addiction effecting my CF?


New member
i love that gene simmons show i think there great. but yeah you nailed it thats exactly what i meant. a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons and end up in a bad situation! PS you have a beautiful daughter!

jordysmom- thats the same person i was talking about. I've been with this person since i was fifteen. i think i just may have confused you i think i have a.d.d or something i have a hard time explaining stuff haha. Also, i came to this site wanting to know what the effects were that methadone might have on my health/lungs if anyone had been in that kind of situation knew. i'm doing the best i can, and you say "find out what direction your heading in" i know exactly what direction i'm heading in and i know what i want for my life. i appreciate all the advice everyone has given me, and i've read that STD comment over and over maybe im just a retard because i have no idea what he meant. Thankyou for your advice.

suzicoffeebean- I'm sorry that you've had to go through those experiences with your parents, and i appreciate your opinion very much.

Thankyou everyone. Also i meant to ask does anyone take anything besides enzymes to help with the weight issue? i've gained five lbs already and have a good appetite now that im not so stressed out but id like to gain like 15 more its probably impossible i've always been a string bean. any suggestions?


New member
i love that gene simmons show i think there great. but yeah you nailed it thats exactly what i meant. a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons and end up in a bad situation! PS you have a beautiful daughter!

jordysmom- thats the same person i was talking about. I've been with this person since i was fifteen. i think i just may have confused you i think i have a.d.d or something i have a hard time explaining stuff haha. Also, i came to this site wanting to know what the effects were that methadone might have on my health/lungs if anyone had been in that kind of situation knew. i'm doing the best i can, and you say "find out what direction your heading in" i know exactly what direction i'm heading in and i know what i want for my life. i appreciate all the advice everyone has given me, and i've read that STD comment over and over maybe im just a retard because i have no idea what he meant. Thankyou for your advice.

suzicoffeebean- I'm sorry that you've had to go through those experiences with your parents, and i appreciate your opinion very much.

Thankyou everyone. Also i meant to ask does anyone take anything besides enzymes to help with the weight issue? i've gained five lbs already and have a good appetite now that im not so stressed out but id like to gain like 15 more its probably impossible i've always been a string bean. any suggestions?


New member
i love that gene simmons show i think there great. but yeah you nailed it thats exactly what i meant. a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons and end up in a bad situation! PS you have a beautiful daughter!

jordysmom- thats the same person i was talking about. I've been with this person since i was fifteen. i think i just may have confused you i think i have a.d.d or something i have a hard time explaining stuff haha. Also, i came to this site wanting to know what the effects were that methadone might have on my health/lungs if anyone had been in that kind of situation knew. i'm doing the best i can, and you say "find out what direction your heading in" i know exactly what direction i'm heading in and i know what i want for my life. i appreciate all the advice everyone has given me, and i've read that STD comment over and over maybe im just a retard because i have no idea what he meant. Thankyou for your advice.

suzicoffeebean- I'm sorry that you've had to go through those experiences with your parents, and i appreciate your opinion very much.

Thankyou everyone. Also i meant to ask does anyone take anything besides enzymes to help with the weight issue? i've gained five lbs already and have a good appetite now that im not so stressed out but id like to gain like 15 more its probably impossible i've always been a string bean. any suggestions?


New member
i love that gene simmons show i think there great. but yeah you nailed it thats exactly what i meant. a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons and end up in a bad situation! PS you have a beautiful daughter!

jordysmom- thats the same person i was talking about. I've been with this person since i was fifteen. i think i just may have confused you i think i have a.d.d or something i have a hard time explaining stuff haha. Also, i came to this site wanting to know what the effects were that methadone might have on my health/lungs if anyone had been in that kind of situation knew. i'm doing the best i can, and you say "find out what direction your heading in" i know exactly what direction i'm heading in and i know what i want for my life. i appreciate all the advice everyone has given me, and i've read that STD comment over and over maybe im just a retard because i have no idea what he meant. Thankyou for your advice.

suzicoffeebean- I'm sorry that you've had to go through those experiences with your parents, and i appreciate your opinion very much.

