effect of weather on CF


New member
weather does have an effect on all people one way or another but any one with any type of breathing problems it seems to affect them a great deal more weather it be hot or cold, its the extream heat and extream cold that gets me every time.


New member
weather does have an effect on all people one way or another but any one with any type of breathing problems it seems to affect them a great deal more weather it be hot or cold, its the extream heat and extream cold that gets me every time.


New member
weather does have an effect on all people one way or another but any one with any type of breathing problems it seems to affect them a great deal more weather it be hot or cold, its the extream heat and extream cold that gets me every time.


New member
weather does have an effect on all people one way or another but any one with any type of breathing problems it seems to affect them a great deal more weather it be hot or cold, its the extream heat and extream cold that gets me every time.


New member
weather does have an effect on all people one way or another but any one with any type of breathing problems it seems to affect them a great deal more weather it be hot or cold, its the extream heat and extream cold that gets me every time.


New member
All this weather talk is so interesting to me. It really is the question I have been asking since the first day of my daughter's diagnosis. I even got a respitory therapist from one of my daughter's hospital vists curious...she tried to do some research but couldn't find anything! My daughters pulomonologist did say that he would never suggest any CFers to move to the Northeast which is where my husband and I are both from. My husband would move back in a second but aside from the fact I love the weather in Florida, I always say that I don't think it would be good for our daughter...he doesn't agree 100% but now I have some input from CFers about how bad cold weather is. We actually lived in England for a little while right before Gabrielle was diagnosed and that was tough on her. I know hot and humid weather is really uncomfortable for a lot of people but I do believe that the humidity helps my daughter....In 2004 when we had two hurricanes so close together and our electricity was out for awhile, and we were between breathing treatments, I would walk her up and down our street...the humidity really seemed to help! Keep up the responses...they are really interesting!! Maybe we could put a study together with all these responses!


New member
All this weather talk is so interesting to me. It really is the question I have been asking since the first day of my daughter's diagnosis. I even got a respitory therapist from one of my daughter's hospital vists curious...she tried to do some research but couldn't find anything! My daughters pulomonologist did say that he would never suggest any CFers to move to the Northeast which is where my husband and I are both from. My husband would move back in a second but aside from the fact I love the weather in Florida, I always say that I don't think it would be good for our daughter...he doesn't agree 100% but now I have some input from CFers about how bad cold weather is. We actually lived in England for a little while right before Gabrielle was diagnosed and that was tough on her. I know hot and humid weather is really uncomfortable for a lot of people but I do believe that the humidity helps my daughter....In 2004 when we had two hurricanes so close together and our electricity was out for awhile, and we were between breathing treatments, I would walk her up and down our street...the humidity really seemed to help! Keep up the responses...they are really interesting!! Maybe we could put a study together with all these responses!


New member
All this weather talk is so interesting to me. It really is the question I have been asking since the first day of my daughter's diagnosis. I even got a respitory therapist from one of my daughter's hospital vists curious...she tried to do some research but couldn't find anything! My daughters pulomonologist did say that he would never suggest any CFers to move to the Northeast which is where my husband and I are both from. My husband would move back in a second but aside from the fact I love the weather in Florida, I always say that I don't think it would be good for our daughter...he doesn't agree 100% but now I have some input from CFers about how bad cold weather is. We actually lived in England for a little while right before Gabrielle was diagnosed and that was tough on her. I know hot and humid weather is really uncomfortable for a lot of people but I do believe that the humidity helps my daughter....In 2004 when we had two hurricanes so close together and our electricity was out for awhile, and we were between breathing treatments, I would walk her up and down our street...the humidity really seemed to help! Keep up the responses...they are really interesting!! Maybe we could put a study together with all these responses!


New member
All this weather talk is so interesting to me. It really is the question I have been asking since the first day of my daughter's diagnosis. I even got a respitory therapist from one of my daughter's hospital vists curious...she tried to do some research but couldn't find anything! My daughters pulomonologist did say that he would never suggest any CFers to move to the Northeast which is where my husband and I are both from. My husband would move back in a second but aside from the fact I love the weather in Florida, I always say that I don't think it would be good for our daughter...he doesn't agree 100% but now I have some input from CFers about how bad cold weather is. We actually lived in England for a little while right before Gabrielle was diagnosed and that was tough on her. I know hot and humid weather is really uncomfortable for a lot of people but I do believe that the humidity helps my daughter....In 2004 when we had two hurricanes so close together and our electricity was out for awhile, and we were between breathing treatments, I would walk her up and down our street...the humidity really seemed to help! Keep up the responses...they are really interesting!! Maybe we could put a study together with all these responses!


