Cf and religion


New member
Your arguement doesn't hold very well. All books are written by people but most people don't have any trouble believing the history that is taught in schools and colleges based on these "books". The Bible just happens to be a compilation of history written by different men that were inspired by God. I believe that but it is okay if you don't.


New member
Sure it is a choice. If you argue that Homosexuals are born attracted to people of the same sex because their brains are "crossed", then it must also be argued that pedifiles whom which are turned on by young children and therefore think it is okay to molest them can argue also that they were born "attracted to children". I am not saying that we should not like gay's because they CHOOSE to be gay. That would be rediculous, I wouldn't dislike someone because they CHOSE to marry out of their race or because they choose to smoke. However I am always going to dislike that guy that chooses to molest children. (a bit of humor in a serious conversation) I have been round and round on this arguement with my gay friends (nothing to fight over!). They don't hate me because we disagree. One even agrees with me and another is now happily married to a woman (he is a man) and they have a set of twins they adore. Oh let me mention he is a Christian, redemed by the Blood of the Lamb.


New member
I was very careful to not say that you would go to hell. You may just stay on Earth for a period fo time or possibly by this time, you have reevaluated things & believe differently. Only God knows the pattern in which things will happen. According to Revalations, at the end times, there is to be a "tribulation" period and I don't know if Christians will be here for that or not. I would like to believe that we will have been removed from Earth during this time, thus the comment about you not being stuck with us "brainwashed people".
During this period, those left on Earth will get a final chance to accept Christ/God or to follow the anti-christ, so there is another opportunity for all to believe in God/Christ. You can believe all of this or you don't have to, I just wanted to let you know where I was coming from.
It's not my place to say who goes to hell. Only God has that power.
Please forgive me if I gave you the impression that you were going to a warmer climate.


I believe that before the Tribulation period here on earth, The Rapture will take place and the dead in Christ shall rise and all believers of Christ shall meet with Jesus, some scholars believe that there will be no second chance after the rapture but I personally do. And like you said those that are left behind will have the oppurtunity to accept Jesus Christ or to follow the anti-christ which during these times it will be more difficult than it is now. I personally believe that if it is so hard for some to know and follow Jesus now it will be much harder than.

Have you watched any of the Left Behind movies or read the books?? Follows the book of Revalations

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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CFFriend, as far as I know they have yet to prove that pedophilia is a physical difference in the brain. Transsexuals (I don't know about gays, but that's not to say it isn't true) actually have a piece of their brain that is more like the sex that they "want" to be. They feel like they should be the other sex, because their brain isn't that of their own gender.


New member
Why do you consider me to be defensive? Take a look at yourself. You posted here because you feel the need to defend you religion, why else would you have posted. So many people here lack rationality. It amazes me. But my initial post had nothing to do with you, it was directed at WINACE a person who shares my beliefs just like you have replied to people that share yours. As I posted I am very happy with my life. And why do people give all of there own credit away? I firmly believe you are the responsible party for leaving your abusive husband. I know I left mine 7 years ago, and I'll tell you right now, no magical chariot pulled up out in front of the trailer park we lived in. I actually got off my on but, walked out and MADE it work and it was NOT easy. You believe God helped you leave right? So where was he when the woman got shot down on the Court room steps trying to get a restraing order? I guess he just wanted to make a point with her, right? PLEEEAAASSE!


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I'm sure we've all came to the same realization by now, but, let's stop the arguing. Everyone is set in their beliefs and no one is going to change that no matter what you say, it just gets everyone in an uproar. Wasted time....


New member
The fact that so many appear to be interested in religion, because the number of viewers on the topic ,is a fallacy! The same few repondents keep tuning in all the time and getting nowhere. You should all learn to respect each others differences. I agree with a poster before me , this is not a topic on Cystic Fibrosis, It's an arguement on religion, and the believers are using this forum to try and convert the non believers, there's something very wrong with that.....


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>The fact that so many appear to be interested in religion, because the number of viewers on the topic ,is a fallacy! The same few repondents keep tuning in all the time and getting nowhere. You should all learn to respect each others differences. I agree with a poster before me , this is not a topic on Cystic Fibrosis, It's an arguement on religion, and the believers are using this forum to try and convert the non believers, there's something very wrong with that.....<hr></blockquote>

yeah, so all you jesus freaks quit trying to convert us all and maybe go find some jesus forum to preach on! heh


Honestly I think this post has gone on long enough. We've pretty much all stated our opinions on religion and we've argued it a few hundred ways. The horse is dead, stop beating it. We've insulted one another saying "your religion isn't real." etc. So what? Everybody believe what they want to believe. Stop justifying it to somebody else. If you want to have a real honest debate about religion with a single person then the forums is not the way to do it. Private message that person. Just don't go out of your way to insult them on here. It's rude and annoying.