Thankyou everyone. Also i meant to ask does anyone take anything besides enzymes to help with the weight issue? i've gained five lbs already and have a good appetite now that im not so stressed out but id like to gain like 15 more its probably impossible i've always been a string bean. any suggestions?


New member
i love that gene simmons show i think there great. but yeah you nailed it thats exactly what i meant. a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons and end up in a bad situation! PS you have a beautiful daughter!

jordysmom- thats the same person i was talking about. I've been with this person since i was fifteen. i think i just may have confused you i think i have a.d.d or something i have a hard time explaining stuff haha. Also, i came to this site wanting to know what the effects were that methadone might have on my health/lungs if anyone had been in that kind of situation knew. i'm doing the best i can, and you say "find out what direction your heading in" i know exactly what direction i'm heading in and i know what i want for my life. i appreciate all the advice everyone has given me, and i've read that STD comment over and over maybe im just a retard because i have no idea what he meant. Thankyou for your advice.

suzicoffeebean- I'm sorry that you've had to go through those experiences with your parents, and i appreciate your opinion very much.

Thankyou everyone. Also i meant to ask does anyone take anything besides enzymes to help with the weight issue? i've gained five lbs already and have a good appetite now that im not so stressed out but id like to gain like 15 more its probably impossible i've always been a string bean. any suggestions?


Hi Kate,

Methadone can affect your lung function. Being an opiate (a full opiate agonist) it supresses the cough reflex and lead to more slowed and shallow breathing. What this means in CF terms: it makes it more difficult to cough up the accumulated mucous in our lungs because, the sensation to cough is reduced (coughing is a natural mechanism to expel mucous) and increased risk of lung infection because the mucous may be harder to cough up and therefore lies stagnant in the airways.

Having said that, it sounds like you have been on opiates (whether methadone or other opiates) for a long time and therefore if you've noticed a recent deterioration in your lung function then, unless you've greatly increased the methadone recently, it is unlikely that the methadone is contributing. I'd advise you to get checked out by your doctors.

To be honest, I understand you not wanting to tell your doctors. People on methadone face enormous judgments / negative attitudes from health workers which is a real shame and general community. Maybe there in one health worker in your team that you trust? If there is, maybe just tell them?

Methadone clinics here in Australia run similar policies and avoid reducing someone's methadone dose if the health staff feel that the person is at high risk of relapse. Many factors come into play when assessing whether to reduce someone's methadone sone of them are: have they relapsed before? if yes, the studies show they are at greater risk of relapse; have they been on mehtadone only a short time? do they have good support network? if no, they have a high risk of relapse. In the end, if the risk of the person relapsing into eg IV heroin use is high then they are better to stay on methadone treatment until they are 'ready' to be reduced.

As for babies being addicted to methadone: yes, babies born to mothers on methadone do have opiates in their system and they will be weaned from the methadone whilst still in hospital. This only takes a week or so with the use of usually, morphine. The goal is to withdraw baby from methadone safely and keep baby comfortable. Babies born to methadone mothers do tend to be lower birth rate and born prematurely BUT provided they are raised by a loving / nurturing family, they will grow up no different to any other child.

Lastly, it would be best if you get your health on track first before contemplating motherhood, especially CF wise.

All the best.


Hi Kate,

Methadone can affect your lung function. Being an opiate (a full opiate agonist) it supresses the cough reflex and lead to more slowed and shallow breathing. What this means in CF terms: it makes it more difficult to cough up the accumulated mucous in our lungs because, the sensation to cough is reduced (coughing is a natural mechanism to expel mucous) and increased risk of lung infection because the mucous may be harder to cough up and therefore lies stagnant in the airways.

