Do I stay or do I go?


New member
I have no additional advice to give. I hate that you are going through this. If you feel this is what you should do in your heart, then do it. You will be fine. Do you have health insurance through him? If you divorce what happens with that? You might qualify for Medicaid, since his income wouldnt count. I'm really not sure about all that stuff, maybe someone else would be more helpful. As Terri said, talk to a lawyer, maybe one that offers free consults. Surround yourself with family and friends, probably ones that arent too associated with him. Good luck with everything. ((Hugz))


New member
I have no additional advice to give. I hate that you are going through this. If you feel this is what you should do in your heart, then do it. You will be fine. Do you have health insurance through him? If you divorce what happens with that? You might qualify for Medicaid, since his income wouldnt count. I'm really not sure about all that stuff, maybe someone else would be more helpful. As Terri said, talk to a lawyer, maybe one that offers free consults. Surround yourself with family and friends, probably ones that arent too associated with him. Good luck with everything. ((Hugz))


New member
I'm brand new to this forum so I apologize for not knowing more about you - I just read your post and all the replies you've been given so far, then went back and re-read your original post. One of the first things you said was that you and your husband were having major differences and you were wondering if it wasn't time to just leave the whole thing behind. I have to say that if you are really miserable and there is no possible way to reconcile those differences, finances and housing and all those worries are really secondary and can be worked out. If you need to leave the marriage, leave. BUT...

is there a chance this can be worked out? I'm assuming it isn't just that he's gone to the lake without inviting or calling you, but that that is really like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm thinking that there has probably been a series of things like this that just keep building on one another and I can only imagine how unhappy you must be feeling. Have you tried communicating to him how much it hurts that he didn't/doesn't invite you to do things? Or how important it is to you that he call you when he's away? Sometimes men are just so clueless - you practically have to spell it out for them! (sorry guys, no offense intended.) You could say something like, "I don't want to have an argument, but I do want you to know how I'm feeling. It really feels like you don't care about me when you plan family trips without including me - it feels like you don't want me to be part of the family. I understand that I may not be able to do all the same things you guys are doing, but I would still like to be there and share the days with you. I also understand if you need some alone time with the kids. Even when you're away though, I think it's important for us to be in contact. A quick phone call to let me know you made it to the lake safely or that you're thinking of me, would really make all the difference." (of course, only say that if it's actually how you feel, hehe. That's just an example.)

I don't know Kelli, maybe I'm way off base here. I'm sure many people on this forum can give you advice about how to survive after divorce and like I said, if you really are miserable and see no other way to rebuild your happiness, you should leave. Life's too short to waste time being unhappy. But you married this man for a reason. You did love each other once (and maybe still do). If there's anyway to rebuild your relationship and happiness as a couple (have you thought of couple's therapy?), I think it's worth a shot. That's a big IF though, that only you can answer.

I hope I haven't overstepped the boundaries here - I really just wanted to help you think about the relationship issue in and of itself because that's really what's causing you so much anxiety (I think). If you want to talk more, please feel free to PM me. Good luck. I know you'll be able to find your happiness again, I hope you are able to do it sooner rather than later.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm brand new to this forum so I apologize for not knowing more about you - I just read your post and all the replies you've been given so far, then went back and re-read your original post. One of the first things you said was that you and your husband were having major differences and you were wondering if it wasn't time to just leave the whole thing behind. I have to say that if you are really miserable and there is no possible way to reconcile those differences, finances and housing and all those worries are really secondary and can be worked out. If you need to leave the marriage, leave. BUT...

is there a chance this can be worked out? I'm assuming it isn't just that he's gone to the lake without inviting or calling you, but that that is really like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm thinking that there has probably been a series of things like this that just keep building on one another and I can only imagine how unhappy you must be feeling. Have you tried communicating to him how much it hurts that he didn't/doesn't invite you to do things? Or how important it is to you that he call you when he's away? Sometimes men are just so clueless - you practically have to spell it out for them! (sorry guys, no offense intended.) You could say something like, "I don't want to have an argument, but I do want you to know how I'm feeling. It really feels like you don't care about me when you plan family trips without including me - it feels like you don't want me to be part of the family. I understand that I may not be able to do all the same things you guys are doing, but I would still like to be there and share the days with you. I also understand if you need some alone time with the kids. Even when you're away though, I think it's important for us to be in contact. A quick phone call to let me know you made it to the lake safely or that you're thinking of me, would really make all the difference." (of course, only say that if it's actually how you feel, hehe. That's just an example.)

