New member
The answer to "how many enzymes" and "what foods call for enzymes" is going to differ clinic to clinic and person to person. As you see, no one who has replied has the same advice or answer. I suggest talking to the nutritionist and going over with her/him the main foods your child eats. That way you can get her/his suggestion on the # of enzyme and what foods she/him deems appropriate with enzyme usage. Also, research nutrition with enzyme usage.....you may form your own oponion about enzyme usage!
Edited to say <i>you may form your own oponion about enzyme usage!</i>---meaning on what to take enzymes with or without.....<b>not </b>enyme usage as a whole. Just wanted to clear that up in advance in case it was misunderstood.
Edited to say <i>you may form your own oponion about enzyme usage!</i>---meaning on what to take enzymes with or without.....<b>not </b>enyme usage as a whole. Just wanted to clear that up in advance in case it was misunderstood.