Do you work full time?


New member
I work full time and I have since (literally) the day after I graduated high school. It's never been a problem for me. I wish there were a few more hours in a day too, though. I feel like I'm always rushed no matter what I do!


New member
I work full time and I have since (literally) the day after I graduated high school. It's never been a problem for me. I wish there were a few more hours in a day too, though. I feel like I'm always rushed no matter what I do!


New member
I work full time and I have since (literally) the day after I graduated high school. It's never been a problem for me. I wish there were a few more hours in a day too, though. I feel like I'm always rushed no matter what I do!


New member
I work full time and I have since (literally) the day after I graduated high school. It's never been a problem for me. I wish there were a few more hours in a day too, though. I feel like I'm always rushed no matter what I do!


New member
I work full time and I have since (literally) the day after I graduated high school. It's never been a problem for me. I wish there were a few more hours in a day too, though. I feel like I'm always rushed no matter what I do!


New member
I work full-time, but I definitely agree that there's not enough hours in a day. It's difficult to fit in sleeping, work, care for my CF, exercise, and eating in a day. The only time I have for anything not listed (social life) is my 2 days off, and one of those days is often filled with misc. activities, ie. gocery shopping, the occasional dr.s appointment, refilling meds, etc. I suppose if I really, really wanted a social life I could squeeze it in, but right now at this point in my life, I'd rather be top notch on my health, then hanging with friends, but being ill. What good is hanging out if your quality of life suffers as a result?


New member
I work full-time, but I definitely agree that there's not enough hours in a day. It's difficult to fit in sleeping, work, care for my CF, exercise, and eating in a day. The only time I have for anything not listed (social life) is my 2 days off, and one of those days is often filled with misc. activities, ie. gocery shopping, the occasional dr.s appointment, refilling meds, etc. I suppose if I really, really wanted a social life I could squeeze it in, but right now at this point in my life, I'd rather be top notch on my health, then hanging with friends, but being ill. What good is hanging out if your quality of life suffers as a result?


New member
I work full-time, but I definitely agree that there's not enough hours in a day. It's difficult to fit in sleeping, work, care for my CF, exercise, and eating in a day. The only time I have for anything not listed (social life) is my 2 days off, and one of those days is often filled with misc. activities, ie. gocery shopping, the occasional dr.s appointment, refilling meds, etc. I suppose if I really, really wanted a social life I could squeeze it in, but right now at this point in my life, I'd rather be top notch on my health, then hanging with friends, but being ill. What good is hanging out if your quality of life suffers as a result?


New member
I work full-time, but I definitely agree that there's not enough hours in a day. It's difficult to fit in sleeping, work, care for my CF, exercise, and eating in a day. The only time I have for anything not listed (social life) is my 2 days off, and one of those days is often filled with misc. activities, ie. gocery shopping, the occasional dr.s appointment, refilling meds, etc. I suppose if I really, really wanted a social life I could squeeze it in, but right now at this point in my life, I'd rather be top notch on my health, then hanging with friends, but being ill. What good is hanging out if your quality of life suffers as a result?


New member
I work full-time, but I definitely agree that there's not enough hours in a day. It's difficult to fit in sleeping, work, care for my CF, exercise, and eating in a day. The only time I have for anything not listed (social life) is my 2 days off, and one of those days is often filled with misc. activities, ie. gocery shopping, the occasional dr.s appointment, refilling meds, etc. I suppose if I really, really wanted a social life I could squeeze it in, but right now at this point in my life, I'd rather be top notch on my health, then hanging with friends, but being ill. What good is hanging out if your quality of life suffers as a result?


New member
i work full time and i'm a senior in college part time...6.5 years later. last semester i tried a finance frat and a trading competition and i ended up with Pneumothorax. now i work from home a lot and rarely go to class for fear of doing the same thing again. these past 2 years have been much harder for me.


New member
i work full time and i'm a senior in college part time...6.5 years later. last semester i tried a finance frat and a trading competition and i ended up with Pneumothorax. now i work from home a lot and rarely go to class for fear of doing the same thing again. these past 2 years have been much harder for me.


New member
i work full time and i'm a senior in college part time...6.5 years later. last semester i tried a finance frat and a trading competition and i ended up with Pneumothorax. now i work from home a lot and rarely go to class for fear of doing the same thing again. these past 2 years have been much harder for me.


New member
i work full time and i'm a senior in college part time...6.5 years later. last semester i tried a finance frat and a trading competition and i ended up with Pneumothorax. now i work from home a lot and rarely go to class for fear of doing the same thing again. these past 2 years have been much harder for me.


New member
i work full time and i'm a senior in college part time...6.5 years later. last semester i tried a finance frat and a trading competition and i ended up with Pneumothorax. now i work from home a lot and rarely go to class for fear of doing the same thing again. these past 2 years have been much harder for me.