Enzymes with everything?????????????



Wait, bananas have fat though. The only thing I skip Ellie's enzymes with is cheerios, which I was told at one point was okay. Oh, that and the occasional bite of rice cake, which for some insane reason both my girls think are super special treats. I limit Ellie's snacking to specific times so that she'll eat more food during meals, and also to avoid following her around with enzymes every 40 minutes. Cheerios have been an enzyme-less lifesaver for me on long car rides and planes, where I want just a quick thing and it's not as easy to dish up that applesauce treat.


Wait, bananas have fat though. The only thing I skip Ellie's enzymes with is cheerios, which I was told at one point was okay. Oh, that and the occasional bite of rice cake, which for some insane reason both my girls think are super special treats. I limit Ellie's snacking to specific times so that she'll eat more food during meals, and also to avoid following her around with enzymes every 40 minutes. Cheerios have been an enzyme-less lifesaver for me on long car rides and planes, where I want just a quick thing and it's not as easy to dish up that applesauce treat.


Wait, bananas have fat though. The only thing I skip Ellie's enzymes with is cheerios, which I was told at one point was okay. Oh, that and the occasional bite of rice cake, which for some insane reason both my girls think are super special treats. I limit Ellie's snacking to specific times so that she'll eat more food during meals, and also to avoid following her around with enzymes every 40 minutes. Cheerios have been an enzyme-less lifesaver for me on long car rides and planes, where I want just a quick thing and it's not as easy to dish up that applesauce treat.


Wait, bananas have fat though. The only thing I skip Ellie's enzymes with is cheerios, which I was told at one point was okay. Oh, that and the occasional bite of rice cake, which for some insane reason both my girls think are super special treats. I limit Ellie's snacking to specific times so that she'll eat more food during meals, and also to avoid following her around with enzymes every 40 minutes. Cheerios have been an enzyme-less lifesaver for me on long car rides and planes, where I want just a quick thing and it's not as easy to dish up that applesauce treat.


New member
Well you might want to reconsider limiting her snacking so that she'll eat more food during meals.

Studies show that a constant blood sugar level, typically associated with many small meals/snacks througout the day (not just 3 big meals and 2 snacks) is the healthiest way to go. I would really encourage you to consider not limiting her eating.


New member
Well you might want to reconsider limiting her snacking so that she'll eat more food during meals.

Studies show that a constant blood sugar level, typically associated with many small meals/snacks througout the day (not just 3 big meals and 2 snacks) is the healthiest way to go. I would really encourage you to consider not limiting her eating.


New member
Well you might want to reconsider limiting her snacking so that she'll eat more food during meals.

Studies show that a constant blood sugar level, typically associated with many small meals/snacks througout the day (not just 3 big meals and 2 snacks) is the healthiest way to go. I would really encourage you to consider not limiting her eating.


New member
Well you might want to reconsider limiting her snacking so that she'll eat more food during meals.

Studies show that a constant blood sugar level, typically associated with many small meals/snacks througout the day (not just 3 big meals and 2 snacks) is the healthiest way to go. I would really encourage you to consider not limiting her eating.


New member
Well you might want to reconsider limiting her snacking so that she'll eat more food during meals.

Studies show that a constant blood sugar level, typically associated with many small meals/snacks througout the day (not just 3 big meals and 2 snacks) is the healthiest way to go. I would really encourage you to consider not limiting her eating.


New member
Well you might want to reconsider limiting her snacking so that she'll eat more food during meals.

Studies show that a constant blood sugar level, typically associated with many small meals/snacks througout the day (not just 3 big meals and 2 snacks) is the healthiest way to go. I would really encourage you to consider not limiting her eating.


New member
I take my zymes with EVERYTHING. Here's an article I wrote about how they work. Remember, enzyme supplements are designed to help pull the nutrients out of the foods we eat and not about digesting it.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/300963/pancreatic_enzyme_supplements.html">Pacreatic Enzyme Supplements</a>


New member
I take my zymes with EVERYTHING. Here's an article I wrote about how they work. Remember, enzyme supplements are designed to help pull the nutrients out of the foods we eat and not about digesting it.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/300963/pancreatic_enzyme_supplements.html">Pacreatic Enzyme Supplements</a>


New member
I take my zymes with EVERYTHING. Here's an article I wrote about how they work. Remember, enzyme supplements are designed to help pull the nutrients out of the foods we eat and not about digesting it.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/300963/pancreatic_enzyme_supplements.html">Pacreatic Enzyme Supplements</a>


New member
I take my zymes with EVERYTHING. Here's an article I wrote about how they work. Remember, enzyme supplements are designed to help pull the nutrients out of the foods we eat and not about digesting it.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/300963/pancreatic_enzyme_supplements.html">Pacreatic Enzyme Supplements</a>


New member
I take my zymes with EVERYTHING. Here's an article I wrote about how they work. Remember, enzyme supplements are designed to help pull the nutrients out of the foods we eat and not about digesting it.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/300963/pancreatic_enzyme_supplements.html">Pacreatic Enzyme Supplements</a>


New member
I take my zymes with EVERYTHING. Here's an article I wrote about how they work. Remember, enzyme supplements are designed to help pull the nutrients out of the foods we eat and not about digesting it.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/300963/pancreatic_enzyme_supplements.html">Pacreatic Enzyme Supplements</a>


I don't limit her EATING, but I do limit her snacking so that she's not constantly grazing on food throughout the day. Her doctor advised us in this direction, and it seems to work a lot better for her this way. The times when she does a lot of snacking between meals she won't eat much, if anything at all, during her next meal. And for her, several little snacks do not seem to add up to a snack plus a meal. She definitely gets more calories this way. And I agree that many small meals are healthier than three large ones, but don't forget we're talking about small children here, who spend more time sleeping than awake. Twelve or so hours at night plus a couple hour nap means that between breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks, she never goes long without eating something.


I don't limit her EATING, but I do limit her snacking so that she's not constantly grazing on food throughout the day. Her doctor advised us in this direction, and it seems to work a lot better for her this way. The times when she does a lot of snacking between meals she won't eat much, if anything at all, during her next meal. And for her, several little snacks do not seem to add up to a snack plus a meal. She definitely gets more calories this way. And I agree that many small meals are healthier than three large ones, but don't forget we're talking about small children here, who spend more time sleeping than awake. Twelve or so hours at night plus a couple hour nap means that between breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks, she never goes long without eating something.


I don't limit her EATING, but I do limit her snacking so that she's not constantly grazing on food throughout the day. Her doctor advised us in this direction, and it seems to work a lot better for her this way. The times when she does a lot of snacking between meals she won't eat much, if anything at all, during her next meal. And for her, several little snacks do not seem to add up to a snack plus a meal. She definitely gets more calories this way. And I agree that many small meals are healthier than three large ones, but don't forget we're talking about small children here, who spend more time sleeping than awake. Twelve or so hours at night plus a couple hour nap means that between breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks, she never goes long without eating something.


I don't limit her EATING, but I do limit her snacking so that she's not constantly grazing on food throughout the day. Her doctor advised us in this direction, and it seems to work a lot better for her this way. The times when she does a lot of snacking between meals she won't eat much, if anything at all, during her next meal. And for her, several little snacks do not seem to add up to a snack plus a meal. She definitely gets more calories this way. And I agree that many small meals are healthier than three large ones, but don't forget we're talking about small children here, who spend more time sleeping than awake. Twelve or so hours at night plus a couple hour nap means that between breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks, she never goes long without eating something.