily the best example, but I have been there, and I lived through it. I cried (im a girl haha) when i thought about "being left behind" ... it might not be sooo bad but my bestest friends ended up staying for graduate school so I still get to see her outside of school even though we have no classes together.


New member
Hey Aaron,

I know exactly how you feel cause you and I are basically in the same boat. I am 23 years old and am just this next semester going to be a senior. I would honestly say don't even worry about it, and this is why.

I tried for a long time to keep up with everyone else in terms of my credits and as a result I got myself so sick I have actually spead up my disease. I am currently on the active transplant list, which I really shouldn't be. You definitely don't want to get to the place I am now cause it is no good. I am still able to stay in school (I finish my semester today thank God!!) and next semester I'm taking 14 units, but believe me take it a little easier.

23, diagnosed with CF at birth, with CFRD at 13


New member
Hey Aaron,

I know exactly how you feel cause you and I are basically in the same boat. I am 23 years old and am just this next semester going to be a senior. I would honestly say don't even worry about it, and this is why.

I tried for a long time to keep up with everyone else in terms of my credits and as a result I got myself so sick I have actually spead up my disease. I am currently on the active transplant list, which I really shouldn't be. You definitely don't want to get to the place I am now cause it is no good. I am still able to stay in school (I finish my semester today thank God!!) and next semester I'm taking 14 units, but believe me take it a little easier.

23, diagnosed with CF at birth, with CFRD at 13


New member
Hey Aaron,

I know exactly how you feel cause you and I are basically in the same boat. I am 23 years old and am just this next semester going to be a senior. I would honestly say don't even worry about it, and this is why.

I tried for a long time to keep up with everyone else in terms of my credits and as a result I got myself so sick I have actually spead up my disease. I am currently on the active transplant list, which I really shouldn't be. You definitely don't want to get to the place I am now cause it is no good. I am still able to stay in school (I finish my semester today thank God!!) and next semester I'm taking 14 units, but believe me take it a little easier.

23, diagnosed with CF at birth, with CFRD at 13


New member
Hey Aaron,

I know exactly how you feel cause you and I are basically in the same boat. I am 23 years old and am just this next semester going to be a senior. I would honestly say don't even worry about it, and this is why.

I tried for a long time to keep up with everyone else in terms of my credits and as a result I got myself so sick I have actually spead up my disease. I am currently on the active transplant list, which I really shouldn't be. You definitely don't want to get to the place I am now cause it is no good. I am still able to stay in school (I finish my semester today thank God!!) and next semester I'm taking 14 units, but believe me take it a little easier.

23, diagnosed with CF at birth, with CFRD at 13


New member
Hey Aaron,
<br />
<br />I know exactly how you feel cause you and I are basically in the same boat. I am 23 years old and am just this next semester going to be a senior. I would honestly say don't even worry about it, and this is why.
<br />
<br />I tried for a long time to keep up with everyone else in terms of my credits and as a result I got myself so sick I have actually spead up my disease. I am currently on the active transplant list, which I really shouldn't be. You definitely don't want to get to the place I am now cause it is no good. I am still able to stay in school (I finish my semester today thank God!!) and next semester I'm taking 14 units, but believe me take it a little easier.
<br />
<br />Annie
<br />23, diagnosed with CF at birth, with CFRD at 13


New member
Hi Aaron,

First off, how were you able to study abroad with CF? That was something I wanted soooo badly when I was in HS and college and I never thought it was possible with all the medical needs that go along with CF. I'd love to hear about your experience and how that worked with your meds, doctor's visits, etc.

Anyhow, when I was in college, I just took it in stride and did not push myself. I was also working a part-time job, so taking more than 3 or 4 courses was out of the question. I ended up taking 5 years to get through my bachelor's program and I'm so glad I did it that way. I could have pushed myself and got it done in 4 years, but why? Of course it would have been nice to be done a year earlier, but the extra effort it took to take on the extra classes was just too much. So don't sweat it, take your time and you will finish. Taking 3 classes instead of 4 won't put you back that far. You will get there! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is worth it in the end when you still have the energy to finish your program strong because you didn't push yourself too much throughout the years.


New member
Hi Aaron,

First off, how were you able to study abroad with CF? That was something I wanted soooo badly when I was in HS and college and I never thought it was possible with all the medical needs that go along with CF. I'd love to hear about your experience and how that worked with your meds, doctor's visits, etc.

Anyhow, when I was in college, I just took it in stride and did not push myself. I was also working a part-time job, so taking more than 3 or 4 courses was out of the question. I ended up taking 5 years to get through my bachelor's program and I'm so glad I did it that way. I could have pushed myself and got it done in 4 years, but why? Of course it would have been nice to be done a year earlier, but the extra effort it took to take on the extra classes was just too much. So don't sweat it, take your time and you will finish. Taking 3 classes instead of 4 won't put you back that far. You will get there! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is worth it in the end when you still have the energy to finish your program strong because you didn't push yourself too much throughout the years.


New member
Hi Aaron,

First off, how were you able to study abroad with CF? That was something I wanted soooo badly when I was in HS and college and I never thought it was possible with all the medical needs that go along with CF. I'd love to hear about your experience and how that worked with your meds, doctor's visits, etc.

Anyhow, when I was in college, I just took it in stride and did not push myself. I was also working a part-time job, so taking more than 3 or 4 courses was out of the question. I ended up taking 5 years to get through my bachelor's program and I'm so glad I did it that way. I could have pushed myself and got it done in 4 years, but why? Of course it would have been nice to be done a year earlier, but the extra effort it took to take on the extra classes was just too much. So don't sweat it, take your time and you will finish. Taking 3 classes instead of 4 won't put you back that far. You will get there! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is worth it in the end when you still have the energy to finish your program strong because you didn't push yourself too much throughout the years.


New member
Hi Aaron,

First off, how were you able to study abroad with CF? That was something I wanted soooo badly when I was in HS and college and I never thought it was possible with all the medical needs that go along with CF. I'd love to hear about your experience and how that worked with your meds, doctor's visits, etc.

Anyhow, when I was in college, I just took it in stride and did not push myself. I was also working a part-time job, so taking more than 3 or 4 courses was out of the question. I ended up taking 5 years to get through my bachelor's program and I'm so glad I did it that way. I could have pushed myself and got it done in 4 years, but why? Of course it would have been nice to be done a year earlier, but the extra effort it took to take on the extra classes was just too much. So don't sweat it, take your time and you will finish. Taking 3 classes instead of 4 won't put you back that far. You will get there! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is worth it in the end when you still have the energy to finish your program strong because you didn't push yourself too much throughout the years.


New member
Hi Aaron,
<br />
<br />First off, how were you able to study abroad with CF? That was something I wanted soooo badly when I was in HS and college and I never thought it was possible with all the medical needs that go along with CF. I'd love to hear about your experience and how that worked with your meds, doctor's visits, etc.
<br />
<br />Anyhow, when I was in college, I just took it in stride and did not push myself. I was also working a part-time job, so taking more than 3 or 4 courses was out of the question. I ended up taking 5 years to get through my bachelor's program and I'm so glad I did it that way. I could have pushed myself and got it done in 4 years, but why? Of course it would have been nice to be done a year earlier, but the extra effort it took to take on the extra classes was just too much. So don't sweat it, take your time and you will finish. Taking 3 classes instead of 4 won't put you back that far. You will get there! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is worth it in the end when you still have the energy to finish your program strong because you didn't push yourself too much throughout the years.