Having said that, it sounds like you have been on opiates (whether methadone or other opiates) for a long time and therefore if you've noticed a recent deterioration in your lung function then, unless you've greatly increased the methadone recently, it is unlikely that the methadone is contributing. I'd advise you to get checked out by your doctors.

To be honest, I understand you not wanting to tell your doctors. People on methadone face enormous judgments / negative attitudes from health workers which is a real shame and general community. Maybe there in one health worker in your team that you trust? If there is, maybe just tell them?

Methadone clinics here in Australia run similar policies and avoid reducing someone's methadone dose if the health staff feel that the person is at high risk of relapse. Many factors come into play when assessing whether to reduce someone's methadone sone of them are: have they relapsed before? if yes, the studies show they are at greater risk of relapse; have they been on mehtadone only a short time? do they have good support network? if no, they have a high risk of relapse. In the end, if the risk of the person relapsing into eg IV heroin use is high then they are better to stay on methadone treatment until they are 'ready' to be reduced.

As for babies being addicted to methadone: yes, babies born to mothers on methadone do have opiates in their system and they will be weaned from the methadone whilst still in hospital. This only takes a week or so with the use of usually, morphine. The goal is to withdraw baby from methadone safely and keep baby comfortable. Babies born to methadone mothers do tend to be lower birth rate and born prematurely BUT provided they are raised by a loving / nurturing family, they will grow up no different to any other child.

Lastly, it would be best if you get your health on track first before contemplating motherhood, especially CF wise.

All the best.


Hi Kate,

Methadone can affect your lung function. Being an opiate (a full opiate agonist) it supresses the cough reflex and lead to more slowed and shallow breathing. What this means in CF terms: it makes it more difficult to cough up the accumulated mucous in our lungs because, the sensation to cough is reduced (coughing is a natural mechanism to expel mucous) and increased risk of lung infection because the mucous may be harder to cough up and therefore lies stagnant in the airways.

Having said that, it sounds like you have been on opiates (whether methadone or other opiates) for a long time and therefore if you've noticed a recent deterioration in your lung function then, unless you've greatly increased the methadone recently, it is unlikely that the methadone is contributing. I'd advise you to get checked out by your doctors.

To be honest, I understand you not wanting to tell your doctors. People on methadone face enormous judgments / negative attitudes from health workers which is a real shame and general community. Maybe there in one health worker in your team that you trust? If there is, maybe just tell them?

Methadone clinics here in Australia run similar policies and avoid reducing someone's methadone dose if the health staff feel that the person is at high risk of relapse. Many factors come into play when assessing whether to reduce someone's methadone sone of them are: have they relapsed before? if yes, the studies show they are at greater risk of relapse; have they been on mehtadone only a short time? do they have good support network? if no, they have a high risk of relapse. In the end, if the risk of the person relapsing into eg IV heroin use is high then they are better to stay on methadone treatment until they are 'ready' to be reduced.

As for babies being addicted to methadone: yes, babies born to mothers on methadone do have opiates in their system and they will be weaned from the methadone whilst still in hospital. This only takes a week or so with the use of usually, morphine. The goal is to withdraw baby from methadone safely and keep baby comfortable. Babies born to methadone mothers do tend to be lower birth rate and born prematurely BUT provided they are raised by a loving / nurturing family, they will grow up no different to any other child.

Lastly, it would be best if you get your health on track first before contemplating motherhood, especially CF wise.

All the best.


Hi Kate,

Methadone can affect your lung function. Being an opiate (a full opiate agonist) it supresses the cough reflex and lead to more slowed and shallow breathing. What this means in CF terms: it makes it more difficult to cough up the accumulated mucous in our lungs because, the sensation to cough is reduced (coughing is a natural mechanism to expel mucous) and increased risk of lung infection because the mucous may be harder to cough up and therefore lies stagnant in the airways.

Having said that, it sounds like you have been on opiates (whether methadone or other opiates) for a long time and therefore if you've noticed a recent deterioration in your lung function then, unless you've greatly increased the methadone recently, it is unlikely that the methadone is contributing. I'd advise you to get checked out by your doctors.

