addiction effecting my CF?


New member

First, let me say that I'm glad you are fighting to overcome your addiction. That is absolutely step one. Okay here's the big BUT... trying to have a child while you are still fighting this is not fair to you or the child. I urge you to wait until your life is in order. If you are still on methadone, you are not in control yet.

Having a child under the best of circumstances is difficult enough. Adding addiction and side effects of a drug like methadone is just asking for trouble. I agree with Barbara that you are so young, therefore have plenty of time to worry about babies. You owe it to yourself and any children you have in the future to take care of you first.

Second, I'm not sure I understand your embarrassment about talking to your docs about your lung function. They should be willing to answer any questions you may have. I'm sure they've heard it all.

I also found this website for you to check out. It looks like it has a lot of info.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I wish you the best of luck.



New member

First, let me say that I'm glad you are fighting to overcome your addiction. That is absolutely step one. Okay here's the big BUT... trying to have a child while you are still fighting this is not fair to you or the child. I urge you to wait until your life is in order. If you are still on methadone, you are not in control yet.

Having a child under the best of circumstances is difficult enough. Adding addiction and side effects of a drug like methadone is just asking for trouble. I agree with Barbara that you are so young, therefore have plenty of time to worry about babies. You owe it to yourself and any children you have in the future to take care of you first.

Second, I'm not sure I understand your embarrassment about talking to your docs about your lung function. They should be willing to answer any questions you may have. I'm sure they've heard it all.

I also found this website for you to check out. It looks like it has a lot of info.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I wish you the best of luck.



New member

First, let me say that I'm glad you are fighting to overcome your addiction. That is absolutely step one. Okay here's the big BUT... trying to have a child while you are still fighting this is not fair to you or the child. I urge you to wait until your life is in order. If you are still on methadone, you are not in control yet.

Having a child under the best of circumstances is difficult enough. Adding addiction and side effects of a drug like methadone is just asking for trouble. I agree with Barbara that you are so young, therefore have plenty of time to worry about babies. You owe it to yourself and any children you have in the future to take care of you first.

Second, I'm not sure I understand your embarrassment about talking to your docs about your lung function. They should be willing to answer any questions you may have. I'm sure they've heard it all.

I also found this website for you to check out. It looks like it has a lot of info.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I wish you the best of luck.



New member

First, let me say that I'm glad you are fighting to overcome your addiction. That is absolutely step one. Okay here's the big BUT... trying to have a child while you are still fighting this is not fair to you or the child. I urge you to wait until your life is in order. If you are still on methadone, you are not in control yet.

Having a child under the best of circumstances is difficult enough. Adding addiction and side effects of a drug like methadone is just asking for trouble. I agree with Barbara that you are so young, therefore have plenty of time to worry about babies. You owe it to yourself and any children you have in the future to take care of you first.

Second, I'm not sure I understand your embarrassment about talking to your docs about your lung function. They should be willing to answer any questions you may have. I'm sure they've heard it all.

I also found this website for you to check out. It looks like it has a lot of info.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I wish you the best of luck.



New member

First, let me say that I'm glad you are fighting to overcome your addiction. That is absolutely step one. Okay here's the big BUT... trying to have a child while you are still fighting this is not fair to you or the child. I urge you to wait until your life is in order. If you are still on methadone, you are not in control yet.

Having a child under the best of circumstances is difficult enough. Adding addiction and side effects of a drug like methadone is just asking for trouble. I agree with Barbara that you are so young, therefore have plenty of time to worry about babies. You owe it to yourself and any children you have in the future to take care of you first.

Second, I'm not sure I understand your embarrassment about talking to your docs about your lung function. They should be willing to answer any questions you may have. I'm sure they've heard it all.

I also found this website for you to check out. It looks like it has a lot of info.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I wish you the best of luck.



New member
Replying to the posts:
I went on the methadone so that i wouldnt get "sick" getting off the OCs i was taking because i dont know if anyones gone throught this but when you are sick from that kind of medication it makes you feel literally like you are dying its the worst feeling i've ever had. the clinics (which i dont agree with) want people to stay on the "dose" for as long as they can because they dont want anyone to relapse, so when i went and said i wanted a weening dose you know just lower and lower until your off of it so you can move on with your life, away from the drugs and also not get sick, they find it hard to do that, so they make you stay on it for at least three months. i only have a few more weeks to go and i'll be off it completely, and then i can concentrate on getting back to my regular regimen of meds.
But anyway i've wanted kids for along time and to reply to some of you, if i got pregnant i wouldnt be on the methadone. My fiance and i have wanted kids for so long we wouldnt think of jeapordising its health. So thankyou for the advice i will wait and see how things go if i can improve my health and stress situations before continuing to try.


