Another damaging misdiagnosis...



I am so sorry to hear that she is in so much pain! Sometimes doctors just make me so mad! I do not understand how they can not just listen to the patients/parents. Some think that just b/c they have a few letters behind their name they know it all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I hope she gets to feeling better soon<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


I am so sorry to hear that she is in so much pain! Sometimes doctors just make me so mad! I do not understand how they can not just listen to the patients/parents. Some think that just b/c they have a few letters behind their name they know it all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I hope she gets to feeling better soon<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


I am so sorry to hear that she is in so much pain! Sometimes doctors just make me so mad! I do not understand how they can not just listen to the patients/parents. Some think that just b/c they have a few letters behind their name they know it all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I hope she gets to feeling better soon<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


I am so sorry to hear that she is in so much pain! Sometimes doctors just make me so mad! I do not understand how they can not just listen to the patients/parents. Some think that just b/c they have a few letters behind their name they know it all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I hope she gets to feeling better soon<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


<br />I am so sorry to hear that she is in so much pain! Sometimes doctors just make me so mad! I do not understand how they can not just listen to the patients/parents. Some think that just b/c they have a few letters behind their name they know it all<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
<br />I hope she gets to feeling better soon<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh that is awful!! I'm so sorry. These poor kids have to go through so much as it is. To have this added to it is rediculous. I hope she improves soon.



New member
Oh that is awful!! I'm so sorry. These poor kids have to go through so much as it is. To have this added to it is rediculous. I hope she improves soon.



New member
Oh that is awful!! I'm so sorry. These poor kids have to go through so much as it is. To have this added to it is rediculous. I hope she improves soon.



New member
Oh that is awful!! I'm so sorry. These poor kids have to go through so much as it is. To have this added to it is rediculous. I hope she improves soon.



New member
Oh that is awful!! I'm so sorry. These poor kids have to go through so much as it is. To have this added to it is rediculous. I hope she improves soon.
<br />
<br />Stacey


My son had a similar experience about 10 yrs ago- thought he had a stomach virus, was finally admitted after 3 days because of dehydration, did ct scan- showed nothing, got better went home, woke up screaming and vomiting 2 days later, was readmitted- got better after being on fluids again but finally the surgeon decided to do some kind of special scan even though he thought Will was just faking it. He came running out of the room saying wheres the mom? This kid has to be in surgery now!! With Will nothing is ever simple- I thought if you had appendicitis it always showed up but not with him lol. Im sorry yall had to go through this.


My son had a similar experience about 10 yrs ago- thought he had a stomach virus, was finally admitted after 3 days because of dehydration, did ct scan- showed nothing, got better went home, woke up screaming and vomiting 2 days later, was readmitted- got better after being on fluids again but finally the surgeon decided to do some kind of special scan even though he thought Will was just faking it. He came running out of the room saying wheres the mom? This kid has to be in surgery now!! With Will nothing is ever simple- I thought if you had appendicitis it always showed up but not with him lol. Im sorry yall had to go through this.


My son had a similar experience about 10 yrs ago- thought he had a stomach virus, was finally admitted after 3 days because of dehydration, did ct scan- showed nothing, got better went home, woke up screaming and vomiting 2 days later, was readmitted- got better after being on fluids again but finally the surgeon decided to do some kind of special scan even though he thought Will was just faking it. He came running out of the room saying wheres the mom? This kid has to be in surgery now!! With Will nothing is ever simple- I thought if you had appendicitis it always showed up but not with him lol. Im sorry yall had to go through this.


My son had a similar experience about 10 yrs ago- thought he had a stomach virus, was finally admitted after 3 days because of dehydration, did ct scan- showed nothing, got better went home, woke up screaming and vomiting 2 days later, was readmitted- got better after being on fluids again but finally the surgeon decided to do some kind of special scan even though he thought Will was just faking it. He came running out of the room saying wheres the mom? This kid has to be in surgery now!! With Will nothing is ever simple- I thought if you had appendicitis it always showed up but not with him lol. Im sorry yall had to go through this.


My son had a similar experience about 10 yrs ago- thought he had a stomach virus, was finally admitted after 3 days because of dehydration, did ct scan- showed nothing, got better went home, woke up screaming and vomiting 2 days later, was readmitted- got better after being on fluids again but finally the surgeon decided to do some kind of special scan even though he thought Will was just faking it. He came running out of the room saying wheres the mom? This kid has to be in surgery now!! With Will nothing is ever simple- I thought if you had appendicitis it always showed up but not with him lol. Im sorry yall had to go through this.