New member

You are right, no one can prove to you that there is a God only you can choose to search for him. He is waiting for all His children to turn to Him and he will reveal Himself to you.

I heard someone say once that they would rather believe that there is a God and find themselves in Heaven, Healed and whole then to believe there isn't and go to Hell.

Like I said it is your choice God is just waiting for you to choose so he can reveal Himself to you.

Sam's Mom


New member
Just a quick comment on this:
"I heard someone say once that they would rather believe that there is a God and find themselves in Heaven, Healed and whole then to believe there isn't and go to Hell."

I'm assuming that comment relies on this: You believe in god based only on the fact that you don't want to go to hell if any of it exists.
I might go for that... because the idea of the possibility of hell does suck. But isn't it kind of a cop out to believe in god based only on fear? As opposed to believing in god for believing's sake? I choose to stick to my convictions than to believe simply because I want to take the easy way out.


New member
=-) You're right, Emily. Believing in God simply so you won't go to hell is a cop-out. Pretty much any religion you look into will tell you believing in God (or whatever else) simply to get into the better afterlife isn't nearly enough. It's kind of like doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Usually when people say that quote, though, that's not what they mean. I mean, the quote is pretty cut and dry, but the people usually aren't meaning it's okay to believe in God just to get into heaven. I guess it's more like a first step; get non-believers to believe, and the rest will come on its own later.


New member
God knows each and every one of our hearts and knows if we truly believe in him or not and simply one saying that they believe in The Lord thinking that they will go to Heaven are truly mistaken.


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
So is your answer "Yes, something happened and/or I've had a negitive experience regarding God and/or religion and I made a decision that I just don't believe"
Or "No, nothing whatsoever has ever happened and you're way off base pal"

Thanks for the straight answer<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

Yes, something did happen that turned me off religion. I realized it was false.

And may I add, with the recent spate of "So what if my god is gonna torture you eternally, we can still be friends!," "my daughter is so looking forward to dying," and "hey, raping kids and guys liking other guys is a good comparison" posts, this topic has officially become one of the most ridiculous train wrecks I've seen on any board. Heh. You'd think one could have a reasonable conversation on the topic, like you get at lots of other boards, but sadly...

It amuses me greatly that, according to some, I'm not supposed to post my beliefs, in a topic specifically designated "CF and religion," because the existence of those who don't buy commonly accepted dogma will "rile people up." Perhaps they're the overly sensitive ones who shouldn't be clicking such topics...


New member
to winace, I believe in God and consider myself spiritual. I don't shove my religion in other's faces or think I am better than non-Christians. My beliefs and faith have helped me deal with my son's diagnosis better, but I am still terrifed that I will lose him before I am ready to give him up. Having said that, I think you are a brilliant man and I respect your views--even if they are different than mine. Controversy is interesting and has obviously sparked the interest of others on this forum. I don't think you deserve the negativity and hatred delivered by from those who are supposed to be accepting and loving toward one another. The personal attacks on you piss me off and show a real lack of maturity. You have every right to post on this forum and I hope you continue to do so.


New member
Thanks, Anonymous. One of the reasons I still participate on these types of threads is that I know people like you, who are actually capable of discussing things reasonably or rationally disagreeing, read them too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Not that it necessarily matters, but after the last anonymous post was written, I felt like nodding my head. So WinAce, I just figure I'll tell you I concur. I'm not religious at all and therefore, I suppose, more likely to agree with you regardless. Yet I still don't agree with everything you say. And at the same time, I'm glad there's another one of us on here who feels free to post the less than popular opinions.


New member

With regard to your first comment: I believe you can know for sure there is a God and that is through a personal relationship with *****. When, by faith, you trust Him as your Savior His Spirit gives you that assurance. Also, the Bible says Jesus is God, and we have eyewitness to Jesus' life and ministry on earth. Christian and secular historians have written about it. The best explanation for the fulfillment of his prophecies and miracles than the fact that he was God. If you thoroughly researched both sides, of the argument, I think you would find it takes more faith to be an atheist and agnostic than a Christian. But, as I and I'm sure others can tell you, the best evidence for Christ is the continuing work He does in individual lives.

Oh, and don't expect to find a sympathetic ear on secular college campuses and universities. IF I may quote the apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans: "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.... they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen.

Remember, the narrow way leads to everlasting life, and "few there be that find it."

John, 26, cf