addiction effecting my CF?


New member
my name is kate 21F wcf. the past year i have been taking methadone to help with an addiction i am trying to overcome. my lung health has decreased and i am wondering if it is due to the methadone, which i take almost on a daily basis for the pain or coughing. i am too embaressed to bring it upto my doctors so can anyone here help me? i have looked up the side effects but it doesnt say much about the drug effecting lungs. i know the other long/short term effects the only thing i am worried is whether this is really hurting my condition? has anyone gone through something like this before? i also had questions concearning my ability to get pregnant if anyone can help me with that also. ive been trying for two years now and its just not freaken happening.


New member
my name is kate 21F wcf. the past year i have been taking methadone to help with an addiction i am trying to overcome. my lung health has decreased and i am wondering if it is due to the methadone, which i take almost on a daily basis for the pain or coughing. i am too embaressed to bring it upto my doctors so can anyone here help me? i have looked up the side effects but it doesnt say much about the drug effecting lungs. i know the other long/short term effects the only thing i am worried is whether this is really hurting my condition? has anyone gone through something like this before? i also had questions concearning my ability to get pregnant if anyone can help me with that also. ive been trying for two years now and its just not freaken happening.


New member
my name is kate 21F wcf. the past year i have been taking methadone to help with an addiction i am trying to overcome. my lung health has decreased and i am wondering if it is due to the methadone, which i take almost on a daily basis for the pain or coughing. i am too embaressed to bring it upto my doctors so can anyone here help me? i have looked up the side effects but it doesnt say much about the drug effecting lungs. i know the other long/short term effects the only thing i am worried is whether this is really hurting my condition? has anyone gone through something like this before? i also had questions concearning my ability to get pregnant if anyone can help me with that also. ive been trying for two years now and its just not freaken happening.


New member
my name is kate 21F wcf. the past year i have been taking methadone to help with an addiction i am trying to overcome. my lung health has decreased and i am wondering if it is due to the methadone, which i take almost on a daily basis for the pain or coughing. i am too embaressed to bring it upto my doctors so can anyone here help me? i have looked up the side effects but it doesnt say much about the drug effecting lungs. i know the other long/short term effects the only thing i am worried is whether this is really hurting my condition? has anyone gone through something like this before? i also had questions concearning my ability to get pregnant if anyone can help me with that also. ive been trying for two years now and its just not freaken happening.


New member
my name is kate 21F wcf. the past year i have been taking methadone to help with an addiction i am trying to overcome. my lung health has decreased and i am wondering if it is due to the methadone, which i take almost on a daily basis for the pain or coughing. i am too embaressed to bring it upto my doctors so can anyone here help me? i have looked up the side effects but it doesnt say much about the drug effecting lungs. i know the other long/short term effects the only thing i am worried is whether this is really hurting my condition? has anyone gone through something like this before? i also had questions concearning my ability to get pregnant if anyone can help me with that also. ive been trying for two years now and its just not freaken happening.


New member
Hi Kate,

Never been thru this before myself, but wanted to offer some advice. Please, please, please tackle your problems one at a time and get yourself in a good place before you try to bring a child into this world. You're young, and your biological clock will still be ticking in 10 years or so.


New member
Hi Kate,

Never been thru this before myself, but wanted to offer some advice. Please, please, please tackle your problems one at a time and get yourself in a good place before you try to bring a child into this world. You're young, and your biological clock will still be ticking in 10 years or so.


New member
Hi Kate,

Never been thru this before myself, but wanted to offer some advice. Please, please, please tackle your problems one at a time and get yourself in a good place before you try to bring a child into this world. You're young, and your biological clock will still be ticking in 10 years or so.


New member
Hi Kate,

Never been thru this before myself, but wanted to offer some advice. Please, please, please tackle your problems one at a time and get yourself in a good place before you try to bring a child into this world. You're young, and your biological clock will still be ticking in 10 years or so.


