For the mothers to CFers.


New member
I breastfed as long as I could... the doc was all for it... but at about 6mo she got a really nasty respitory cold and she couldn't breathe when she tried to nurse, so I had to give it up... but she did do just as well on the formula. I always say if you can breastfeed, you realy should. It's the best for the baby and the time together is wonderful!


New member
I breastfed as long as I could... the doc was all for it... but at about 6mo she got a really nasty respitory cold and she couldn't breathe when she tried to nurse, so I had to give it up... but she did do just as well on the formula. I always say if you can breastfeed, you realy should. It's the best for the baby and the time together is wonderful!


New member
I breastfed as long as I could... the doc was all for it... but at about 6mo she got a really nasty respitory cold and she couldn't breathe when she tried to nurse, so I had to give it up... but she did do just as well on the formula. I always say if you can breastfeed, you realy should. It's the best for the baby and the time together is wonderful!


New member
I breastfed as long as I could... the doc was all for it... but at about 6mo she got a really nasty respitory cold and she couldn't breathe when she tried to nurse, so I had to give it up... but she did do just as well on the formula. I always say if you can breastfeed, you realy should. It's the best for the baby and the time together is wonderful!


New member
I breastfed as long as I could... the doc was all for it... but at about 6mo she got a really nasty respitory cold and she couldn't breathe when she tried to nurse, so I had to give it up... but she did do just as well on the formula. I always say if you can breastfeed, you realy should. It's the best for the baby and the time together is wonderful!


New member
My grandson was born 7-17-08 we knew he had CF prior to his birth, the ultra sound provided the question as to if, and the amnio confirmed it. My daughter was to see the CF specialist yesterday and the Dr was pleased with her decision to breast feed and at this point they have asked her to add formula to her breast milk as he is bottle fed the pumped breast milk,he favors the bottle probably because thats how he was started due to surgery. By adding the formula to her milk it adds calories and they want him to have the high calories to add weight to him.


New member
My grandson was born 7-17-08 we knew he had CF prior to his birth, the ultra sound provided the question as to if, and the amnio confirmed it. My daughter was to see the CF specialist yesterday and the Dr was pleased with her decision to breast feed and at this point they have asked her to add formula to her breast milk as he is bottle fed the pumped breast milk,he favors the bottle probably because thats how he was started due to surgery. By adding the formula to her milk it adds calories and they want him to have the high calories to add weight to him.


New member
My grandson was born 7-17-08 we knew he had CF prior to his birth, the ultra sound provided the question as to if, and the amnio confirmed it. My daughter was to see the CF specialist yesterday and the Dr was pleased with her decision to breast feed and at this point they have asked her to add formula to her breast milk as he is bottle fed the pumped breast milk,he favors the bottle probably because thats how he was started due to surgery. By adding the formula to her milk it adds calories and they want him to have the high calories to add weight to him.


New member
My grandson was born 7-17-08 we knew he had CF prior to his birth, the ultra sound provided the question as to if, and the amnio confirmed it. My daughter was to see the CF specialist yesterday and the Dr was pleased with her decision to breast feed and at this point they have asked her to add formula to her breast milk as he is bottle fed the pumped breast milk,he favors the bottle probably because thats how he was started due to surgery. By adding the formula to her milk it adds calories and they want him to have the high calories to add weight to him.


New member
My grandson was born 7-17-08 we knew he had CF prior to his birth, the ultra sound provided the question as to if, and the amnio confirmed it. My daughter was to see the CF specialist yesterday and the Dr was pleased with her decision to breast feed and at this point they have asked her to add formula to her breast milk as he is bottle fed the pumped breast milk,he favors the bottle probably because thats how he was started due to surgery. By adding the formula to her milk it adds calories and they want him to have the high calories to add weight to him.


New member
i breastfed with minimal formula supplementation and i don't know how much better it was than formula would have been but i am happy that i did it to offer the best known option for feeding infants. the only thing i did notice was when we started solids between 4-6 months she gained a lot more weight than just being on breastmilk/some formula alone.


New member
i breastfed with minimal formula supplementation and i don't know how much better it was than formula would have been but i am happy that i did it to offer the best known option for feeding infants. the only thing i did notice was when we started solids between 4-6 months she gained a lot more weight than just being on breastmilk/some formula alone.


New member
i breastfed with minimal formula supplementation and i don't know how much better it was than formula would have been but i am happy that i did it to offer the best known option for feeding infants. the only thing i did notice was when we started solids between 4-6 months she gained a lot more weight than just being on breastmilk/some formula alone.


New member
i breastfed with minimal formula supplementation and i don't know how much better it was than formula would have been but i am happy that i did it to offer the best known option for feeding infants. the only thing i did notice was when we started solids between 4-6 months she gained a lot more weight than just being on breastmilk/some formula alone.


New member
i breastfed with minimal formula supplementation and i don't know how much better it was than formula would have been but i am happy that i did it to offer the best known option for feeding infants. the only thing i did notice was when we started solids between 4-6 months she gained a lot more weight than just being on breastmilk/some formula alone.


New member
I breastfed my son many moons ago. He's 19 now. Anyways, I breastfed him for 2 months, and because I was active duty Air Force at the time I just could not keep up my milk so I switch him to formula. It was then that he got the symptoms of CF. I believe it is because he was able to digest the breast milk more easily.


New member
I breastfed my son many moons ago. He's 19 now. Anyways, I breastfed him for 2 months, and because I was active duty Air Force at the time I just could not keep up my milk so I switch him to formula. It was then that he got the symptoms of CF. I believe it is because he was able to digest the breast milk more easily.


New member
I breastfed my son many moons ago. He's 19 now. Anyways, I breastfed him for 2 months, and because I was active duty Air Force at the time I just could not keep up my milk so I switch him to formula. It was then that he got the symptoms of CF. I believe it is because he was able to digest the breast milk more easily.


New member
I breastfed my son many moons ago. He's 19 now. Anyways, I breastfed him for 2 months, and because I was active duty Air Force at the time I just could not keep up my milk so I switch him to formula. It was then that he got the symptoms of CF. I believe it is because he was able to digest the breast milk more easily.


New member
I breastfed my son many moons ago. He's 19 now. Anyways, I breastfed him for 2 months, and because I was active duty Air Force at the time I just could not keep up my milk so I switch him to formula. It was then that he got the symptoms of CF. I believe it is because he was able to digest the breast milk more easily.