CF and Highschool...


New member
Hello I'm new on here! I'm 14 years old and I have CF.

Anyway, here are my questions.

1. Do you talk to your friends about CF? I think it is extremely awkward and try to avoid it at all costs, though I'm not sure why...

2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? I always find that I am totally confused when I return and also the teachers are sometimes kind of unsympathtic.

3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to help me with my lying! lol

Anyway I would appreciate advice!


New member
Hello I'm new on here! I'm 14 years old and I have CF.

Anyway, here are my questions.

1. Do you talk to your friends about CF? I think it is extremely awkward and try to avoid it at all costs, though I'm not sure why...

2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? I always find that I am totally confused when I return and also the teachers are sometimes kind of unsympathtic.

3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to help me with my lying! lol

Anyway I would appreciate advice!


New member
Hello I'm new on here! I'm 14 years old and I have CF.

Anyway, here are my questions.

1. Do you talk to your friends about CF? I think it is extremely awkward and try to avoid it at all costs, though I'm not sure why...

2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? I always find that I am totally confused when I return and also the teachers are sometimes kind of unsympathtic.

3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to help me with my lying! lol

Anyway I would appreciate advice!


New member
Hello I'm new on here! I'm 14 years old and I have CF.

Anyway, here are my questions.

1. Do you talk to your friends about CF? I think it is extremely awkward and try to avoid it at all costs, though I'm not sure why...

2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? I always find that I am totally confused when I return and also the teachers are sometimes kind of unsympathtic.

3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to help me with my lying! lol

Anyway I would appreciate advice!


New member
Hello I'm new on here! I'm 14 years old and I have CF.
<br />
<br />Anyway, here are my questions.
<br />
<br />1. Do you talk to your friends about CF? I think it is extremely awkward and try to avoid it at all costs, though I'm not sure why...
<br />
<br />2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? I always find that I am totally confused when I return and also the teachers are sometimes kind of unsympathtic.
<br />
<br />3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
<br />Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to help me with my lying! lol
<br />
<br />Anyway I would appreciate advice!


New member
I am and always have been very selective about who I tell about my CF. It's never a conversation starter for me and I don't really like people knowing because other people tell them. My boyfriend tells his friends and then they meet me, it's just not something I care for. I don't like being defined as "the girl with CF."

I didn't miss much school because I did a lot of IVs and such from home. I had various ways of explaining the PICC (sprained my elbow, bad cut, etc.) I made sure my teachers knew that I had CF before the first day of school but made sure that they knew I didn't want others to know and that I didn't want special treatment. That helped when I did have to go in the hospital. Sometimes I was able foresee my hospitalizations and give my teachers a heads up. That way I could have my work in the hospital to stay on top of things. I would make the tests and quizzes up when I returned to school either in study hall or before/after school.

As for replies to the questions, I just gave vague answers.
"why do you take all the pills"... "I have trouble digesting things" or "they're just vitamins"
"You were in the hospital, why?"... "I had a lung infection, but I'm OK now"
If they want to know more I'd simply tell them that I wasn't really comfortable with sharing that and for the most part, people backed off then.

High school can be rough, but hang in there! It's only 4 years!!


New member
I am and always have been very selective about who I tell about my CF. It's never a conversation starter for me and I don't really like people knowing because other people tell them. My boyfriend tells his friends and then they meet me, it's just not something I care for. I don't like being defined as "the girl with CF."

I didn't miss much school because I did a lot of IVs and such from home. I had various ways of explaining the PICC (sprained my elbow, bad cut, etc.) I made sure my teachers knew that I had CF before the first day of school but made sure that they knew I didn't want others to know and that I didn't want special treatment. That helped when I did have to go in the hospital. Sometimes I was able foresee my hospitalizations and give my teachers a heads up. That way I could have my work in the hospital to stay on top of things. I would make the tests and quizzes up when I returned to school either in study hall or before/after school.

