
New member
We are dealing with this but on a different level. My daughter and another girl from the same CF clinic will be attending the same college in the fall, and pursing the same career, nursing. It is a small liberal arts school and they will be in the same classroom together for many classes. We will be working with the CF team and the other parents to come up with a plan, but I don't think either girl needs to pick a different school, they just can't room together, but they can be friends via skype, facebook and other media. It's called life and you have to learn how to deal with these things and move on. And, we have been in the same grade school with another CF'er, i only knew because i work with his grandma's friend, there were no issues, didn't even know his name. We had no problems.


New member
In college I dated a guy for about a month.... here to find out, he had CF too. That put a damper on things. HAHA.

I think the best thing you can do is to really educate your daughter about germs (which I am sure you have!). Really, she can protect herself with purell, handwashing, distancing herself from this other student, coughing into elbow, using sanitizer wipes on toilet before using, and not going to school sick. I would encourage the other parents or the school to do the same with the other CFer.

As far as the school is concerned, I think it was previously said, but I would get it in writing that the students would never share a lunch time, class, etc.

I think you have every right to be concerned and to protect your daughter. I do hang out with other people that have CF- but we follow the same 3 ft rule, don't hug, don't share anything, lysol after using restroom, etc.


New member
In college I dated a guy for about a month.... here to find out, he had CF too. That put a damper on things. HAHA.

I think the best thing you can do is to really educate your daughter about germs (which I am sure you have!). Really, she can protect herself with purell, handwashing, distancing herself from this other student, coughing into elbow, using sanitizer wipes on toilet before using, and not going to school sick. I would encourage the other parents or the school to do the same with the other CFer.

As far as the school is concerned, I think it was previously said, but I would get it in writing that the students would never share a lunch time, class, etc.

I think you have every right to be concerned and to protect your daughter. I do hang out with other people that have CF- but we follow the same 3 ft rule, don't hug, don't share anything, lysol after using restroom, etc.


New member
In college I dated a guy for about a month.... here to find out, he had CF too. That put a damper on things. HAHA.
<br />
<br />I think the best thing you can do is to really educate your daughter about germs (which I am sure you have!). Really, she can protect herself with purell, handwashing, distancing herself from this other student, coughing into elbow, using sanitizer wipes on toilet before using, and not going to school sick. I would encourage the other parents or the school to do the same with the other CFer.
<br />
<br />As far as the school is concerned, I think it was previously said, but I would get it in writing that the students would never share a lunch time, class, etc.
<br />
<br />I think you have every right to be concerned and to protect your daughter. I do hang out with other people that have CF- but we follow the same 3 ft rule, don't hug, don't share anything, lysol after using restroom, etc.


New member
Ummmm, not trying to hijack this thread with this related topic but...My son is in karate, has been for two years, he and his teacher hug all the time, they are kind of like soul mates. But, his teacher has CF! I asked him about it last week and he wasn't worried. He cultures psuedomonas but says he they are silent and only a problem if he is exposed to someone who is actively sick with them... We have only been to the CF clinic once and have more tests but Owen was diagnosed with clinical CF at this point. However, we have been told nothing about cross contamination. I am kind of thinking I don't want to hear the answer...DOES OWEN HAVE TO QUIT GOING TO KARATE??? It would break all of our hearts...He hasn't gotten sick from his teacher in two years...Please give me opinions!


New member
Ummmm, not trying to hijack this thread with this related topic but...My son is in karate, has been for two years, he and his teacher hug all the time, they are kind of like soul mates. But, his teacher has CF! I asked him about it last week and he wasn't worried. He cultures psuedomonas but says he they are silent and only a problem if he is exposed to someone who is actively sick with them... We have only been to the CF clinic once and have more tests but Owen was diagnosed with clinical CF at this point. However, we have been told nothing about cross contamination. I am kind of thinking I don't want to hear the answer...DOES OWEN HAVE TO QUIT GOING TO KARATE??? It would break all of our hearts...He hasn't gotten sick from his teacher in two years...Please give me opinions!


New member
Ummmm, not trying to hijack this thread with this related topic but...My son is in karate, has been for two years, he and his teacher hug all the time, they are kind of like soul mates. But, his teacher has CF! I asked him about it last week and he wasn't worried. He cultures psuedomonas but says he they are silent and only a problem if he is exposed to someone who is actively sick with them... We have only been to the CF clinic once and have more tests but Owen was diagnosed with clinical CF at this point. However, we have been told nothing about cross contamination. I am kind of thinking I don't want to hear the answer...DOES OWEN HAVE TO QUIT GOING TO KARATE??? It would break all of our hearts...He hasn't gotten sick from his teacher in two years...Please give me opinions!


