Flu vaccine?


New member
This is my opinion of it. Once you are vaccinated against than strain you are immune from it forever. Yes they predict it will be the certain type of virus, they don't know for sure, it's an educated guess. The more flu shots you get, the more strains you be immune from without actually getting the flu. If you happen to get the flu, you will be immune from that strain forever. So why not get immune from the strain without getting the flu?

So may get mild side effects from getting the shot, after all it is a dead virus they are giving you. But, NOTHING like the real flu. The real flu is nasty stuff. Most of the time when people think they have the flu, it's simply just a stomach bug.


New member
This is my opinion of it. Once you are vaccinated against than strain you are immune from it forever. Yes they predict it will be the certain type of virus, they don't know for sure, it's an educated guess. The more flu shots you get, the more strains you be immune from without actually getting the flu. If you happen to get the flu, you will be immune from that strain forever. So why not get immune from the strain without getting the flu?

So may get mild side effects from getting the shot, after all it is a dead virus they are giving you. But, NOTHING like the real flu. The real flu is nasty stuff. Most of the time when people think they have the flu, it's simply just a stomach bug.


New member
This is my opinion of it. Once you are vaccinated against than strain you are immune from it forever. Yes they predict it will be the certain type of virus, they don't know for sure, it's an educated guess. The more flu shots you get, the more strains you be immune from without actually getting the flu. If you happen to get the flu, you will be immune from that strain forever. So why not get immune from the strain without getting the flu?

So may get mild side effects from getting the shot, after all it is a dead virus they are giving you. But, NOTHING like the real flu. The real flu is nasty stuff. Most of the time when people think they have the flu, it's simply just a stomach bug.


New member
This is my opinion of it. Once you are vaccinated against than strain you are immune from it forever. Yes they predict it will be the certain type of virus, they don't know for sure, it's an educated guess. The more flu shots you get, the more strains you be immune from without actually getting the flu. If you happen to get the flu, you will be immune from that strain forever. So why not get immune from the strain without getting the flu?

So may get mild side effects from getting the shot, after all it is a dead virus they are giving you. But, NOTHING like the real flu. The real flu is nasty stuff. Most of the time when people think they have the flu, it's simply just a stomach bug.


New member
This is my opinion of it. Once you are vaccinated against than strain you are immune from it forever. Yes they predict it will be the certain type of virus, they don't know for sure, it's an educated guess. The more flu shots you get, the more strains you be immune from without actually getting the flu. If you happen to get the flu, you will be immune from that strain forever. So why not get immune from the strain without getting the flu?
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<br />So may get mild side effects from getting the shot, after all it is a dead virus they are giving you. But, NOTHING like the real flu. The real flu is nasty stuff. Most of the time when people think they have the flu, it's simply just a stomach bug.


We have never once wavered on getting a flu shot for our child with CF. The flu can be totally devastating for a child with CF so we would never even consider skipping it. Even if the flu vaccine doesn't cover all the strains, I agree that some is better than none. I also make Aidan's caregivers get the flu shot.



We have never once wavered on getting a flu shot for our child with CF. The flu can be totally devastating for a child with CF so we would never even consider skipping it. Even if the flu vaccine doesn't cover all the strains, I agree that some is better than none. I also make Aidan's caregivers get the flu shot.



We have never once wavered on getting a flu shot for our child with CF. The flu can be totally devastating for a child with CF so we would never even consider skipping it. Even if the flu vaccine doesn't cover all the strains, I agree that some is better than none. I also make Aidan's caregivers get the flu shot.



We have never once wavered on getting a flu shot for our child with CF. The flu can be totally devastating for a child with CF so we would never even consider skipping it. Even if the flu vaccine doesn't cover all the strains, I agree that some is better than none. I also make Aidan's caregivers get the flu shot.