New member
Today has turned out to be quite a roller coaster. At 2:00 am this morning Kacie was, for the first time, showing signs of improvement. She stood up by herself and she even smiled a couple of times.

Fast forward to 8:30 am. The RT came in to do CPT. The doctor had ordered that Kacie is to have Tylenol with Codiene every 6 hours and Morphine every 2 hours as needed but always 30 minutes prior to CPT because she is still in so much pain.

So when Kacie started fighting the RT off this morning (I was asleep on the couch beside her bed) I jumped up and asked what was going on. Kacie said she hurt too bad. I called the nurse and asked when was the last time she had been given pain medication. She said it was at midnight (almost 9 hours). I asked her why and her response was "she didn't ask for it". Well, DUH. She was asleep. But now we are back to square one with the pain. So I ended up having to refuse to let them do CPT until they gave her he pain medication and waited for her to feel better.

Then they brought her a breakfast tray of apple juice, beef broth and yellow jello. The doctor has been pushing her to eat since Saturday night, but no one ever changed her orders so they were still bringing her clear liquids. I didn't say anything because, for one thing Kacie has not wanted to eat, and also because I'll go buy her whatever she wants to get her to eat anyway. But this morning the nurse pushed her tray to her and told her to eat. And she wasn't all that kind about it. I took the nurse to the hallway and told her if she wanted Kacie to eat, she needed to give her something that was at least moderately appitizing.

Later on in the day, Kacie started to feel much better. She has walked by herself a couple of times today. She has been playing Game Cube and has been talking much more than before. She still hasn't eaten much. She has eaten a small bowl of cereal, 3 small chunks of watermelon and 2 chicken nuggets all day. But that's more than in the previous 3 days combined so it's a start.

She did have a very scary incident this evening. Her lungs have been sounding gunky lately due to her laying around so much. Today since she was up so much more, the mucus started breaking up. I was laying in her bed with her working on trying to cough and doing breathing exercises. She had a glob of mucus that we could hear but she couldn't get it to come up. After a while I had fallen asleep when all of the sudden she grabbed me and was gasping. The mucus had come up into her airway and she couldn't breathe. She paniced. Finally it went back down but she was terrified. Before I knew what happened, she pushed her nurse button and yelled for the nurse to bring her a breathing treatment. The nurse was trying to find the RT but before she got her Kacie started choking and finally threw up the glob of mucus. It was so thick it blew my mind. It looked like silly putty. And it was bigger than a marble. That was her first experience like that and it really freaked her out (and me too I must admit, though I tried not to show it).

Overall, it was a pretty good day. I am just happy to see her starting to feel better.

Thanks again for all your responses and well wishes. I really appreciate it!


New member
Today has turned out to be quite a roller coaster. At 2:00 am this morning Kacie was, for the first time, showing signs of improvement. She stood up by herself and she even smiled a couple of times.

Fast forward to 8:30 am. The RT came in to do CPT. The doctor had ordered that Kacie is to have Tylenol with Codiene every 6 hours and Morphine every 2 hours as needed but always 30 minutes prior to CPT because she is still in so much pain.

So when Kacie started fighting the RT off this morning (I was asleep on the couch beside her bed) I jumped up and asked what was going on. Kacie said she hurt too bad. I called the nurse and asked when was the last time she had been given pain medication. She said it was at midnight (almost 9 hours). I asked her why and her response was "she didn't ask for it". Well, DUH. She was asleep. But now we are back to square one with the pain. So I ended up having to refuse to let them do CPT until they gave her he pain medication and waited for her to feel better.

Then they brought her a breakfast tray of apple juice, beef broth and yellow jello. The doctor has been pushing her to eat since Saturday night, but no one ever changed her orders so they were still bringing her clear liquids. I didn't say anything because, for one thing Kacie has not wanted to eat, and also because I'll go buy her whatever she wants to get her to eat anyway. But this morning the nurse pushed her tray to her and told her to eat. And she wasn't all that kind about it. I took the nurse to the hallway and told her if she wanted Kacie to eat, she needed to give her something that was at least moderately appitizing.

Later on in the day, Kacie started to feel much better. She has walked by herself a couple of times today. She has been playing Game Cube and has been talking much more than before. She still hasn't eaten much. She has eaten a small bowl of cereal, 3 small chunks of watermelon and 2 chicken nuggets all day. But that's more than in the previous 3 days combined so it's a start.

