effect of weather on CF


New member
I have been so curious about the weather and the effect it has on CF. We live in Florida and I really feel that the humidity helps my daughter...we also live a block away from the ocean. I do find that in the winter when we have those cold spells (80 one day the 60 the next) really triggers my daughter's cough. She has always been much healthier in the summer. Of course I am sure that is due to the fact that she is not in school but we also go to the beach more and swim more often. I do remember that the summer before my daughter was diagnosed with CF, we were spending the summer in RI...we were surrounded by salt water...I actually thought that the coughing that my daughter had been doing for 2 and a half years had finally gone away...Of course it hadn't but after she was diagnosed and I read about that study they did in Australia with CFers and surfing...I am a firm believer that the ocean/salt water is great for CFers.


New member
I have been so curious about the weather and the effect it has on CF. We live in Florida and I really feel that the humidity helps my daughter...we also live a block away from the ocean. I do find that in the winter when we have those cold spells (80 one day the 60 the next) really triggers my daughter's cough. She has always been much healthier in the summer. Of course I am sure that is due to the fact that she is not in school but we also go to the beach more and swim more often. I do remember that the summer before my daughter was diagnosed with CF, we were spending the summer in RI...we were surrounded by salt water...I actually thought that the coughing that my daughter had been doing for 2 and a half years had finally gone away...Of course it hadn't but after she was diagnosed and I read about that study they did in Australia with CFers and surfing...I am a firm believer that the ocean/salt water is great for CFers.


New member
I have been so curious about the weather and the effect it has on CF. We live in Florida and I really feel that the humidity helps my daughter...we also live a block away from the ocean. I do find that in the winter when we have those cold spells (80 one day the 60 the next) really triggers my daughter's cough. She has always been much healthier in the summer. Of course I am sure that is due to the fact that she is not in school but we also go to the beach more and swim more often. I do remember that the summer before my daughter was diagnosed with CF, we were spending the summer in RI...we were surrounded by salt water...I actually thought that the coughing that my daughter had been doing for 2 and a half years had finally gone away...Of course it hadn't but after she was diagnosed and I read about that study they did in Australia with CFers and surfing...I am a firm believer that the ocean/salt water is great for CFers.


New member
I have been so curious about the weather and the effect it has on CF. We live in Florida and I really feel that the humidity helps my daughter...we also live a block away from the ocean. I do find that in the winter when we have those cold spells (80 one day the 60 the next) really triggers my daughter's cough. She has always been much healthier in the summer. Of course I am sure that is due to the fact that she is not in school but we also go to the beach more and swim more often. I do remember that the summer before my daughter was diagnosed with CF, we were spending the summer in RI...we were surrounded by salt water...I actually thought that the coughing that my daughter had been doing for 2 and a half years had finally gone away...Of course it hadn't but after she was diagnosed and I read about that study they did in Australia with CFers and surfing...I am a firm believer that the ocean/salt water is great for CFers.


New member
I have been so curious about the weather and the effect it has on CF. We live in Florida and I really feel that the humidity helps my daughter...we also live a block away from the ocean. I do find that in the winter when we have those cold spells (80 one day the 60 the next) really triggers my daughter's cough. She has always been much healthier in the summer. Of course I am sure that is due to the fact that she is not in school but we also go to the beach more and swim more often. I do remember that the summer before my daughter was diagnosed with CF, we were spending the summer in RI...we were surrounded by salt water...I actually thought that the coughing that my daughter had been doing for 2 and a half years had finally gone away...Of course it hadn't but after she was diagnosed and I read about that study they did in Australia with CFers and surfing...I am a firm believer that the ocean/salt water is great for CFers.
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thank you everyone for your input. Very interesting! We live about 5 minutes from the ocean -- I wonder if that is what has allowed my daughter to remain so healthy (PFTs 100% or above,usually). And it is definitely drier here in the winter, when she tends to get sick (as does everyone!) I have heard that the idea for HTS came from Australia, based on evidence suggesting the benefit of ocean air. gabandpjsmom: is that the study with the Australian surfers you referred to? What did the study find? Again, thanks!


thank you everyone for your input. Very interesting! We live about 5 minutes from the ocean -- I wonder if that is what has allowed my daughter to remain so healthy (PFTs 100% or above,usually). And it is definitely drier here in the winter, when she tends to get sick (as does everyone!) I have heard that the idea for HTS came from Australia, based on evidence suggesting the benefit of ocean air. gabandpjsmom: is that the study with the Australian surfers you referred to? What did the study find? Again, thanks!


