Adjusting to "The Vest"


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It sounds like you might simply have the vest on too tight. We were taught for our hill-rom one that we should be able to put our hand just between the vest and her. She's also testing you.

Our 4 year old uses the Hill-Rom and over 20 minutes goes from 10 to 14. She can handle those settings but its a fight to get her to start. Once it's begun she's usually fine and we'll play a game or watch cartoons during it but to just start she fights it or says "later...". Often it turns into a wrestling match to get it on her. Sometimes bribes work but not like they did when she was 2 and 3. Bribery and "goody/reward charts" are absolutely useless now. The main reason they are so useless is they have no teeth - she HAS to do her vest. A behavior/reward chart is likely fine for things like cleaning their room and other things that aren't necessities but we've found are useless for anything else.

The thing I'm completely drained from is the fights over the vest and nebullizer has led her to be super defiant at other issues as well. Some of that is personality, her mother and her are worse than two sisters sometimes but I'm convinced the vest/treatment situation has made that side of her progress far far earlier than she normally would have. She's been ahead of her age in other areas but why oh why did this one have to manifest early too?


absolutely drained


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It sounds like you might simply have the vest on too tight. We were taught for our hill-rom one that we should be able to put our hand just between the vest and her. She's also testing you.

Our 4 year old uses the Hill-Rom and over 20 minutes goes from 10 to 14. She can handle those settings but its a fight to get her to start. Once it's begun she's usually fine and we'll play a game or watch cartoons during it but to just start she fights it or says "later...". Often it turns into a wrestling match to get it on her. Sometimes bribes work but not like they did when she was 2 and 3. Bribery and "goody/reward charts" are absolutely useless now. The main reason they are so useless is they have no teeth - she HAS to do her vest. A behavior/reward chart is likely fine for things like cleaning their room and other things that aren't necessities but we've found are useless for anything else.

The thing I'm completely drained from is the fights over the vest and nebullizer has led her to be super defiant at other issues as well. Some of that is personality, her mother and her are worse than two sisters sometimes but I'm convinced the vest/treatment situation has made that side of her progress far far earlier than she normally would have. She's been ahead of her age in other areas but why oh why did this one have to manifest early too?


absolutely drained


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It sounds like you might simply have the vest on too tight. We were taught for our hill-rom one that we should be able to put our hand just between the vest and her. She's also testing you.

Our 4 year old uses the Hill-Rom and over 20 minutes goes from 10 to 14. She can handle those settings but its a fight to get her to start. Once it's begun she's usually fine and we'll play a game or watch cartoons during it but to just start she fights it or says "later...". Often it turns into a wrestling match to get it on her. Sometimes bribes work but not like they did when she was 2 and 3. Bribery and "goody/reward charts" are absolutely useless now. The main reason they are so useless is they have no teeth - she HAS to do her vest. A behavior/reward chart is likely fine for things like cleaning their room and other things that aren't necessities but we've found are useless for anything else.

The thing I'm completely drained from is the fights over the vest and nebullizer has led her to be super defiant at other issues as well. Some of that is personality, her mother and her are worse than two sisters sometimes but I'm convinced the vest/treatment situation has made that side of her progress far far earlier than she normally would have. She's been ahead of her age in other areas but why oh why did this one have to manifest early too?


absolutely drained


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It sounds like you might simply have the vest on too tight. We were taught for our hill-rom one that we should be able to put our hand just between the vest and her. She's also testing you.

Our 4 year old uses the Hill-Rom and over 20 minutes goes from 10 to 14. She can handle those settings but its a fight to get her to start. Once it's begun she's usually fine and we'll play a game or watch cartoons during it but to just start she fights it or says "later...". Often it turns into a wrestling match to get it on her. Sometimes bribes work but not like they did when she was 2 and 3. Bribery and "goody/reward charts" are absolutely useless now. The main reason they are so useless is they have no teeth - she HAS to do her vest. A behavior/reward chart is likely fine for things like cleaning their room and other things that aren't necessities but we've found are useless for anything else.

The thing I'm completely drained from is the fights over the vest and nebullizer has led her to be super defiant at other issues as well. Some of that is personality, her mother and her are worse than two sisters sometimes but I'm convinced the vest/treatment situation has made that side of her progress far far earlier than she normally would have. She's been ahead of her age in other areas but why oh why did this one have to manifest early too?


absolutely drained


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It sounds like you might simply have the vest on too tight. We were taught for our hill-rom one that we should be able to put our hand just between the vest and her. She's also testing you.

Our 4 year old uses the Hill-Rom and over 20 minutes goes from 10 to 14. She can handle those settings but its a fight to get her to start. Once it's begun she's usually fine and we'll play a game or watch cartoons during it but to just start she fights it or says "later...". Often it turns into a wrestling match to get it on her. Sometimes bribes work but not like they did when she was 2 and 3. Bribery and "goody/reward charts" are absolutely useless now. The main reason they are so useless is they have no teeth - she HAS to do her vest. A behavior/reward chart is likely fine for things like cleaning their room and other things that aren't necessities but we've found are useless for anything else.