To be honest, I understand you not wanting to tell your doctors. People on methadone face enormous judgments / negative attitudes from health workers which is a real shame and general community. Maybe there in one health worker in your team that you trust? If there is, maybe just tell them?

Methadone clinics here in Australia run similar policies and avoid reducing someone's methadone dose if the health staff feel that the person is at high risk of relapse. Many factors come into play when assessing whether to reduce someone's methadone sone of them are: have they relapsed before? if yes, the studies show they are at greater risk of relapse; have they been on mehtadone only a short time? do they have good support network? if no, they have a high risk of relapse. In the end, if the risk of the person relapsing into eg IV heroin use is high then they are better to stay on methadone treatment until they are 'ready' to be reduced.

As for babies being addicted to methadone: yes, babies born to mothers on methadone do have opiates in their system and they will be weaned from the methadone whilst still in hospital. This only takes a week or so with the use of usually, morphine. The goal is to withdraw baby from methadone safely and keep baby comfortable. Babies born to methadone mothers do tend to be lower birth rate and born prematurely BUT provided they are raised by a loving / nurturing family, they will grow up no different to any other child.

Lastly, it would be best if you get your health on track first before contemplating motherhood, especially CF wise.

All the best.


Hi Kate,

Methadone can affect your lung function. Being an opiate (a full opiate agonist) it supresses the cough reflex and lead to more slowed and shallow breathing. What this means in CF terms: it makes it more difficult to cough up the accumulated mucous in our lungs because, the sensation to cough is reduced (coughing is a natural mechanism to expel mucous) and increased risk of lung infection because the mucous may be harder to cough up and therefore lies stagnant in the airways.

Having said that, it sounds like you have been on opiates (whether methadone or other opiates) for a long time and therefore if you've noticed a recent deterioration in your lung function then, unless you've greatly increased the methadone recently, it is unlikely that the methadone is contributing. I'd advise you to get checked out by your doctors.

To be honest, I understand you not wanting to tell your doctors. People on methadone face enormous judgments / negative attitudes from health workers which is a real shame and general community. Maybe there in one health worker in your team that you trust? If there is, maybe just tell them?

Methadone clinics here in Australia run similar policies and avoid reducing someone's methadone dose if the health staff feel that the person is at high risk of relapse. Many factors come into play when assessing whether to reduce someone's methadone sone of them are: have they relapsed before? if yes, the studies show they are at greater risk of relapse; have they been on mehtadone only a short time? do they have good support network? if no, they have a high risk of relapse. In the end, if the risk of the person relapsing into eg IV heroin use is high then they are better to stay on methadone treatment until they are 'ready' to be reduced.

As for babies being addicted to methadone: yes, babies born to mothers on methadone do have opiates in their system and they will be weaned from the methadone whilst still in hospital. This only takes a week or so with the use of usually, morphine. The goal is to withdraw baby from methadone safely and keep baby comfortable. Babies born to methadone mothers do tend to be lower birth rate and born prematurely BUT provided they are raised by a loving / nurturing family, they will grow up no different to any other child.

Lastly, it would be best if you get your health on track first before contemplating motherhood, especially CF wise.

All the best.


New member
I'm only touching on the addiction...the rest I'm going to stay out of because enough advice has been given already.

I have been on practically every pain medicine known to man because of my sinuses (chronic sinus pain for unknown reason after surgery...1-10 scale, without opiates I am at around 8-9 every day). Under the supervision of my CF doctors I was on OC for about a year and now I am on 50mcg/hr Duragesic patches and I have used those now for about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed any decline in lung function over this and after my body became used to being on the OC and now the Duragesic it doesn't affect my coughing whatsoever. It did at first but that doesn't last very long once you become tolerant. Still though, it is good that you are overcoming addiction and hope you are successful. I'm sure it is POSSIBLE the drugs are supressing your breathing a bit and may be doing something with your lungs, I'm just telling you that it hasn't bothered mine. To be honest, I can breathe much better on them than off. That may be though because I go through extreme withdrawal if I don't and I guess that causes shortness of breath and stuff like that.


