Does your child wear a mask to clinic?


New member
Until I went to an adult center, I had to wear a mask at clinic (while in the common areas) and in the hospital when not in our rooms. In my opinion, it is a bunch of crap...the only people that hospitals who make their CF patients wear masks care about protecting are themselves from lawsuits.


New member
Until I went to an adult center, I had to wear a mask at clinic (while in the common areas) and in the hospital when not in our rooms. In my opinion, it is a bunch of crap...the only people that hospitals who make their CF patients wear masks care about protecting are themselves from lawsuits.


New member
Until I went to an adult center, I had to wear a mask at clinic (while in the common areas) and in the hospital when not in our rooms. In my opinion, it is a bunch of crap...the only people that hospitals who make their CF patients wear masks care about protecting are themselves from lawsuits.


New member
Until I went to an adult center, I had to wear a mask at clinic (while in the common areas) and in the hospital when not in our rooms. In my opinion, it is a bunch of crap...the only people that hospitals who make their CF patients wear masks care about protecting are themselves from lawsuits.


New member
Until I went to an adult center, I had to wear a mask at clinic (while in the common areas) and in the hospital when not in our rooms. In my opinion, it is a bunch of crap...the only people that hospitals who make their CF patients wear masks care about protecting are themselves from lawsuits.


New member
Tucker has to wear a mask in the clinic, but can take it off once we get in the exam room. It's easy to pick out the other kids in the clinic who also have CF!


New member
Tucker has to wear a mask in the clinic, but can take it off once we get in the exam room. It's easy to pick out the other kids in the clinic who also have CF!


New member
Tucker has to wear a mask in the clinic, but can take it off once we get in the exam room. It's easy to pick out the other kids in the clinic who also have CF!


New member
Tucker has to wear a mask in the clinic, but can take it off once we get in the exam room. It's easy to pick out the other kids in the clinic who also have CF!


New member
Tucker has to wear a mask in the clinic, but can take it off once we get in the exam room. It's easy to pick out the other kids in the clinic who also have CF!


New member
Our experience has been, they are made available for the patients - it's up to them whether or not they want to utilize them or not.

My daughter started wearing them several years ago. My son has never worn one.


New member
Our experience has been, they are made available for the patients - it's up to them whether or not they want to utilize them or not.

My daughter started wearing them several years ago. My son has never worn one.


New member
Our experience has been, they are made available for the patients - it's up to them whether or not they want to utilize them or not.

My daughter started wearing them several years ago. My son has never worn one.


New member
Our experience has been, they are made available for the patients - it's up to them whether or not they want to utilize them or not.

My daughter started wearing them several years ago. My son has never worn one.


New member
Our experience has been, they are made available for the patients - it's up to them whether or not they want to utilize them or not.
<br />
<br />My daughter started wearing them several years ago. My son has never worn one.