I don't know Kelli, maybe I'm way off base here. I'm sure many people on this forum can give you advice about how to survive after divorce and like I said, if you really are miserable and see no other way to rebuild your happiness, you should leave. Life's too short to waste time being unhappy. But you married this man for a reason. You did love each other once (and maybe still do). If there's anyway to rebuild your relationship and happiness as a couple (have you thought of couple's therapy?), I think it's worth a shot. That's a big IF though, that only you can answer.

I hope I haven't overstepped the boundaries here - I really just wanted to help you think about the relationship issue in and of itself because that's really what's causing you so much anxiety (I think). If you want to talk more, please feel free to PM me. Good luck. I know you'll be able to find your happiness again, I hope you are able to do it sooner rather than later.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm brand new to this forum so I apologize for not knowing more about you - I just read your post and all the replies you've been given so far, then went back and re-read your original post. One of the first things you said was that you and your husband were having major differences and you were wondering if it wasn't time to just leave the whole thing behind. I have to say that if you are really miserable and there is no possible way to reconcile those differences, finances and housing and all those worries are really secondary and can be worked out. If you need to leave the marriage, leave. BUT...

is there a chance this can be worked out? I'm assuming it isn't just that he's gone to the lake without inviting or calling you, but that that is really like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm thinking that there has probably been a series of things like this that just keep building on one another and I can only imagine how unhappy you must be feeling. Have you tried communicating to him how much it hurts that he didn't/doesn't invite you to do things? Or how important it is to you that he call you when he's away? Sometimes men are just so clueless - you practically have to spell it out for them! (sorry guys, no offense intended.) You could say something like, "I don't want to have an argument, but I do want you to know how I'm feeling. It really feels like you don't care about me when you plan family trips without including me - it feels like you don't want me to be part of the family. I understand that I may not be able to do all the same things you guys are doing, but I would still like to be there and share the days with you. I also understand if you need some alone time with the kids. Even when you're away though, I think it's important for us to be in contact. A quick phone call to let me know you made it to the lake safely or that you're thinking of me, would really make all the difference." (of course, only say that if it's actually how you feel, hehe. That's just an example.)

I don't know Kelli, maybe I'm way off base here. I'm sure many people on this forum can give you advice about how to survive after divorce and like I said, if you really are miserable and see no other way to rebuild your happiness, you should leave. Life's too short to waste time being unhappy. But you married this man for a reason. You did love each other once (and maybe still do). If there's anyway to rebuild your relationship and happiness as a couple (have you thought of couple's therapy?), I think it's worth a shot. That's a big IF though, that only you can answer.

I hope I haven't overstepped the boundaries here - I really just wanted to help you think about the relationship issue in and of itself because that's really what's causing you so much anxiety (I think). If you want to talk more, please feel free to PM me. Good luck. I know you'll be able to find your happiness again, I hope you are able to do it sooner rather than later.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm brand new to this forum so I apologize for not knowing more about you - I just read your post and all the replies you've been given so far, then went back and re-read your original post. One of the first things you said was that you and your husband were having major differences and you were wondering if it wasn't time to just leave the whole thing behind. I have to say that if you are really miserable and there is no possible way to reconcile those differences, finances and housing and all those worries are really secondary and can be worked out. If you need to leave the marriage, leave. BUT...

is there a chance this can be worked out? I'm assuming it isn't just that he's gone to the lake without inviting or calling you, but that that is really like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm thinking that there has probably been a series of things like this that just keep building on one another and I can only imagine how unhappy you must be feeling. Have you tried communicating to him how much it hurts that he didn't/doesn't invite you to do things? Or how important it is to you that he call you when he's away? Sometimes men are just so clueless - you practically have to spell it out for them! (sorry guys, no offense intended.) You could say something like, "I don't want to have an argument, but I do want you to know how I'm feeling. It really feels like you don't care about me when you plan family trips without including me - it feels like you don't want me to be part of the family. I understand that I may not be able to do all the same things you guys are doing, but I would still like to be there and share the days with you. I also understand if you need some alone time with the kids. Even when you're away though, I think it's important for us to be in contact. A quick phone call to let me know you made it to the lake safely or that you're thinking of me, would really make all the difference." (of course, only say that if it's actually how you feel, hehe. That's just an example.)