New member
Hi Kate,

Never been thru this before myself, but wanted to offer some advice. Please, please, please tackle your problems one at a time and get yourself in a good place before you try to bring a child into this world. You're young, and your biological clock will still be ticking in 10 years or so.


New member
Thank you for being so honest and open in posting this struggle about yourself. There are many people here who want to be able to support and encourage you as you walk the road of CF.

As to your question about methadone, yes, this can be affecting your lung health. It's important for your CF doc to know all the meds you're taking--even if it's embarrassing to tell them. They can advise you how best to proceed, and perhaps even offer you treatment options that may help with the addiction.

You are doing the right thing by getting help for your addiction. That is a tough road to take, and I hope that you will find freedom from the addiction. I encourage you to visit <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Judith Ann Hillard is an incredible woman who overcame cocaine addiction but now struggles with multiple schlerosis. Her story is very powerful, and if anyone knows what it's like to battle addiction AND chronic illness, it's her.

As to the pregnancy thing, maybe the reason you're having trouble is because your body is simply not healthy enough to handle it at this point. Please consider waiting to get pregnant until you are in a healthier state--both in terms of your CF and your addiction. Your health comes first; I understand the longings to have a child, but for many people (and it sounds like you may be one of them) the stress of pregnancy and parenting can have devastating effects on CF. For your sake and the sake of a potential child, please wait until you are as healthy as can be before pursuing that route. CFers who desire to be parents need to be extremely compliant with their treatment.

For both situations, PLEASE talk with your doctor and perhaps, if your clinic has one, a social worker. They are there to help you.

Warmest Regards,


New member
Thank you for being so honest and open in posting this struggle about yourself. There are many people here who want to be able to support and encourage you as you walk the road of CF.

As to your question about methadone, yes, this can be affecting your lung health. It's important for your CF doc to know all the meds you're taking--even if it's embarrassing to tell them. They can advise you how best to proceed, and perhaps even offer you treatment options that may help with the addiction.

You are doing the right thing by getting help for your addiction. That is a tough road to take, and I hope that you will find freedom from the addiction. I encourage you to visit <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Judith Ann Hillard is an incredible woman who overcame cocaine addiction but now struggles with multiple schlerosis. Her story is very powerful, and if anyone knows what it's like to battle addiction AND chronic illness, it's her.

As to the pregnancy thing, maybe the reason you're having trouble is because your body is simply not healthy enough to handle it at this point. Please consider waiting to get pregnant until you are in a healthier state--both in terms of your CF and your addiction. Your health comes first; I understand the longings to have a child, but for many people (and it sounds like you may be one of them) the stress of pregnancy and parenting can have devastating effects on CF. For your sake and the sake of a potential child, please wait until you are as healthy as can be before pursuing that route. CFers who desire to be parents need to be extremely compliant with their treatment.

For both situations, PLEASE talk with your doctor and perhaps, if your clinic has one, a social worker. They are there to help you.

Warmest Regards,


New member
Thank you for being so honest and open in posting this struggle about yourself. There are many people here who want to be able to support and encourage you as you walk the road of CF.

As to your question about methadone, yes, this can be affecting your lung health. It's important for your CF doc to know all the meds you're taking--even if it's embarrassing to tell them. They can advise you how best to proceed, and perhaps even offer you treatment options that may help with the addiction.

You are doing the right thing by getting help for your addiction. That is a tough road to take, and I hope that you will find freedom from the addiction. I encourage you to visit <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Judith Ann Hillard is an incredible woman who overcame cocaine addiction but now struggles with multiple schlerosis. Her story is very powerful, and if anyone knows what it's like to battle addiction AND chronic illness, it's her.

As to the pregnancy thing, maybe the reason you're having trouble is because your body is simply not healthy enough to handle it at this point. Please consider waiting to get pregnant until you are in a healthier state--both in terms of your CF and your addiction. Your health comes first; I understand the longings to have a child, but for many people (and it sounds like you may be one of them) the stress of pregnancy and parenting can have devastating effects on CF. For your sake and the sake of a potential child, please wait until you are as healthy as can be before pursuing that route. CFers who desire to be parents need to be extremely compliant with their treatment.