As for replies to the questions, I just gave vague answers.
"why do you take all the pills"... "I have trouble digesting things" or "they're just vitamins"
"You were in the hospital, why?"... "I had a lung infection, but I'm OK now"
If they want to know more I'd simply tell them that I wasn't really comfortable with sharing that and for the most part, people backed off then.

High school can be rough, but hang in there! It's only 4 years!!


New member
I am and always have been very selective about who I tell about my CF. It's never a conversation starter for me and I don't really like people knowing because other people tell them. My boyfriend tells his friends and then they meet me, it's just not something I care for. I don't like being defined as "the girl with CF."

I didn't miss much school because I did a lot of IVs and such from home. I had various ways of explaining the PICC (sprained my elbow, bad cut, etc.) I made sure my teachers knew that I had CF before the first day of school but made sure that they knew I didn't want others to know and that I didn't want special treatment. That helped when I did have to go in the hospital. Sometimes I was able foresee my hospitalizations and give my teachers a heads up. That way I could have my work in the hospital to stay on top of things. I would make the tests and quizzes up when I returned to school either in study hall or before/after school.

As for replies to the questions, I just gave vague answers.
"why do you take all the pills"... "I have trouble digesting things" or "they're just vitamins"
"You were in the hospital, why?"... "I had a lung infection, but I'm OK now"
If they want to know more I'd simply tell them that I wasn't really comfortable with sharing that and for the most part, people backed off then.

High school can be rough, but hang in there! It's only 4 years!!


New member
I am and always have been very selective about who I tell about my CF. It's never a conversation starter for me and I don't really like people knowing because other people tell them. My boyfriend tells his friends and then they meet me, it's just not something I care for. I don't like being defined as "the girl with CF."

I didn't miss much school because I did a lot of IVs and such from home. I had various ways of explaining the PICC (sprained my elbow, bad cut, etc.) I made sure my teachers knew that I had CF before the first day of school but made sure that they knew I didn't want others to know and that I didn't want special treatment. That helped when I did have to go in the hospital. Sometimes I was able foresee my hospitalizations and give my teachers a heads up. That way I could have my work in the hospital to stay on top of things. I would make the tests and quizzes up when I returned to school either in study hall or before/after school.

As for replies to the questions, I just gave vague answers.
"why do you take all the pills"... "I have trouble digesting things" or "they're just vitamins"
"You were in the hospital, why?"... "I had a lung infection, but I'm OK now"
If they want to know more I'd simply tell them that I wasn't really comfortable with sharing that and for the most part, people backed off then.

High school can be rough, but hang in there! It's only 4 years!!


New member
I am and always have been very selective about who I tell about my CF. It's never a conversation starter for me and I don't really like people knowing because other people tell them. My boyfriend tells his friends and then they meet me, it's just not something I care for. I don't like being defined as "the girl with CF."
<br />
<br />I didn't miss much school because I did a lot of IVs and such from home. I had various ways of explaining the PICC (sprained my elbow, bad cut, etc.) I made sure my teachers knew that I had CF before the first day of school but made sure that they knew I didn't want others to know and that I didn't want special treatment. That helped when I did have to go in the hospital. Sometimes I was able foresee my hospitalizations and give my teachers a heads up. That way I could have my work in the hospital to stay on top of things. I would make the tests and quizzes up when I returned to school either in study hall or before/after school.
<br />
<br />As for replies to the questions, I just gave vague answers.
<br />"why do you take all the pills"... "I have trouble digesting things" or "they're just vitamins"
<br />"You were in the hospital, why?"... "I had a lung infection, but I'm OK now"
<br />If they want to know more I'd simply tell them that I wasn't really comfortable with sharing that and for the most part, people backed off then.
<br />
<br />High school can be rough, but hang in there! It's only 4 years!!