thank you everyone for your input. Very interesting! We live about 5 minutes from the ocean -- I wonder if that is what has allowed my daughter to remain so healthy (PFTs 100% or above,usually). And it is definitely drier here in the winter, when she tends to get sick (as does everyone!) I have heard that the idea for HTS came from Australia, based on evidence suggesting the benefit of ocean air. gabandpjsmom: is that the study with the Australian surfers you referred to? What did the study find? Again, thanks!


thank you everyone for your input. Very interesting! We live about 5 minutes from the ocean -- I wonder if that is what has allowed my daughter to remain so healthy (PFTs 100% or above,usually). And it is definitely drier here in the winter, when she tends to get sick (as does everyone!) I have heard that the idea for HTS came from Australia, based on evidence suggesting the benefit of ocean air. gabandpjsmom: is that the study with the Australian surfers you referred to? What did the study find? Again, thanks!


thank you everyone for your input. Very interesting! We live about 5 minutes from the ocean -- I wonder if that is what has allowed my daughter to remain so healthy (PFTs 100% or above,usually). And it is definitely drier here in the winter, when she tends to get sick (as does everyone!) I have heard that the idea for HTS came from Australia, based on evidence suggesting the benefit of ocean air. gabandpjsmom: is that the study with the Australian surfers you referred to? What did the study find? Again, thanks!


New member
The weather itself doesn't really effect me, rather the heat does. I definitely am at my best during the warmer season.


New member
The weather itself doesn't really effect me, rather the heat does. I definitely am at my best during the warmer season.


New member
The weather itself doesn't really effect me, rather the heat does. I definitely am at my best during the warmer season.


New member
The weather itself doesn't really effect me, rather the heat does. I definitely am at my best during the warmer season.


New member
The weather itself doesn't really effect me, rather the heat does. I definitely am at my best during the warmer season.


New member
well since Hypertonic Saline was "discovered" when a DR. noticed his patients always felt better after surfing, I would think the live by the beach idea isn't such a bad one. I wish I could do it!
Instead I live where there are 4 seasons, which I would miss I think. Anytime there is a drastic change ( in either direction) in the weather I always end up sick. WHen it goes 40 degrees or more back and forth that really does it ( and happens often here in the spring and fall, and sometimes winter) But generally changes bother me most when going from a heated building into the cold and vice versa. But I have reactive airway disease and this always triggers nasty coughing fits so maybe its not just from CF.


New member
well since Hypertonic Saline was "discovered" when a DR. noticed his patients always felt better after surfing, I would think the live by the beach idea isn't such a bad one. I wish I could do it!
Instead I live where there are 4 seasons, which I would miss I think. Anytime there is a drastic change ( in either direction) in the weather I always end up sick. WHen it goes 40 degrees or more back and forth that really does it ( and happens often here in the spring and fall, and sometimes winter) But generally changes bother me most when going from a heated building into the cold and vice versa. But I have reactive airway disease and this always triggers nasty coughing fits so maybe its not just from CF.


New member
well since Hypertonic Saline was "discovered" when a DR. noticed his patients always felt better after surfing, I would think the live by the beach idea isn't such a bad one. I wish I could do it!
Instead I live where there are 4 seasons, which I would miss I think. Anytime there is a drastic change ( in either direction) in the weather I always end up sick. WHen it goes 40 degrees or more back and forth that really does it ( and happens often here in the spring and fall, and sometimes winter) But generally changes bother me most when going from a heated building into the cold and vice versa. But I have reactive airway disease and this always triggers nasty coughing fits so maybe its not just from CF.


New member
well since Hypertonic Saline was "discovered" when a DR. noticed his patients always felt better after surfing, I would think the live by the beach idea isn't such a bad one. I wish I could do it!
Instead I live where there are 4 seasons, which I would miss I think. Anytime there is a drastic change ( in either direction) in the weather I always end up sick. WHen it goes 40 degrees or more back and forth that really does it ( and happens often here in the spring and fall, and sometimes winter) But generally changes bother me most when going from a heated building into the cold and vice versa. But I have reactive airway disease and this always triggers nasty coughing fits so maybe its not just from CF.


New member
well since Hypertonic Saline was "discovered" when a DR. noticed his patients always felt better after surfing, I would think the live by the beach idea isn't such a bad one. I wish I could do it!
<br />Instead I live where there are 4 seasons, which I would miss I think. Anytime there is a drastic change ( in either direction) in the weather I always end up sick. WHen it goes 40 degrees or more back and forth that really does it ( and happens often here in the spring and fall, and sometimes winter) But generally changes bother me most when going from a heated building into the cold and vice versa. But I have reactive airway disease and this always triggers nasty coughing fits so maybe its not just from CF.