New member
All this weather talk is so interesting to me. It really is the question I have been asking since the first day of my daughter's diagnosis. I even got a respitory therapist from one of my daughter's hospital vists curious...she tried to do some research but couldn't find anything! My daughters pulomonologist did say that he would never suggest any CFers to move to the Northeast which is where my husband and I are both from. My husband would move back in a second but aside from the fact I love the weather in Florida, I always say that I don't think it would be good for our daughter...he doesn't agree 100% but now I have some input from CFers about how bad cold weather is. We actually lived in England for a little while right before Gabrielle was diagnosed and that was tough on her. I know hot and humid weather is really uncomfortable for a lot of people but I do believe that the humidity helps my daughter....In 2004 when we had two hurricanes so close together and our electricity was out for awhile, and we were between breathing treatments, I would walk her up and down our street...the humidity really seemed to help! Keep up the responses...they are really interesting!! Maybe we could put a study together with all these responses!
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the question is... is the humidity allowing more bacteria to grow, which in turn causes more to come out... or is the humidity loosening it up? either way seems like a more productive cough, but the first isn't really beneficial if you think about it.

i live in canada so i get 4 seasons... well actually 2... winter and summer. this winter i've been hit kinda hard... quite a few colds here and there, but now that spring is on its way i hope to do better.

when i go to florida i can't say i feel better or worse... next time ill pay attention. i think i cough up less down there than up here tho.


the question is... is the humidity allowing more bacteria to grow, which in turn causes more to come out... or is the humidity loosening it up? either way seems like a more productive cough, but the first isn't really beneficial if you think about it.

i live in canada so i get 4 seasons... well actually 2... winter and summer. this winter i've been hit kinda hard... quite a few colds here and there, but now that spring is on its way i hope to do better.

when i go to florida i can't say i feel better or worse... next time ill pay attention. i think i cough up less down there than up here tho.


the question is... is the humidity allowing more bacteria to grow, which in turn causes more to come out... or is the humidity loosening it up? either way seems like a more productive cough, but the first isn't really beneficial if you think about it.

i live in canada so i get 4 seasons... well actually 2... winter and summer. this winter i've been hit kinda hard... quite a few colds here and there, but now that spring is on its way i hope to do better.

when i go to florida i can't say i feel better or worse... next time ill pay attention. i think i cough up less down there than up here tho.


the question is... is the humidity allowing more bacteria to grow, which in turn causes more to come out... or is the humidity loosening it up? either way seems like a more productive cough, but the first isn't really beneficial if you think about it.

i live in canada so i get 4 seasons... well actually 2... winter and summer. this winter i've been hit kinda hard... quite a few colds here and there, but now that spring is on its way i hope to do better.

when i go to florida i can't say i feel better or worse... next time ill pay attention. i think i cough up less down there than up here tho.


the question is... is the humidity allowing more bacteria to grow, which in turn causes more to come out... or is the humidity loosening it up? either way seems like a more productive cough, but the first isn't really beneficial if you think about it.
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<br />i live in canada so i get 4 seasons... well actually 2... winter and summer. this winter i've been hit kinda hard... quite a few colds here and there, but now that spring is on its way i hope to do better.
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<br />when i go to florida i can't say i feel better or worse... next time ill pay attention. i think i cough up less down there than up here tho.


New member
Well cfsucks you do present an interesting question...I guess I like to think that the humidity is helping. I do believe though that a day at the beach is a great treatment for my daughter with CF and my son who falls on the autistic spectrum as well as a tired mom!!
I hope the springtime helps you feel good!!


New member
Well cfsucks you do present an interesting question...I guess I like to think that the humidity is helping. I do believe though that a day at the beach is a great treatment for my daughter with CF and my son who falls on the autistic spectrum as well as a tired mom!!
I hope the springtime helps you feel good!!


New member
Well cfsucks you do present an interesting question...I guess I like to think that the humidity is helping. I do believe though that a day at the beach is a great treatment for my daughter with CF and my son who falls on the autistic spectrum as well as a tired mom!!
I hope the springtime helps you feel good!!


New member
Well cfsucks you do present an interesting question...I guess I like to think that the humidity is helping. I do believe though that a day at the beach is a great treatment for my daughter with CF and my son who falls on the autistic spectrum as well as a tired mom!!
I hope the springtime helps you feel good!!


New member
Well cfsucks you do present an interesting question...I guess I like to think that the humidity is helping. I do believe though that a day at the beach is a great treatment for my daughter with CF and my son who falls on the autistic spectrum as well as a tired mom!!
<br />I hope the springtime helps you feel good!!