The thing I'm completely drained from is the fights over the vest and nebullizer has led her to be super defiant at other issues as well. Some of that is personality, her mother and her are worse than two sisters sometimes but I'm convinced the vest/treatment situation has made that side of her progress far far earlier than she normally would have. She's been ahead of her age in other areas but why oh why did this one have to manifest early too?


absolutely drained


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this makes me so sad to hear! my son also complains on rare occasions about the vest....his is at 14 for the highest too....we have found out that if we do it before he eats he never has a stomach ache...and he is happy to do it....when we first started 14 would make him cry and so we tryed to sing songs right before it would increase and this seemed to help...he would be almost done before it would he only complains every so often....

now its time to start tough having one now two and she is so little....we will see how that goes...Hugs to all of you!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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this makes me so sad to hear! my son also complains on rare occasions about the vest....his is at 14 for the highest too....we have found out that if we do it before he eats he never has a stomach ache...and he is happy to do it....when we first started 14 would make him cry and so we tryed to sing songs right before it would increase and this seemed to help...he would be almost done before it would he only complains every so often....

now its time to start tough having one now two and she is so little....we will see how that goes...Hugs to all of you!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
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this makes me so sad to hear! my son also complains on rare occasions about the vest....his is at 14 for the highest too....we have found out that if we do it before he eats he never has a stomach ache...and he is happy to do it....when we first started 14 would make him cry and so we tryed to sing songs right before it would increase and this seemed to help...he would be almost done before it would he only complains every so often....

now its time to start tough having one now two and she is so little....we will see how that goes...Hugs to all of you!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
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this makes me so sad to hear! my son also complains on rare occasions about the vest....his is at 14 for the highest too....we have found out that if we do it before he eats he never has a stomach ache...and he is happy to do it....when we first started 14 would make him cry and so we tryed to sing songs right before it would increase and this seemed to help...he would be almost done before it would he only complains every so often....

now its time to start tough having one now two and she is so little....we will see how that goes...Hugs to all of you!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
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this makes me so sad to hear! my son also complains on rare occasions about the vest....his is at 14 for the highest too....we have found out that if we do it before he eats he never has a stomach ache...and he is happy to do it....when we first started 14 would make him cry and so we tryed to sing songs right before it would increase and this seemed to help...he would be almost done before it would he only complains every so often....

now its time to start tough having one now two and she is so little....we will see how that goes...Hugs to all of you!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Adjusting to

Hi Emily,
Have you ever tried the vest? My clinic had an adult size when Andrew started his and had me try it. It shakes the daylights out of you!

Your settings do seem high to me. What pressure are you using? My son just turned 10 and uses 10-12 hz with a pressure of 5-6. That is as high as he can go without getting serious stomach pain. And when you think about it, these little ones are so thin...I can easily count my sons ribs when he is not wearing a shirt. I can't imagine how irritating the shake must be up against his ribcage.

Yes, make sure you can fit your hand between her chest and the vest, make sure your pressure is not too high, and then I would say if it still bothers her, lower her frequency. I think the objective right now is that she does it to develop the routine and ward off any mucus buildup. Making her more comfortable now will mean less resentment later. I don't think she's "testing" you.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


Adjusting to

Hi Emily,
Have you ever tried the vest? My clinic had an adult size when Andrew started his and had me try it. It shakes the daylights out of you!

Your settings do seem high to me. What pressure are you using? My son just turned 10 and uses 10-12 hz with a pressure of 5-6. That is as high as he can go without getting serious stomach pain. And when you think about it, these little ones are so thin...I can easily count my sons ribs when he is not wearing a shirt. I can't imagine how irritating the shake must be up against his ribcage.

Yes, make sure you can fit your hand between her chest and the vest, make sure your pressure is not too high, and then I would say if it still bothers her, lower her frequency. I think the objective right now is that she does it to develop the routine and ward off any mucus buildup. Making her more comfortable now will mean less resentment later. I don't think she's "testing" you.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


Adjusting to

Hi Emily,
Have you ever tried the vest? My clinic had an adult size when Andrew started his and had me try it. It shakes the daylights out of you!

Your settings do seem high to me. What pressure are you using? My son just turned 10 and uses 10-12 hz with a pressure of 5-6. That is as high as he can go without getting serious stomach pain. And when you think about it, these little ones are so thin...I can easily count my sons ribs when he is not wearing a shirt. I can't imagine how irritating the shake must be up against his ribcage.

Yes, make sure you can fit your hand between her chest and the vest, make sure your pressure is not too high, and then I would say if it still bothers her, lower her frequency. I think the objective right now is that she does it to develop the routine and ward off any mucus buildup. Making her more comfortable now will mean less resentment later. I don't think she's "testing" you.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


Adjusting to

Hi Emily,
Have you ever tried the vest? My clinic had an adult size when Andrew started his and had me try it. It shakes the daylights out of you!