New member
I have 2 kids with CF also one has had pseudomonas and one has not. No one would ever put their kids in harms way but they can run into trouble anywhere. We have a 25 year old gal that goes to our church with CF and would never dream of avoiding her she loves the kids and they love her. They have all been educated about what is ok and what is not.

You can pick up anything anywhere. Just teach about handwashing and germs and go on with life.



New member
I have 2 kids with CF also one has had pseudomonas and one has not. No one would ever put their kids in harms way but they can run into trouble anywhere. We have a 25 year old gal that goes to our church with CF and would never dream of avoiding her she loves the kids and they love her. They have all been educated about what is ok and what is not.

You can pick up anything anywhere. Just teach about handwashing and germs and go on with life.



New member
I have 2 kids with CF also one has had pseudomonas and one has not. No one would ever put their kids in harms way but they can run into trouble anywhere. We have a 25 year old gal that goes to our church with CF and would never dream of avoiding her she loves the kids and they love her. They have all been educated about what is ok and what is not.
<br />
<br />You can pick up anything anywhere. Just teach about handwashing and germs and go on with life.
<br />
<br />Christy


New member
I was just trying to say that you guys dont need to overreact, be open about this between the two CF families.

mommafirst is right, it helps to know someone else with CF and that you arent the only one. If the neither of the children have any bad bugs then there is no reason to let the children meet. I met children with CF when I was young and it helped knowing it wasnt just me and my sister.

Yes, that other child could have Cepacia, that would obviously be dealt with differently.

I'm saying, dont freak out till you know all the facts.


New member
I was just trying to say that you guys dont need to overreact, be open about this between the two CF families.

mommafirst is right, it helps to know someone else with CF and that you arent the only one. If the neither of the children have any bad bugs then there is no reason to let the children meet. I met children with CF when I was young and it helped knowing it wasnt just me and my sister.

Yes, that other child could have Cepacia, that would obviously be dealt with differently.

I'm saying, dont freak out till you know all the facts.


New member
I was just trying to say that you guys dont need to overreact, be open about this between the two CF families.
<br />
<br />mommafirst is right, it helps to know someone else with CF and that you arent the only one. If the neither of the children have any bad bugs then there is no reason to let the children meet. I met children with CF when I was young and it helped knowing it wasnt just me and my sister.
<br />
<br />Yes, that other child could have Cepacia, that would obviously be dealt with differently.
<br />
<br />I'm saying, dont freak out till you know all the facts.


New member
I'm curious how those of you who know there are other CF'ers at your children's school found out? Health matters are supposed to be protected information. Not that I don't agree with parents being aware, I'm just wondering how you found out?

Guess we were just lucky or our school nurses lied. In 1 pre-school, 5 elementary schools, 2 jr.highs, & 4 high schools (two of the schools being private) my girls never had another CF'er in school with them other than each other. I do have to add that two of those schools were overseas so they don't really count. I asked at each school and only three schools had a past student with CF and those were the high schools. I gave permission to the school nurse that if there were another student to enroll with CF that she could let them know of my girls having CF. Even though she could tell me there were no other CF students currently in the school, she would not be able to tell me if one enrolled nor could she, even with our permission, tell another parent or CF student that Anna' and/or Rachel were there. I was told this by more than one nurse at different schools/districts and states. I did ask our clinic if they knew of any CF'ers that lived in our district and if so they could tell them about Anna' and Rachel. Lucky I guess, we never had a problem. So, I'm just wondering how y'all found out?


New member
I'm curious how those of you who know there are other CF'ers at your children's school found out? Health matters are supposed to be protected information. Not that I don't agree with parents being aware, I'm just wondering how you found out?

Guess we were just lucky or our school nurses lied. In 1 pre-school, 5 elementary schools, 2 jr.highs, & 4 high schools (two of the schools being private) my girls never had another CF'er in school with them other than each other. I do have to add that two of those schools were overseas so they don't really count. I asked at each school and only three schools had a past student with CF and those were the high schools. I gave permission to the school nurse that if there were another student to enroll with CF that she could let them know of my girls having CF. Even though she could tell me there were no other CF students currently in the school, she would not be able to tell me if one enrolled nor could she, even with our permission, tell another parent or CF student that Anna' and/or Rachel were there. I was told this by more than one nurse at different schools/districts and states. I did ask our clinic if they knew of any CF'ers that lived in our district and if so they could tell them about Anna' and Rachel. Lucky I guess, we never had a problem. So, I'm just wondering how y'all found out?