I'm going into my sophmore year this year- so I think I may be able to help. Freshman year is tough- I'm just glad its over!
The question about missing work and stuff- yea. Still trying to figure that one out myself. Get a 504 that says a. they have to have a folder with ALL of the missed work b. you must have 2X the missed days to make up the work and whatever else you can think of. they legally have to listen to it. If it said you had to have lobster served to you every lunchtime at school they would have to do it. (IDK really about that one, but everything within reason) The teachers themselves hate it and you for it- but you cant help having cf or the fact they're jerks. I'm in band and my band director (new this year) is pissed at me for going into the hospital to get a port during marching band season. After missing some school last year I decided to get a port to avoid missing school days this year, because mostly I go into the hospital to get PICC lines placed in and start. As for my friends, I talk about it if they ask. I dont try to change the topic but once you answer all their questions they generally dont talk to you about it. As for the omg you were in the hospital thing- yea. I hate it too. I tell my real friends the story, but everyone else I'm just like- yep. mauled by a bear on a camping trip (or some other ridiculous thing) and the bandages on my arm are where they had to piece it back together again after he almost ate it. Yep. Because- honestly, its none of their buisnuess! Anyway- dont forget to take time to breathe and have fun. Good luck!


I'm going into my sophmore year this year- so I think I may be able to help. Freshman year is tough- I'm just glad its over!
The question about missing work and stuff- yea. Still trying to figure that one out myself. Get a 504 that says a. they have to have a folder with ALL of the missed work b. you must have 2X the missed days to make up the work and whatever else you can think of. they legally have to listen to it. If it said you had to have lobster served to you every lunchtime at school they would have to do it. (IDK really about that one, but everything within reason) The teachers themselves hate it and you for it- but you cant help having cf or the fact they're jerks. I'm in band and my band director (new this year) is pissed at me for going into the hospital to get a port during marching band season. After missing some school last year I decided to get a port to avoid missing school days this year, because mostly I go into the hospital to get PICC lines placed in and start. As for my friends, I talk about it if they ask. I dont try to change the topic but once you answer all their questions they generally dont talk to you about it. As for the omg you were in the hospital thing- yea. I hate it too. I tell my real friends the story, but everyone else I'm just like- yep. mauled by a bear on a camping trip (or some other ridiculous thing) and the bandages on my arm are where they had to piece it back together again after he almost ate it. Yep. Because- honestly, its none of their buisnuess! Anyway- dont forget to take time to breathe and have fun. Good luck!


I'm going into my sophmore year this year- so I think I may be able to help. Freshman year is tough- I'm just glad its over!
The question about missing work and stuff- yea. Still trying to figure that one out myself. Get a 504 that says a. they have to have a folder with ALL of the missed work b. you must have 2X the missed days to make up the work and whatever else you can think of. they legally have to listen to it. If it said you had to have lobster served to you every lunchtime at school they would have to do it. (IDK really about that one, but everything within reason) The teachers themselves hate it and you for it- but you cant help having cf or the fact they're jerks. I'm in band and my band director (new this year) is pissed at me for going into the hospital to get a port during marching band season. After missing some school last year I decided to get a port to avoid missing school days this year, because mostly I go into the hospital to get PICC lines placed in and start. As for my friends, I talk about it if they ask. I dont try to change the topic but once you answer all their questions they generally dont talk to you about it. As for the omg you were in the hospital thing- yea. I hate it too. I tell my real friends the story, but everyone else I'm just like- yep. mauled by a bear on a camping trip (or some other ridiculous thing) and the bandages on my arm are where they had to piece it back together again after he almost ate it. Yep. Because- honestly, its none of their buisnuess! Anyway- dont forget to take time to breathe and have fun. Good luck!