New member
Replying to the posts:
I went on the methadone so that i wouldnt get "sick" getting off the OCs i was taking because i dont know if anyones gone throught this but when you are sick from that kind of medication it makes you feel literally like you are dying its the worst feeling i've ever had. the clinics (which i dont agree with) want people to stay on the "dose" for as long as they can because they dont want anyone to relapse, so when i went and said i wanted a weening dose you know just lower and lower until your off of it so you can move on with your life, away from the drugs and also not get sick, they find it hard to do that, so they make you stay on it for at least three months. i only have a few more weeks to go and i'll be off it completely, and then i can concentrate on getting back to my regular regimen of meds.
But anyway i've wanted kids for along time and to reply to some of you, if i got pregnant i wouldnt be on the methadone. My fiance and i have wanted kids for so long we wouldnt think of jeapordising its health. So thankyou for the advice i will wait and see how things go if i can improve my health and stress situations before continuing to try.


New member
Replying to the posts:
I went on the methadone so that i wouldnt get "sick" getting off the OCs i was taking because i dont know if anyones gone throught this but when you are sick from that kind of medication it makes you feel literally like you are dying its the worst feeling i've ever had. the clinics (which i dont agree with) want people to stay on the "dose" for as long as they can because they dont want anyone to relapse, so when i went and said i wanted a weening dose you know just lower and lower until your off of it so you can move on with your life, away from the drugs and also not get sick, they find it hard to do that, so they make you stay on it for at least three months. i only have a few more weeks to go and i'll be off it completely, and then i can concentrate on getting back to my regular regimen of meds.
But anyway i've wanted kids for along time and to reply to some of you, if i got pregnant i wouldnt be on the methadone. My fiance and i have wanted kids for so long we wouldnt think of jeapordising its health. So thankyou for the advice i will wait and see how things go if i can improve my health and stress situations before continuing to try.


New member
Replying to the posts:
I went on the methadone so that i wouldnt get "sick" getting off the OCs i was taking because i dont know if anyones gone throught this but when you are sick from that kind of medication it makes you feel literally like you are dying its the worst feeling i've ever had. the clinics (which i dont agree with) want people to stay on the "dose" for as long as they can because they dont want anyone to relapse, so when i went and said i wanted a weening dose you know just lower and lower until your off of it so you can move on with your life, away from the drugs and also not get sick, they find it hard to do that, so they make you stay on it for at least three months. i only have a few more weeks to go and i'll be off it completely, and then i can concentrate on getting back to my regular regimen of meds.
But anyway i've wanted kids for along time and to reply to some of you, if i got pregnant i wouldnt be on the methadone. My fiance and i have wanted kids for so long we wouldnt think of jeapordising its health. So thankyou for the advice i will wait and see how things go if i can improve my health and stress situations before continuing to try.


New member
Replying to the posts:
I went on the methadone so that i wouldnt get "sick" getting off the OCs i was taking because i dont know if anyones gone throught this but when you are sick from that kind of medication it makes you feel literally like you are dying its the worst feeling i've ever had. the clinics (which i dont agree with) want people to stay on the "dose" for as long as they can because they dont want anyone to relapse, so when i went and said i wanted a weening dose you know just lower and lower until your off of it so you can move on with your life, away from the drugs and also not get sick, they find it hard to do that, so they make you stay on it for at least three months. i only have a few more weeks to go and i'll be off it completely, and then i can concentrate on getting back to my regular regimen of meds.
But anyway i've wanted kids for along time and to reply to some of you, if i got pregnant i wouldnt be on the methadone. My fiance and i have wanted kids for so long we wouldnt think of jeapordising its health. So thankyou for the advice i will wait and see how things go if i can improve my health and stress situations before continuing to try.


New member
taken from a neonatal health page from the University of Virginia Health System:

Heroin and other opiates, including methadone, can cause significant withdrawal in the baby, with some symptoms lasting as long as four to six months. Seizures may also occur and are more likely in babies born to methadone users.

