One perk of going to clinic when I was younger was the part of ditching school. But for some oddball reason, I despised going to clinic when I was younger. After all of my appointments, we always ate at Mickey D's, like most people, but not as a treat, more out of convienience. But looking back I wish I went to a more knowledgeable, well-staffed CF clinic. All of my appointments I remember waiting in the exam room for hours. Very boring indeed, especially for a young child. I remember traffic was almost always horrendous, as we went to CHOP, in Philadelphia, where IMO their surgeons are a bunch of criminals. I wish I could end this by saying "good times, good times", but I can't. As a good memory, I distinctly rememeber my doctor, Dr. Scalin, and he had an Incredible Hulk figure that I played with for my entire appointment. That is the only good memory of my clinic appointments.