I'm going into my sophmore year this year- so I think I may be able to help. Freshman year is tough- I'm just glad its over!
The question about missing work and stuff- yea. Still trying to figure that one out myself. Get a 504 that says a. they have to have a folder with ALL of the missed work b. you must have 2X the missed days to make up the work and whatever else you can think of. they legally have to listen to it. If it said you had to have lobster served to you every lunchtime at school they would have to do it. (IDK really about that one, but everything within reason) The teachers themselves hate it and you for it- but you cant help having cf or the fact they're jerks. I'm in band and my band director (new this year) is pissed at me for going into the hospital to get a port during marching band season. After missing some school last year I decided to get a port to avoid missing school days this year, because mostly I go into the hospital to get PICC lines placed in and start. As for my friends, I talk about it if they ask. I dont try to change the topic but once you answer all their questions they generally dont talk to you about it. As for the omg you were in the hospital thing- yea. I hate it too. I tell my real friends the story, but everyone else I'm just like- yep. mauled by a bear on a camping trip (or some other ridiculous thing) and the bandages on my arm are where they had to piece it back together again after he almost ate it. Yep. Because- honestly, its none of their buisnuess! Anyway- dont forget to take time to breathe and have fun. Good luck!


I'm going into my sophmore year this year- so I think I may be able to help. Freshman year is tough- I'm just glad its over!
<br />The question about missing work and stuff- yea. Still trying to figure that one out myself. Get a 504 that says a. they have to have a folder with ALL of the missed work b. you must have 2X the missed days to make up the work and whatever else you can think of. they legally have to listen to it. If it said you had to have lobster served to you every lunchtime at school they would have to do it. (IDK really about that one, but everything within reason) The teachers themselves hate it and you for it- but you cant help having cf or the fact they're jerks. I'm in band and my band director (new this year) is pissed at me for going into the hospital to get a port during marching band season. After missing some school last year I decided to get a port to avoid missing school days this year, because mostly I go into the hospital to get PICC lines placed in and start. As for my friends, I talk about it if they ask. I dont try to change the topic but once you answer all their questions they generally dont talk to you about it. As for the omg you were in the hospital thing- yea. I hate it too. I tell my real friends the story, but everyone else I'm just like- yep. mauled by a bear on a camping trip (or some other ridiculous thing) and the bandages on my arm are where they had to piece it back together again after he almost ate it. Yep. Because- honestly, its none of their buisnuess! Anyway- dont forget to take time to breathe and have fun. Good luck!


New member
<b>1. Do you talk to your friends about CF?</b> yes i talk to my very close friends about CF however usually not someone i just met unless they ask. once you start educating them on it, its amazing to see how interested and supportive they become. my friends do the Great Strides walk with me and always come to see me in the hospital. however, i never let them define me as having CF

<b>2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? </b>if i know i will be missing school for an appointment i tell the teacher ahead of time and try to get the work before i leave, then do it while i wait in the doctor's office. if i'm going in for a cleanout i also tell them ahead of time, get the work, and have PLEANTY of time in the hospital or at home to do it. i sometimes get a tutor for things like math which i can't figure out myself and they help me stay on top of things.

<b>3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? </b> there's a simple solution for this... DONT LIE! lying is just going to make it harder for you to deal with. just tell them "i have a disease that affects my lungs. its just to make sure i'm healthy. but i'm fine now" they don't have to know every grueling detail about CF but be honest with them. if they want to know more tell them you have Cystic Fibrosis and if they care enough they can look it up for themselves. as for the pills i just tell them "they help my digest and absorb my food"


New member
<b>1. Do you talk to your friends about CF?</b> yes i talk to my very close friends about CF however usually not someone i just met unless they ask. once you start educating them on it, its amazing to see how interested and supportive they become. my friends do the Great Strides walk with me and always come to see me in the hospital. however, i never let them define me as having CF

<b>2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? </b>if i know i will be missing school for an appointment i tell the teacher ahead of time and try to get the work before i leave, then do it while i wait in the doctor's office. if i'm going in for a cleanout i also tell them ahead of time, get the work, and have PLEANTY of time in the hospital or at home to do it. i sometimes get a tutor for things like math which i can't figure out myself and they help me stay on top of things.