New member
I'm curious how those of you who know there are other CF'ers at your children's school found out? Health matters are supposed to be protected information. Not that I don't agree with parents being aware, I'm just wondering how you found out?
<br />
<br />Guess we were just lucky or our school nurses lied. In 1 pre-school, 5 elementary schools, 2 jr.highs, & 4 high schools (two of the schools being private) my girls never had another CF'er in school with them other than each other. I do have to add that two of those schools were overseas so they don't really count. I asked at each school and only three schools had a past student with CF and those were the high schools. I gave permission to the school nurse that if there were another student to enroll with CF that she could let them know of my girls having CF. Even though she could tell me there were no other CF students currently in the school, she would not be able to tell me if one enrolled nor could she, even with our permission, tell another parent or CF student that Anna' and/or Rachel were there. I was told this by more than one nurse at different schools/districts and states. I did ask our clinic if they knew of any CF'ers that lived in our district and if so they could tell them about Anna' and Rachel. Lucky I guess, we never had a problem. So, I'm just wondering how y'all found out?
<br />
<br />


Staff member
I knew about the other student because I'd met the parent at great strides and she attended a couple CFF meetings we had locally to plan fundraising events. I knew they lived on our side of town. The 5 children who were diagnosed in our metro area the first month newborn screening began will all start kindergarten this fall and I suggested they check out Lisa Greene's website.

When we registered DS for kindergarten I asked the principal, counselor and school nurses -- each school doesn't have a nurse they all float --- if they'd ever had a student with cf and they indicated no.

Speaking with staff from the local CF center, they also indicated that there weren't any other people with cf in our town of 26,000 -- there are several in the surrounding communities.


Staff member
I knew about the other student because I'd met the parent at great strides and she attended a couple CFF meetings we had locally to plan fundraising events. I knew they lived on our side of town. The 5 children who were diagnosed in our metro area the first month newborn screening began will all start kindergarten this fall and I suggested they check out Lisa Greene's website.

When we registered DS for kindergarten I asked the principal, counselor and school nurses -- each school doesn't have a nurse they all float --- if they'd ever had a student with cf and they indicated no.

Speaking with staff from the local CF center, they also indicated that there weren't any other people with cf in our town of 26,000 -- there are several in the surrounding communities.


Staff member
I knew about the other student because I'd met the parent at great strides and she attended a couple CFF meetings we had locally to plan fundraising events. I knew they lived on our side of town. The 5 children who were diagnosed in our metro area the first month newborn screening began will all start kindergarten this fall and I suggested they check out Lisa Greene's website.
<br />
<br />When we registered DS for kindergarten I asked the principal, counselor and school nurses -- each school doesn't have a nurse they all float --- if they'd ever had a student with cf and they indicated no.
<br />
<br />Speaking with staff from the local CF center, they also indicated that there weren't any other people with cf in our town of 26,000 -- there are several in the surrounding communities.


New member
I found out because of the arrangements we had to set up re. cross-contamination. Emily and the other child weren't in the same class but DID share the same lunch wave and snack time at her prior school, so we had to decide how to handle that (in this case, Emily's class swapped to go in for the next wave (15min later) so enzyme time didn't overlap. In our case, disclosure was easy: the other mother had it in writing that if another student came along with cf, it could be disclosed. Now, whether this was already in place or the nurse called to discuss it with this mom at the time Emily was dx'ed to gain permission I do not know, but this was how it was possible. Of course, I allowed this as well- should this happen in future I'd want other parents to be prepared and be able to contact me, etc.) The other parent with the immune-compromised child also discloses to the entire student body w/a letter sent home to the parents the issues her child has (without stating names, although most of us know who she is by now) to help protect her. Pneumonia and several other relatively common illnesses could easily kill her.

If parents are willing to disclose- and protect the school staff by putting it in writing- then the school is protected I would think. If it's the nurse or other staff just blabbing about kids' health conditions that is a different story altogether, but this is for the protection of the children involved.

eta> In our case, asking our center if they knew of anyone in our district may not have been helpful, since this child is followed by the other center in our state. But asking the social worker at your center is a good idea, I think (they can give other good ideas on how to deal with with school issues in general anyway.)