I know you said you would stop if you were pregnant, but all traces of these kind of drugs need to be out of your system long before you become pregnant or the baby will be at risk for birth defects and prematurity as well as long term effects including ADD and learning disabilities. You and your baby both deserve to be healthy mentally and physically before getting pregnant.


New member
taken from a neonatal health page from the University of Virginia Health System:

Heroin and other opiates, including methadone, can cause significant withdrawal in the baby, with some symptoms lasting as long as four to six months. Seizures may also occur and are more likely in babies born to methadone users.

I know you said you would stop if you were pregnant, but all traces of these kind of drugs need to be out of your system long before you become pregnant or the baby will be at risk for birth defects and prematurity as well as long term effects including ADD and learning disabilities. You and your baby both deserve to be healthy mentally and physically before getting pregnant.


New member
taken from a neonatal health page from the University of Virginia Health System:

Heroin and other opiates, including methadone, can cause significant withdrawal in the baby, with some symptoms lasting as long as four to six months. Seizures may also occur and are more likely in babies born to methadone users.

I know you said you would stop if you were pregnant, but all traces of these kind of drugs need to be out of your system long before you become pregnant or the baby will be at risk for birth defects and prematurity as well as long term effects including ADD and learning disabilities. You and your baby both deserve to be healthy mentally and physically before getting pregnant.


New member
taken from a neonatal health page from the University of Virginia Health System:

Heroin and other opiates, including methadone, can cause significant withdrawal in the baby, with some symptoms lasting as long as four to six months. Seizures may also occur and are more likely in babies born to methadone users.

I know you said you would stop if you were pregnant, but all traces of these kind of drugs need to be out of your system long before you become pregnant or the baby will be at risk for birth defects and prematurity as well as long term effects including ADD and learning disabilities. You and your baby both deserve to be healthy mentally and physically before getting pregnant.


New member
taken from a neonatal health page from the University of Virginia Health System:

Heroin and other opiates, including methadone, can cause significant withdrawal in the baby, with some symptoms lasting as long as four to six months. Seizures may also occur and are more likely in babies born to methadone users.

I know you said you would stop if you were pregnant, but all traces of these kind of drugs need to be out of your system long before you become pregnant or the baby will be at risk for birth defects and prematurity as well as long term effects including ADD and learning disabilities. You and your baby both deserve to be healthy mentally and physically before getting pregnant.


New member
You MUST tell your doctors. Maybe the methadone and your symptoms aren't related, maybe they are. But whatever the case your docs need to know so that they can help you and not make things worse. I agree with what others have said about waiting to get pregnant. I didn't want to hear that when people said it to me after my husband attempted suicide, but you have to be in a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally to not only get pregnant, but stay healthy through a pregnancy, and then take care of a child. Best of luck to you.


New member
You MUST tell your doctors. Maybe the methadone and your symptoms aren't related, maybe they are. But whatever the case your docs need to know so that they can help you and not make things worse. I agree with what others have said about waiting to get pregnant. I didn't want to hear that when people said it to me after my husband attempted suicide, but you have to be in a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally to not only get pregnant, but stay healthy through a pregnancy, and then take care of a child. Best of luck to you.


New member
You MUST tell your doctors. Maybe the methadone and your symptoms aren't related, maybe they are. But whatever the case your docs need to know so that they can help you and not make things worse. I agree with what others have said about waiting to get pregnant. I didn't want to hear that when people said it to me after my husband attempted suicide, but you have to be in a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally to not only get pregnant, but stay healthy through a pregnancy, and then take care of a child. Best of luck to you.


New member
You MUST tell your doctors. Maybe the methadone and your symptoms aren't related, maybe they are. But whatever the case your docs need to know so that they can help you and not make things worse. I agree with what others have said about waiting to get pregnant. I didn't want to hear that when people said it to me after my husband attempted suicide, but you have to be in a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally to not only get pregnant, but stay healthy through a pregnancy, and then take care of a child. Best of luck to you.


New member
You MUST tell your doctors. Maybe the methadone and your symptoms aren't related, maybe they are. But whatever the case your docs need to know so that they can help you and not make things worse. I agree with what others have said about waiting to get pregnant. I didn't want to hear that when people said it to me after my husband attempted suicide, but you have to be in a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally to not only get pregnant, but stay healthy through a pregnancy, and then take care of a child. Best of luck to you.