She did have a very scary incident this evening. Her lungs have been sounding gunky lately due to her laying around so much. Today since she was up so much more, the mucus started breaking up. I was laying in her bed with her working on trying to cough and doing breathing exercises. She had a glob of mucus that we could hear but she couldn't get it to come up. After a while I had fallen asleep when all of the sudden she grabbed me and was gasping. The mucus had come up into her airway and she couldn't breathe. She paniced. Finally it went back down but she was terrified. Before I knew what happened, she pushed her nurse button and yelled for the nurse to bring her a breathing treatment. The nurse was trying to find the RT but before she got her Kacie started choking and finally threw up the glob of mucus. It was so thick it blew my mind. It looked like silly putty. And it was bigger than a marble. That was her first experience like that and it really freaked her out (and me too I must admit, though I tried not to show it).

Overall, it was a pretty good day. I am just happy to see her starting to feel better.

Thanks again for all your responses and well wishes. I really appreciate it!


New member
Today has turned out to be quite a roller coaster. At 2:00 am this morning Kacie was, for the first time, showing signs of improvement. She stood up by herself and she even smiled a couple of times.

Fast forward to 8:30 am. The RT came in to do CPT. The doctor had ordered that Kacie is to have Tylenol with Codiene every 6 hours and Morphine every 2 hours as needed but always 30 minutes prior to CPT because she is still in so much pain.

So when Kacie started fighting the RT off this morning (I was asleep on the couch beside her bed) I jumped up and asked what was going on. Kacie said she hurt too bad. I called the nurse and asked when was the last time she had been given pain medication. She said it was at midnight (almost 9 hours). I asked her why and her response was "she didn't ask for it". Well, DUH. She was asleep. But now we are back to square one with the pain. So I ended up having to refuse to let them do CPT until they gave her he pain medication and waited for her to feel better.

Then they brought her a breakfast tray of apple juice, beef broth and yellow jello. The doctor has been pushing her to eat since Saturday night, but no one ever changed her orders so they were still bringing her clear liquids. I didn't say anything because, for one thing Kacie has not wanted to eat, and also because I'll go buy her whatever she wants to get her to eat anyway. But this morning the nurse pushed her tray to her and told her to eat. And she wasn't all that kind about it. I took the nurse to the hallway and told her if she wanted Kacie to eat, she needed to give her something that was at least moderately appitizing.

Later on in the day, Kacie started to feel much better. She has walked by herself a couple of times today. She has been playing Game Cube and has been talking much more than before. She still hasn't eaten much. She has eaten a small bowl of cereal, 3 small chunks of watermelon and 2 chicken nuggets all day. But that's more than in the previous 3 days combined so it's a start.

She did have a very scary incident this evening. Her lungs have been sounding gunky lately due to her laying around so much. Today since she was up so much more, the mucus started breaking up. I was laying in her bed with her working on trying to cough and doing breathing exercises. She had a glob of mucus that we could hear but she couldn't get it to come up. After a while I had fallen asleep when all of the sudden she grabbed me and was gasping. The mucus had come up into her airway and she couldn't breathe. She paniced. Finally it went back down but she was terrified. Before I knew what happened, she pushed her nurse button and yelled for the nurse to bring her a breathing treatment. The nurse was trying to find the RT but before she got her Kacie started choking and finally threw up the glob of mucus. It was so thick it blew my mind. It looked like silly putty. And it was bigger than a marble. That was her first experience like that and it really freaked her out (and me too I must admit, though I tried not to show it).

Overall, it was a pretty good day. I am just happy to see her starting to feel better.

Thanks again for all your responses and well wishes. I really appreciate it!


New member
Today has turned out to be quite a roller coaster. At 2:00 am this morning Kacie was, for the first time, showing signs of improvement. She stood up by herself and she even smiled a couple of times.

Fast forward to 8:30 am. The RT came in to do CPT. The doctor had ordered that Kacie is to have Tylenol with Codiene every 6 hours and Morphine every 2 hours as needed but always 30 minutes prior to CPT because she is still in so much pain.

So when Kacie started fighting the RT off this morning (I was asleep on the couch beside her bed) I jumped up and asked what was going on. Kacie said she hurt too bad. I called the nurse and asked when was the last time she had been given pain medication. She said it was at midnight (almost 9 hours). I asked her why and her response was "she didn't ask for it". Well, DUH. She was asleep. But now we are back to square one with the pain. So I ended up having to refuse to let them do CPT until they gave her he pain medication and waited for her to feel better.

