<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Spartan936</b></i>
hey lilmac. It's great to see someone else with CF moving the iron. I'm asking a lot here, but what do your lifting routine and diet look like? How many calories are you bulking on? The food has always been hard for me.</end quote></div>
I really need to sit and calculate but I think I'm in the neighborhood of 3000-3500 possibly even more. For the past month and some I've been eating alot of sweet potatoes (aka Bonia, not the orange colored ones) I prefer them to regular potatoe or rice, I take a container of them to work along with a couple cans of tuna and munch on them throughout the day. Upon waking up I eat a good size bowl of oatmeal and boil 4-6 eggs, the eggs I eat later on when I get into work at 9am. Between 10:30 and 11am I eat some of my sweet potato and 1/2 a can to a whole can of tuna. I usually have lunch around 12:30 - 1 o'clock at which I will have a large meal, I hardly go out for lunch I usually call my order somewhere pick it up and eat at the office. I live in the Cayman Islands so I usually have some sort of Caribbean cooking. This varies between beef, fish, seafood, Pork and chicken served with a good amount of rice and beans or white rice, I'm not good with veges at all tho. By 3-3:30pm I eat some more sweet potato and tuna or I'll mix a shake (namely Muscle Milk). I like Muscle Milk cause it tastes good, has alot of calories, not overly sweet like some of them can be and it mixes easily. Then around 5:30 I down some more sweet potato to give me some energy for my work out @ around 5:50-6pm. After my workout I take a suppliment called Vitargo made by a brand called Professional Suppliments, then my large dinner meal somwhere between 9 and 10pm then off to bed.
As far as my rutine goes, I workout 5 days a week and I train heavy weight that I can just manage to get 8 to 10 reps maximum with a spot from my gym partner. I do different bodyparts for different days like chest, back, arms, legs, shoulders. Abbs I'll just throw in whenever cause I really don't work them much, caughing takes care of getting them looking nice anyway and legs I'll actually put some more in on other body part days because I feel they are lagging behind from my upper body but if your legs are proprtionate to your upper body there's no need to do that. I do 3-4 sets of as I said 8 to 10 reps of 3 to 4 exercises per body part. In other word for example on arms day I'll do 3-4 sets of dumbell curls(biceps), 3-4 sets of seated incline dumbell hammer curls (biceps), 3-4 sets of preacher curls (biceps) and 3-4 sets of overhead tricep press (you guessed it tricep), 3-4 sets of cable tricep push downs, 3-4 sets of tricep extentions. Arms and legs days are my longest cause they have 2 sets of muscles to work. I try to stay away as much as possible from machines cause I feel free weights are better as they work alot of balancing muscles as well and trigger growth and strength increase better. I've seen it over and over again where people live on using machines and they seem to be pretty strong but the minute you put them under some free weights they can't do very much at all.
Hope this helps, feel free to ask me more if you neet to.