For both situations, PLEASE talk with your doctor and perhaps, if your clinic has one, a social worker. They are there to help you.

Warmest Regards,


New member
Thank you for being so honest and open in posting this struggle about yourself. There are many people here who want to be able to support and encourage you as you walk the road of CF.

As to your question about methadone, yes, this can be affecting your lung health. It's important for your CF doc to know all the meds you're taking--even if it's embarrassing to tell them. They can advise you how best to proceed, and perhaps even offer you treatment options that may help with the addiction.

You are doing the right thing by getting help for your addiction. That is a tough road to take, and I hope that you will find freedom from the addiction. I encourage you to visit <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Judith Ann Hillard is an incredible woman who overcame cocaine addiction but now struggles with multiple schlerosis. Her story is very powerful, and if anyone knows what it's like to battle addiction AND chronic illness, it's her.

As to the pregnancy thing, maybe the reason you're having trouble is because your body is simply not healthy enough to handle it at this point. Please consider waiting to get pregnant until you are in a healthier state--both in terms of your CF and your addiction. Your health comes first; I understand the longings to have a child, but for many people (and it sounds like you may be one of them) the stress of pregnancy and parenting can have devastating effects on CF. For your sake and the sake of a potential child, please wait until you are as healthy as can be before pursuing that route. CFers who desire to be parents need to be extremely compliant with their treatment.

For both situations, PLEASE talk with your doctor and perhaps, if your clinic has one, a social worker. They are there to help you.

Warmest Regards,


New member
Thank you for being so honest and open in posting this struggle about yourself. There are many people here who want to be able to support and encourage you as you walk the road of CF.

As to your question about methadone, yes, this can be affecting your lung health. It's important for your CF doc to know all the meds you're taking--even if it's embarrassing to tell them. They can advise you how best to proceed, and perhaps even offer you treatment options that may help with the addiction.

You are doing the right thing by getting help for your addiction. That is a tough road to take, and I hope that you will find freedom from the addiction. I encourage you to visit <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Judith Ann Hillard is an incredible woman who overcame cocaine addiction but now struggles with multiple schlerosis. Her story is very powerful, and if anyone knows what it's like to battle addiction AND chronic illness, it's her.

As to the pregnancy thing, maybe the reason you're having trouble is because your body is simply not healthy enough to handle it at this point. Please consider waiting to get pregnant until you are in a healthier state--both in terms of your CF and your addiction. Your health comes first; I understand the longings to have a child, but for many people (and it sounds like you may be one of them) the stress of pregnancy and parenting can have devastating effects on CF. For your sake and the sake of a potential child, please wait until you are as healthy as can be before pursuing that route. CFers who desire to be parents need to be extremely compliant with their treatment.

For both situations, PLEASE talk with your doctor and perhaps, if your clinic has one, a social worker. They are there to help you.

Warmest Regards,


New member
I agree with Lightnlife~~wait on pregnancy.

Do you know how the methadone would effect your fetus if you did get pregnant? probably not a good effect. That would be Another reason to wait until your addition to methadone and the {other} addiction is under control.


New member
I agree with Lightnlife~~wait on pregnancy.

Do you know how the methadone would effect your fetus if you did get pregnant? probably not a good effect. That would be Another reason to wait until your addition to methadone and the {other} addiction is under control.


New member
I agree with Lightnlife~~wait on pregnancy.

Do you know how the methadone would effect your fetus if you did get pregnant? probably not a good effect. That would be Another reason to wait until your addition to methadone and the {other} addiction is under control.


New member
I agree with Lightnlife~~wait on pregnancy.

Do you know how the methadone would effect your fetus if you did get pregnant? probably not a good effect. That would be Another reason to wait until your addition to methadone and the {other} addiction is under control.


New member
I agree with Lightnlife~~wait on pregnancy.

Do you know how the methadone would effect your fetus if you did get pregnant? probably not a good effect. That would be Another reason to wait until your addition to methadone and the {other} addiction is under control.