For the mothers out there....


New member
I think it might be an enzyme rash. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> My daughter had this problem when she was a baby for a few months and then it settled down. Touch wood, she has had no problems since - she is now 3. We used zinc and castor oil as a barrier cream every time we changed her nappy. Also used a hydrocortisone cream 1% spread thinly every two or three nappy changes and this also worked great.

Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I think it might be an enzyme rash. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> My daughter had this problem when she was a baby for a few months and then it settled down. Touch wood, she has had no problems since - she is now 3. We used zinc and castor oil as a barrier cream every time we changed her nappy. Also used a hydrocortisone cream 1% spread thinly every two or three nappy changes and this also worked great.

Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I think it might be an enzyme rash. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> My daughter had this problem when she was a baby for a few months and then it settled down. Touch wood, she has had no problems since - she is now 3. We used zinc and castor oil as a barrier cream every time we changed her nappy. Also used a hydrocortisone cream 1% spread thinly every two or three nappy changes and this also worked great.

Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm with most people, make sure it is not a skin infection...

When both of my kids would get a diaper rash, I would let them air out. When you change, clean their skin really good and let it airdry. I also used cornstarch and butt paste, but clean skin & air!!!

Good luck!


New member
I'm with most people, make sure it is not a skin infection...

When both of my kids would get a diaper rash, I would let them air out. When you change, clean their skin really good and let it airdry. I also used cornstarch and butt paste, but clean skin & air!!!

Good luck!


New member
I'm with most people, make sure it is not a skin infection...

When both of my kids would get a diaper rash, I would let them air out. When you change, clean their skin really good and let it airdry. I also used cornstarch and butt paste, but clean skin & air!!!

Good luck!


New member
Cory would get bad diaper rashes especially from antibiotics. His doctor ordered a Destin (or any diper rash creme) with mylanta mixed. Worked wonders


New member
Cory would get bad diaper rashes especially from antibiotics. His doctor ordered a Destin (or any diper rash creme) with mylanta mixed. Worked wonders


New member
Cory would get bad diaper rashes especially from antibiotics. His doctor ordered a Destin (or any diper rash creme) with mylanta mixed. Worked wonders


New member
When Andrew was a baby and first diagnosed he too was on Viokase and it literally buned his little butt. ( We used to call him baboon butt -- LOL )

We left his bottom open to sir as much as possible, but, the ostomy nurse at the hospital also suggested using a Barrier cream like ostomy patients use to protect the skin from leakage. We would buy it at the medical supply store. It was less thick onthe skin than the zinc or Desitin type ointments, but PH balanced to help neutilize what got onto the sensitive skin.

Also, if you are using diaper wipes.. CHECK the label! Most of them contain Alcohol which will dry out the skin and can make the rash worse. We went back to using just warm wet washcloths instead of the wipes and it helped.

Laurie - Mom to Andrew 17 w/CF


New member
When Andrew was a baby and first diagnosed he too was on Viokase and it literally buned his little butt. ( We used to call him baboon butt -- LOL )

We left his bottom open to sir as much as possible, but, the ostomy nurse at the hospital also suggested using a Barrier cream like ostomy patients use to protect the skin from leakage. We would buy it at the medical supply store. It was less thick onthe skin than the zinc or Desitin type ointments, but PH balanced to help neutilize what got onto the sensitive skin.

Also, if you are using diaper wipes.. CHECK the label! Most of them contain Alcohol which will dry out the skin and can make the rash worse. We went back to using just warm wet washcloths instead of the wipes and it helped.

Laurie - Mom to Andrew 17 w/CF


New member
When Andrew was a baby and first diagnosed he too was on Viokase and it literally buned his little butt. ( We used to call him baboon butt -- LOL )

We left his bottom open to sir as much as possible, but, the ostomy nurse at the hospital also suggested using a Barrier cream like ostomy patients use to protect the skin from leakage. We would buy it at the medical supply store. It was less thick onthe skin than the zinc or Desitin type ointments, but PH balanced to help neutilize what got onto the sensitive skin.

Also, if you are using diaper wipes.. CHECK the label! Most of them contain Alcohol which will dry out the skin and can make the rash worse. We went back to using just warm wet washcloths instead of the wipes and it helped.

Laurie - Mom to Andrew 17 w/CF