Then they brought her a breakfast tray of apple juice, beef broth and yellow jello. The doctor has been pushing her to eat since Saturday night, but no one ever changed her orders so they were still bringing her clear liquids. I didn't say anything because, for one thing Kacie has not wanted to eat, and also because I'll go buy her whatever she wants to get her to eat anyway. But this morning the nurse pushed her tray to her and told her to eat. And she wasn't all that kind about it. I took the nurse to the hallway and told her if she wanted Kacie to eat, she needed to give her something that was at least moderately appitizing.

Later on in the day, Kacie started to feel much better. She has walked by herself a couple of times today. She has been playing Game Cube and has been talking much more than before. She still hasn't eaten much. She has eaten a small bowl of cereal, 3 small chunks of watermelon and 2 chicken nuggets all day. But that's more than in the previous 3 days combined so it's a start.

She did have a very scary incident this evening. Her lungs have been sounding gunky lately due to her laying around so much. Today since she was up so much more, the mucus started breaking up. I was laying in her bed with her working on trying to cough and doing breathing exercises. She had a glob of mucus that we could hear but she couldn't get it to come up. After a while I had fallen asleep when all of the sudden she grabbed me and was gasping. The mucus had come up into her airway and she couldn't breathe. She paniced. Finally it went back down but she was terrified. Before I knew what happened, she pushed her nurse button and yelled for the nurse to bring her a breathing treatment. The nurse was trying to find the RT but before she got her Kacie started choking and finally threw up the glob of mucus. It was so thick it blew my mind. It looked like silly putty. And it was bigger than a marble. That was her first experience like that and it really freaked her out (and me too I must admit, though I tried not to show it).

Overall, it was a pretty good day. I am just happy to see her starting to feel better.

Thanks again for all your responses and well wishes. I really appreciate it!


New member
Today has turned out to be quite a roller coaster. At 2:00 am this morning Kacie was, for the first time, showing signs of improvement. She stood up by herself and she even smiled a couple of times.
<br />
<br />Fast forward to 8:30 am. The RT came in to do CPT. The doctor had ordered that Kacie is to have Tylenol with Codiene every 6 hours and Morphine every 2 hours as needed but always 30 minutes prior to CPT because she is still in so much pain.
<br />
<br />So when Kacie started fighting the RT off this morning (I was asleep on the couch beside her bed) I jumped up and asked what was going on. Kacie said she hurt too bad. I called the nurse and asked when was the last time she had been given pain medication. She said it was at midnight (almost 9 hours). I asked her why and her response was "she didn't ask for it". Well, DUH. She was asleep. But now we are back to square one with the pain. So I ended up having to refuse to let them do CPT until they gave her he pain medication and waited for her to feel better.
<br />
<br />Then they brought her a breakfast tray of apple juice, beef broth and yellow jello. The doctor has been pushing her to eat since Saturday night, but no one ever changed her orders so they were still bringing her clear liquids. I didn't say anything because, for one thing Kacie has not wanted to eat, and also because I'll go buy her whatever she wants to get her to eat anyway. But this morning the nurse pushed her tray to her and told her to eat. And she wasn't all that kind about it. I took the nurse to the hallway and told her if she wanted Kacie to eat, she needed to give her something that was at least moderately appitizing.
<br />
<br />Later on in the day, Kacie started to feel much better. She has walked by herself a couple of times today. She has been playing Game Cube and has been talking much more than before. She still hasn't eaten much. She has eaten a small bowl of cereal, 3 small chunks of watermelon and 2 chicken nuggets all day. But that's more than in the previous 3 days combined so it's a start.
<br />
<br />She did have a very scary incident this evening. Her lungs have been sounding gunky lately due to her laying around so much. Today since she was up so much more, the mucus started breaking up. I was laying in her bed with her working on trying to cough and doing breathing exercises. She had a glob of mucus that we could hear but she couldn't get it to come up. After a while I had fallen asleep when all of the sudden she grabbed me and was gasping. The mucus had come up into her airway and she couldn't breathe. She paniced. Finally it went back down but she was terrified. Before I knew what happened, she pushed her nurse button and yelled for the nurse to bring her a breathing treatment. The nurse was trying to find the RT but before she got her Kacie started choking and finally threw up the glob of mucus. It was so thick it blew my mind. It looked like silly putty. And it was bigger than a marble. That was her first experience like that and it really freaked her out (and me too I must admit, though I tried not to show it).
<br />
<br />Overall, it was a pretty good day. I am just happy to see her starting to feel better.
<br />
<br />Thanks again for all your responses and well wishes. I really appreciate it!