I don't know Kelli, maybe I'm way off base here. I'm sure many people on this forum can give you advice about how to survive after divorce and like I said, if you really are miserable and see no other way to rebuild your happiness, you should leave. Life's too short to waste time being unhappy. But you married this man for a reason. You did love each other once (and maybe still do). If there's anyway to rebuild your relationship and happiness as a couple (have you thought of couple's therapy?), I think it's worth a shot. That's a big IF though, that only you can answer.

I hope I haven't overstepped the boundaries here - I really just wanted to help you think about the relationship issue in and of itself because that's really what's causing you so much anxiety (I think). If you want to talk more, please feel free to PM me. Good luck. I know you'll be able to find your happiness again, I hope you are able to do it sooner rather than later.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm brand new to this forum so I apologize for not knowing more about you - I just read your post and all the replies you've been given so far, then went back and re-read your original post. One of the first things you said was that you and your husband were having major differences and you were wondering if it wasn't time to just leave the whole thing behind. I have to say that if you are really miserable and there is no possible way to reconcile those differences, finances and housing and all those worries are really secondary and can be worked out. If you need to leave the marriage, leave. BUT...

is there a chance this can be worked out? I'm assuming it isn't just that he's gone to the lake without inviting or calling you, but that that is really like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm thinking that there has probably been a series of things like this that just keep building on one another and I can only imagine how unhappy you must be feeling. Have you tried communicating to him how much it hurts that he didn't/doesn't invite you to do things? Or how important it is to you that he call you when he's away? Sometimes men are just so clueless - you practically have to spell it out for them! (sorry guys, no offense intended.) You could say something like, "I don't want to have an argument, but I do want you to know how I'm feeling. It really feels like you don't care about me when you plan family trips without including me - it feels like you don't want me to be part of the family. I understand that I may not be able to do all the same things you guys are doing, but I would still like to be there and share the days with you. I also understand if you need some alone time with the kids. Even when you're away though, I think it's important for us to be in contact. A quick phone call to let me know you made it to the lake safely or that you're thinking of me, would really make all the difference." (of course, only say that if it's actually how you feel, hehe. That's just an example.)

I don't know Kelli, maybe I'm way off base here. I'm sure many people on this forum can give you advice about how to survive after divorce and like I said, if you really are miserable and see no other way to rebuild your happiness, you should leave. Life's too short to waste time being unhappy. But you married this man for a reason. You did love each other once (and maybe still do). If there's anyway to rebuild your relationship and happiness as a couple (have you thought of couple's therapy?), I think it's worth a shot. That's a big IF though, that only you can answer.

I hope I haven't overstepped the boundaries here - I really just wanted to help you think about the relationship issue in and of itself because that's really what's causing you so much anxiety (I think). If you want to talk more, please feel free to PM me. Good luck. I know you'll be able to find your happiness again, I hope you are able to do it sooner rather than later.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm brand new to this forum so I apologize for not knowing more about you - I just read your post and all the replies you've been given so far, then went back and re-read your original post. One of the first things you said was that you and your husband were having major differences and you were wondering if it wasn't time to just leave the whole thing behind. I have to say that if you are really miserable and there is no possible way to reconcile those differences, finances and housing and all those worries are really secondary and can be worked out. If you need to leave the marriage, leave. BUT...

is there a chance this can be worked out? I'm assuming it isn't just that he's gone to the lake without inviting or calling you, but that that is really like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm thinking that there has probably been a series of things like this that just keep building on one another and I can only imagine how unhappy you must be feeling. Have you tried communicating to him how much it hurts that he didn't/doesn't invite you to do things? Or how important it is to you that he call you when he's away? Sometimes men are just so clueless - you practically have to spell it out for them! (sorry guys, no offense intended.) You could say something like, "I don't want to have an argument, but I do want you to know how I'm feeling. It really feels like you don't care about me when you plan family trips without including me - it feels like you don't want me to be part of the family. I understand that I may not be able to do all the same things you guys are doing, but I would still like to be there and share the days with you. I also understand if you need some alone time with the kids. Even when you're away though, I think it's important for us to be in contact. A quick phone call to let me know you made it to the lake safely or that you're thinking of me, would really make all the difference." (of course, only say that if it's actually how you feel, hehe. That's just an example.)

I don't know Kelli, maybe I'm way off base here. I'm sure many people on this forum can give you advice about how to survive after divorce and like I said, if you really are miserable and see no other way to rebuild your happiness, you should leave. Life's too short to waste time being unhappy. But you married this man for a reason. You did love each other once (and maybe still do). If there's anyway to rebuild your relationship and happiness as a couple (have you thought of couple's therapy?), I think it's worth a shot. That's a big IF though, that only you can answer.