New member
I'm only touching on the addiction...the rest I'm going to stay out of because enough advice has been given already.

I have been on practically every pain medicine known to man because of my sinuses (chronic sinus pain for unknown reason after surgery...1-10 scale, without opiates I am at around 8-9 every day). Under the supervision of my CF doctors I was on OC for about a year and now I am on 50mcg/hr Duragesic patches and I have used those now for about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed any decline in lung function over this and after my body became used to being on the OC and now the Duragesic it doesn't affect my coughing whatsoever. It did at first but that doesn't last very long once you become tolerant. Still though, it is good that you are overcoming addiction and hope you are successful. I'm sure it is POSSIBLE the drugs are supressing your breathing a bit and may be doing something with your lungs, I'm just telling you that it hasn't bothered mine. To be honest, I can breathe much better on them than off. That may be though because I go through extreme withdrawal if I don't and I guess that causes shortness of breath and stuff like that.


New member
I'm only touching on the addiction...the rest I'm going to stay out of because enough advice has been given already.

I have been on practically every pain medicine known to man because of my sinuses (chronic sinus pain for unknown reason after surgery...1-10 scale, without opiates I am at around 8-9 every day). Under the supervision of my CF doctors I was on OC for about a year and now I am on 50mcg/hr Duragesic patches and I have used those now for about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed any decline in lung function over this and after my body became used to being on the OC and now the Duragesic it doesn't affect my coughing whatsoever. It did at first but that doesn't last very long once you become tolerant. Still though, it is good that you are overcoming addiction and hope you are successful. I'm sure it is POSSIBLE the drugs are supressing your breathing a bit and may be doing something with your lungs, I'm just telling you that it hasn't bothered mine. To be honest, I can breathe much better on them than off. That may be though because I go through extreme withdrawal if I don't and I guess that causes shortness of breath and stuff like that.


New member
I'm only touching on the addiction...the rest I'm going to stay out of because enough advice has been given already.

I have been on practically every pain medicine known to man because of my sinuses (chronic sinus pain for unknown reason after surgery...1-10 scale, without opiates I am at around 8-9 every day). Under the supervision of my CF doctors I was on OC for about a year and now I am on 50mcg/hr Duragesic patches and I have used those now for about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed any decline in lung function over this and after my body became used to being on the OC and now the Duragesic it doesn't affect my coughing whatsoever. It did at first but that doesn't last very long once you become tolerant. Still though, it is good that you are overcoming addiction and hope you are successful. I'm sure it is POSSIBLE the drugs are supressing your breathing a bit and may be doing something with your lungs, I'm just telling you that it hasn't bothered mine. To be honest, I can breathe much better on them than off. That may be though because I go through extreme withdrawal if I don't and I guess that causes shortness of breath and stuff like that.


New member
I'm only touching on the addiction...the rest I'm going to stay out of because enough advice has been given already.

I have been on practically every pain medicine known to man because of my sinuses (chronic sinus pain for unknown reason after surgery...1-10 scale, without opiates I am at around 8-9 every day). Under the supervision of my CF doctors I was on OC for about a year and now I am on 50mcg/hr Duragesic patches and I have used those now for about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed any decline in lung function over this and after my body became used to being on the OC and now the Duragesic it doesn't affect my coughing whatsoever. It did at first but that doesn't last very long once you become tolerant. Still though, it is good that you are overcoming addiction and hope you are successful. I'm sure it is POSSIBLE the drugs are supressing your breathing a bit and may be doing something with your lungs, I'm just telling you that it hasn't bothered mine. To be honest, I can breathe much better on them than off. That may be though because I go through extreme withdrawal if I don't and I guess that causes shortness of breath and stuff like that.