We have never once wavered on getting a flu shot for our child with CF. The flu can be totally devastating for a child with CF so we would never even consider skipping it. Even if the flu vaccine doesn't cover all the strains, I agree that some is better than none. I also make Aidan's caregivers get the flu shot.
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<br />Megan


New member
The human body was designed to keep at bay and ward off hostile intruders, but it seems that we don't let our bodies do their job, instead we rely on OTC and synthetic, governmental medications and cross our fingers. The ingredients in the influenza vaccine are deadly, Mecury Thimersol, definitely something you would do best to avoid. Some say that some protection is better than none, but there are numerous studies that indicate the negative side effects imposed by these ingredients. Now if you were given an iron clad guarantee that it protects against ALL the strains, even I would inject myself with these known toxins, but being is since I work on cars I can just catch a cold driving someone's car that has a heavy cough, I deduct that it is not worth pouring toxins into my body that I can otherwise avoid. IMO injecting myself with identified toxins does not outweigh the benefit of not getting the flu- especially given it's not even an assurance that you won't!


New member
The human body was designed to keep at bay and ward off hostile intruders, but it seems that we don't let our bodies do their job, instead we rely on OTC and synthetic, governmental medications and cross our fingers. The ingredients in the influenza vaccine are deadly, Mecury Thimersol, definitely something you would do best to avoid. Some say that some protection is better than none, but there are numerous studies that indicate the negative side effects imposed by these ingredients. Now if you were given an iron clad guarantee that it protects against ALL the strains, even I would inject myself with these known toxins, but being is since I work on cars I can just catch a cold driving someone's car that has a heavy cough, I deduct that it is not worth pouring toxins into my body that I can otherwise avoid. IMO injecting myself with identified toxins does not outweigh the benefit of not getting the flu- especially given it's not even an assurance that you won't!


New member
The human body was designed to keep at bay and ward off hostile intruders, but it seems that we don't let our bodies do their job, instead we rely on OTC and synthetic, governmental medications and cross our fingers. The ingredients in the influenza vaccine are deadly, Mecury Thimersol, definitely something you would do best to avoid. Some say that some protection is better than none, but there are numerous studies that indicate the negative side effects imposed by these ingredients. Now if you were given an iron clad guarantee that it protects against ALL the strains, even I would inject myself with these known toxins, but being is since I work on cars I can just catch a cold driving someone's car that has a heavy cough, I deduct that it is not worth pouring toxins into my body that I can otherwise avoid. IMO injecting myself with identified toxins does not outweigh the benefit of not getting the flu- especially given it's not even an assurance that you won't!


New member
The human body was designed to keep at bay and ward off hostile intruders, but it seems that we don't let our bodies do their job, instead we rely on OTC and synthetic, governmental medications and cross our fingers. The ingredients in the influenza vaccine are deadly, Mecury Thimersol, definitely something you would do best to avoid. Some say that some protection is better than none, but there are numerous studies that indicate the negative side effects imposed by these ingredients. Now if you were given an iron clad guarantee that it protects against ALL the strains, even I would inject myself with these known toxins, but being is since I work on cars I can just catch a cold driving someone's car that has a heavy cough, I deduct that it is not worth pouring toxins into my body that I can otherwise avoid. IMO injecting myself with identified toxins does not outweigh the benefit of not getting the flu- especially given it's not even an assurance that you won't!


New member
The human body was designed to keep at bay and ward off hostile intruders, but it seems that we don't let our bodies do their job, instead we rely on OTC and synthetic, governmental medications and cross our fingers. The ingredients in the influenza vaccine are deadly, Mecury Thimersol, definitely something you would do best to avoid. Some say that some protection is better than none, but there are numerous studies that indicate the negative side effects imposed by these ingredients. Now if you were given an iron clad guarantee that it protects against ALL the strains, even I would inject myself with these known toxins, but being is since I work on cars I can just catch a cold driving someone's car that has a heavy cough, I deduct that it is not worth pouring toxins into my body that I can otherwise avoid. IMO injecting myself with identified toxins does not outweigh the benefit of not getting the flu- especially given it's not even an assurance that you won't!


Staff member
We've always gotten flu shots. And I notice that DS has always been given the thermisoil (sp) free vaccine.


Staff member
We've always gotten flu shots. And I notice that DS has always been given the thermisoil (sp) free vaccine.


Staff member
We've always gotten flu shots. And I notice that DS has always been given the thermisoil (sp) free vaccine.


Staff member
We've always gotten flu shots. And I notice that DS has always been given the thermisoil (sp) free vaccine.


Staff member
We've always gotten flu shots. And I notice that DS has always been given the thermisoil (sp) free vaccine.