I was told by my CF doctor and nurses...and this makes sense to me...that the pill would be a lot less effective for ppl with CF....first off, b/c of the abx and secondly b/c of the fact that the pill is a fat soluble thing...and seeing as we CFer's dont digest fats the pill wouldnt work as well. So I opted for the patch first. I was on that for about three years and it was great! Like Jessi said, you only have to worry once a week, and just be careful it doesnt fall off, which with me, was highly unlikely. (in all of those three years, it only came close to falling off like 2 times). The patch is also less likely to interfere with abx, my OB told me it wouldnt interact at all....so thats good if you are on ab all the time.
Recently, I think five months ago, I started using the Nuvaring. This is a once a month rubber-ish ring that gets inserted in the vagina...the only bad thing is I have to do it. You wear it for three weeks, then take it out and you get a period. With the ring, there is no risk of interacting with abx, which is great...AND...added bonus, at least for me...my period only lasts two days! I have been very happy with both BC methods, but this one is even easier than the patch...as long as you remember or mark it down somewhere..