<b>3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? </b> there's a simple solution for this... DONT LIE! lying is just going to make it harder for you to deal with. just tell them "i have a disease that affects my lungs. its just to make sure i'm healthy. but i'm fine now" they don't have to know every grueling detail about CF but be honest with them. if they want to know more tell them you have Cystic Fibrosis and if they care enough they can look it up for themselves. as for the pills i just tell them "they help my digest and absorb my food"


New member
<b>1. Do you talk to your friends about CF?</b> yes i talk to my very close friends about CF however usually not someone i just met unless they ask. once you start educating them on it, its amazing to see how interested and supportive they become. my friends do the Great Strides walk with me and always come to see me in the hospital. however, i never let them define me as having CF

<b>2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? </b>if i know i will be missing school for an appointment i tell the teacher ahead of time and try to get the work before i leave, then do it while i wait in the doctor's office. if i'm going in for a cleanout i also tell them ahead of time, get the work, and have PLEANTY of time in the hospital or at home to do it. i sometimes get a tutor for things like math which i can't figure out myself and they help me stay on top of things.

<b>3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? </b> there's a simple solution for this... DONT LIE! lying is just going to make it harder for you to deal with. just tell them "i have a disease that affects my lungs. its just to make sure i'm healthy. but i'm fine now" they don't have to know every grueling detail about CF but be honest with them. if they want to know more tell them you have Cystic Fibrosis and if they care enough they can look it up for themselves. as for the pills i just tell them "they help my digest and absorb my food"


New member
<b>1. Do you talk to your friends about CF?</b> yes i talk to my very close friends about CF however usually not someone i just met unless they ask. once you start educating them on it, its amazing to see how interested and supportive they become. my friends do the Great Strides walk with me and always come to see me in the hospital. however, i never let them define me as having CF

<b>2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? </b>if i know i will be missing school for an appointment i tell the teacher ahead of time and try to get the work before i leave, then do it while i wait in the doctor's office. if i'm going in for a cleanout i also tell them ahead of time, get the work, and have PLEANTY of time in the hospital or at home to do it. i sometimes get a tutor for things like math which i can't figure out myself and they help me stay on top of things.

<b>3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? </b> there's a simple solution for this... DONT LIE! lying is just going to make it harder for you to deal with. just tell them "i have a disease that affects my lungs. its just to make sure i'm healthy. but i'm fine now" they don't have to know every grueling detail about CF but be honest with them. if they want to know more tell them you have Cystic Fibrosis and if they care enough they can look it up for themselves. as for the pills i just tell them "they help my digest and absorb my food"


New member
<b>1. Do you talk to your friends about CF?</b> yes i talk to my very close friends about CF however usually not someone i just met unless they ask. once you start educating them on it, its amazing to see how interested and supportive they become. my friends do the Great Strides walk with me and always come to see me in the hospital. however, i never let them define me as having CF
<br />
<br /><b>2. When you miss school, how is the best way to make up the work? </b>if i know i will be missing school for an appointment i tell the teacher ahead of time and try to get the work before i leave, then do it while i wait in the doctor's office. if i'm going in for a cleanout i also tell them ahead of time, get the work, and have PLEANTY of time in the hospital or at home to do it. i sometimes get a tutor for things like math which i can't figure out myself and they help me stay on top of things.
<br />
<br /><b>3. If I don't want to talk with someone about CF, and they ask you a question like, "Why do you always take those pills?" or say, "You were in the HOSPITAL?!?! OMG WHY??"
<br />Well...I know this sounds bad...but what is a good excuse? </b> there's a simple solution for this... DONT LIE! lying is just going to make it harder for you to deal with. just tell them "i have a disease that affects my lungs. its just to make sure i'm healthy. but i'm fine now" they don't have to know every grueling detail about CF but be honest with them. if they want to know more tell them you have Cystic Fibrosis and if they care enough they can look it up for themselves. as for the pills i just tell them "they help my digest and absorb my food"