I hope I haven't overstepped the boundaries here - I really just wanted to help you think about the relationship issue in and of itself because that's really what's causing you so much anxiety (I think). If you want to talk more, please feel free to PM me. Good luck. I know you'll be able to find your happiness again, I hope you are able to do it sooner rather than later.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Im so sorry that you are having to go thru this. I was in the same situation as you about 3 years ago. I left my ex husband after almost 3 years of marriage. I at the time was on social security and that was my total source of income. I would first get a consult from a lawyer and talk to them about the laws in your state. The insurance is next to look at. Do you have it on your own, is it thru your husband? I didnt get my medicaid for another 8 months and so we put it in the divorce that he was to pay for my insurace until medicaid kicked in. Also almony may be added in to help you out. A lawyer in your state will be able to help you out alot!!


New member
Im so sorry that you are having to go thru this. I was in the same situation as you about 3 years ago. I left my ex husband after almost 3 years of marriage. I at the time was on social security and that was my total source of income. I would first get a consult from a lawyer and talk to them about the laws in your state. The insurance is next to look at. Do you have it on your own, is it thru your husband? I didnt get my medicaid for another 8 months and so we put it in the divorce that he was to pay for my insurace until medicaid kicked in. Also almony may be added in to help you out. A lawyer in your state will be able to help you out alot!!


New member
Im so sorry that you are having to go thru this. I was in the same situation as you about 3 years ago. I left my ex husband after almost 3 years of marriage. I at the time was on social security and that was my total source of income. I would first get a consult from a lawyer and talk to them about the laws in your state. The insurance is next to look at. Do you have it on your own, is it thru your husband? I didnt get my medicaid for another 8 months and so we put it in the divorce that he was to pay for my insurace until medicaid kicked in. Also almony may be added in to help you out. A lawyer in your state will be able to help you out alot!!


New member
Im so sorry that you are having to go thru this. I was in the same situation as you about 3 years ago. I left my ex husband after almost 3 years of marriage. I at the time was on social security and that was my total source of income. I would first get a consult from a lawyer and talk to them about the laws in your state. The insurance is next to look at. Do you have it on your own, is it thru your husband? I didnt get my medicaid for another 8 months and so we put it in the divorce that he was to pay for my insurace until medicaid kicked in. Also almony may be added in to help you out. A lawyer in your state will be able to help you out alot!!


New member
Im so sorry that you are having to go thru this. I was in the same situation as you about 3 years ago. I left my ex husband after almost 3 years of marriage. I at the time was on social security and that was my total source of income. I would first get a consult from a lawyer and talk to them about the laws in your state. The insurance is next to look at. Do you have it on your own, is it thru your husband? I didnt get my medicaid for another 8 months and so we put it in the divorce that he was to pay for my insurace until medicaid kicked in. Also almony may be added in to help you out. A lawyer in your state will be able to help you out alot!!


New member
Im so sorry that you are having to go thru this. I was in the same situation as you about 3 years ago. I left my ex husband after almost 3 years of marriage. I at the time was on social security and that was my total source of income. I would first get a consult from a lawyer and talk to them about the laws in your state. The insurance is next to look at. Do you have it on your own, is it thru your husband? I didnt get my medicaid for another 8 months and so we put it in the divorce that he was to pay for my insurace until medicaid kicked in. Also almony may be added in to help you out. A lawyer in your state will be able to help you out alot!!


New member
I cant help you much. When I left my first husband I was working and the one supplying the insurance for both of us. I left him with a brand new house and a brand new mortgage. I took minimum things. My personal stuff (although there is still some I forgot & he refused to give since I forgot it), 1 dresser, 1 bed, 1 love seat & 1 tv. I had enough $$ in my savings for security on an apartment, but I am sure my Mom would have helped me with that if I needed it. I had the car also which was in my name. My biggest concern for you is your health insurance if there is anything. You dont want a lapse.....even if you are able to receive Medicaid that lapse just complicates things. You really need a Lawyer to protect yourself if you are serious about this. When I left my first husband we were married for 5 years. He wasnt a bad man. I just never should have married him. It seemed like the thing to do & it ended up not being fair to either of us because like I told him when I left.....neither of us were happy. I wish you the best, but research your options to protect yourself before making any moves! HUGS~~