Your settings do seem high to me. What pressure are you using? My son just turned 10 and uses 10-12 hz with a pressure of 5-6. That is as high as he can go without getting serious stomach pain. And when you think about it, these little ones are so thin...I can easily count my sons ribs when he is not wearing a shirt. I can't imagine how irritating the shake must be up against his ribcage.

Yes, make sure you can fit your hand between her chest and the vest, make sure your pressure is not too high, and then I would say if it still bothers her, lower her frequency. I think the objective right now is that she does it to develop the routine and ward off any mucus buildup. Making her more comfortable now will mean less resentment later. I don't think she's "testing" you.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


Adjusting to

Hi Emily,
Have you ever tried the vest? My clinic had an adult size when Andrew started his and had me try it. It shakes the daylights out of you!

Your settings do seem high to me. What pressure are you using? My son just turned 10 and uses 10-12 hz with a pressure of 5-6. That is as high as he can go without getting serious stomach pain. And when you think about it, these little ones are so thin...I can easily count my sons ribs when he is not wearing a shirt. I can't imagine how irritating the shake must be up against his ribcage.

Yes, make sure you can fit your hand between her chest and the vest, make sure your pressure is not too high, and then I would say if it still bothers her, lower her frequency. I think the objective right now is that she does it to develop the routine and ward off any mucus buildup. Making her more comfortable now will mean less resentment later. I don't think she's "testing" you.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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Ashton has had the vest since September and usually he only fights us to start it because he is tooo busy playing like others have said... Really we playing with Ashtons vest depending on how his cough is or how tight he sounds like right now hes battling a cough so i do it for 10 min pressure 4 and 12 hz and 10 min pressure 4 and 14 hz... it was originally told to us to do 10 and then 12 hz.. i bumped it up when he got a cough and it didnt bother him.. there are times he wants to be done before its over but usually me sitting with him or watching something he wants to watch stops that.. It amazes me the kiddos that fall asleep durin gor sleep through the vest ashton is WIDE AWAKE.. i dont think hes ever fallen asleep doing it.. im sure that might change so well see. Good Luck


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Ashton has had the vest since September and usually he only fights us to start it because he is tooo busy playing like others have said... Really we playing with Ashtons vest depending on how his cough is or how tight he sounds like right now hes battling a cough so i do it for 10 min pressure 4 and 12 hz and 10 min pressure 4 and 14 hz... it was originally told to us to do 10 and then 12 hz.. i bumped it up when he got a cough and it didnt bother him.. there are times he wants to be done before its over but usually me sitting with him or watching something he wants to watch stops that.. It amazes me the kiddos that fall asleep durin gor sleep through the vest ashton is WIDE AWAKE.. i dont think hes ever fallen asleep doing it.. im sure that might change so well see. Good Luck


New member
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Ashton has had the vest since September and usually he only fights us to start it because he is tooo busy playing like others have said... Really we playing with Ashtons vest depending on how his cough is or how tight he sounds like right now hes battling a cough so i do it for 10 min pressure 4 and 12 hz and 10 min pressure 4 and 14 hz... it was originally told to us to do 10 and then 12 hz.. i bumped it up when he got a cough and it didnt bother him.. there are times he wants to be done before its over but usually me sitting with him or watching something he wants to watch stops that.. It amazes me the kiddos that fall asleep durin gor sleep through the vest ashton is WIDE AWAKE.. i dont think hes ever fallen asleep doing it.. im sure that might change so well see. Good Luck


New member
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Ashton has had the vest since September and usually he only fights us to start it because he is tooo busy playing like others have said... Really we playing with Ashtons vest depending on how his cough is or how tight he sounds like right now hes battling a cough so i do it for 10 min pressure 4 and 12 hz and 10 min pressure 4 and 14 hz... it was originally told to us to do 10 and then 12 hz.. i bumped it up when he got a cough and it didnt bother him.. there are times he wants to be done before its over but usually me sitting with him or watching something he wants to watch stops that.. It amazes me the kiddos that fall asleep durin gor sleep through the vest ashton is WIDE AWAKE.. i dont think hes ever fallen asleep doing it.. im sure that might change so well see. Good Luck


New member
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Ashton has had the vest since September and usually he only fights us to start it because he is tooo busy playing like others have said... Really we playing with Ashtons vest depending on how his cough is or how tight he sounds like right now hes battling a cough so i do it for 10 min pressure 4 and 12 hz and 10 min pressure 4 and 14 hz... it was originally told to us to do 10 and then 12 hz.. i bumped it up when he got a cough and it didnt bother him.. there are times he wants to be done before its over but usually me sitting with him or watching something he wants to watch stops that.. It amazes me the kiddos that fall asleep durin gor sleep through the vest ashton is WIDE AWAKE.. i dont think hes ever fallen asleep doing it.. im sure that might change so well see. Good Luck