New member
I cant help you much. When I left my first husband I was working and the one supplying the insurance for both of us. I left him with a brand new house and a brand new mortgage. I took minimum things. My personal stuff (although there is still some I forgot & he refused to give since I forgot it), 1 dresser, 1 bed, 1 love seat & 1 tv. I had enough $$ in my savings for security on an apartment, but I am sure my Mom would have helped me with that if I needed it. I had the car also which was in my name. My biggest concern for you is your health insurance if there is anything. You dont want a lapse.....even if you are able to receive Medicaid that lapse just complicates things. You really need a Lawyer to protect yourself if you are serious about this. When I left my first husband we were married for 5 years. He wasnt a bad man. I just never should have married him. It seemed like the thing to do & it ended up not being fair to either of us because like I told him when I left.....neither of us were happy. I wish you the best, but research your options to protect yourself before making any moves! HUGS~~


New member
I cant help you much. When I left my first husband I was working and the one supplying the insurance for both of us. I left him with a brand new house and a brand new mortgage. I took minimum things. My personal stuff (although there is still some I forgot & he refused to give since I forgot it), 1 dresser, 1 bed, 1 love seat & 1 tv. I had enough $$ in my savings for security on an apartment, but I am sure my Mom would have helped me with that if I needed it. I had the car also which was in my name. My biggest concern for you is your health insurance if there is anything. You dont want a lapse.....even if you are able to receive Medicaid that lapse just complicates things. You really need a Lawyer to protect yourself if you are serious about this. When I left my first husband we were married for 5 years. He wasnt a bad man. I just never should have married him. It seemed like the thing to do & it ended up not being fair to either of us because like I told him when I left.....neither of us were happy. I wish you the best, but research your options to protect yourself before making any moves! HUGS~~


New member
I cant help you much. When I left my first husband I was working and the one supplying the insurance for both of us. I left him with a brand new house and a brand new mortgage. I took minimum things. My personal stuff (although there is still some I forgot & he refused to give since I forgot it), 1 dresser, 1 bed, 1 love seat & 1 tv. I had enough $$ in my savings for security on an apartment, but I am sure my Mom would have helped me with that if I needed it. I had the car also which was in my name. My biggest concern for you is your health insurance if there is anything. You dont want a lapse.....even if you are able to receive Medicaid that lapse just complicates things. You really need a Lawyer to protect yourself if you are serious about this. When I left my first husband we were married for 5 years. He wasnt a bad man. I just never should have married him. It seemed like the thing to do & it ended up not being fair to either of us because like I told him when I left.....neither of us were happy. I wish you the best, but research your options to protect yourself before making any moves! HUGS~~


New member
I cant help you much. When I left my first husband I was working and the one supplying the insurance for both of us. I left him with a brand new house and a brand new mortgage. I took minimum things. My personal stuff (although there is still some I forgot & he refused to give since I forgot it), 1 dresser, 1 bed, 1 love seat & 1 tv. I had enough $$ in my savings for security on an apartment, but I am sure my Mom would have helped me with that if I needed it. I had the car also which was in my name. My biggest concern for you is your health insurance if there is anything. You dont want a lapse.....even if you are able to receive Medicaid that lapse just complicates things. You really need a Lawyer to protect yourself if you are serious about this. When I left my first husband we were married for 5 years. He wasnt a bad man. I just never should have married him. It seemed like the thing to do & it ended up not being fair to either of us because like I told him when I left.....neither of us were happy. I wish you the best, but research your options to protect yourself before making any moves! HUGS~~


New member
I cant help you much. When I left my first husband I was working and the one supplying the insurance for both of us. I left him with a brand new house and a brand new mortgage. I took minimum things. My personal stuff (although there is still some I forgot & he refused to give since I forgot it), 1 dresser, 1 bed, 1 love seat & 1 tv. I had enough $$ in my savings for security on an apartment, but I am sure my Mom would have helped me with that if I needed it. I had the car also which was in my name. My biggest concern for you is your health insurance if there is anything. You dont want a lapse.....even if you are able to receive Medicaid that lapse just complicates things. You really need a Lawyer to protect yourself if you are serious about this. When I left my first husband we were married for 5 years. He wasnt a bad man. I just never should have married him. It seemed like the thing to do & it ended up not being fair to either of us because like I told him when I left.....neither of us were happy. I wish you the best, but research your options to protect yourself before making any moves! HUGS~~