Well my answer is different than everyone's...I never produced a drop of breastmilk w/my first little boy. Not a solitary drop. My second, due the end of August will be born with CF. I asked the CF doctor about this, and he stated that it was actually fine to formula feed, due to the extra protein found in formula. I am concerned I will not produce again and was very worried, but he assured me over half of his CF babies are on formula and doing fine. I know most women are advocates of breastmilk, but for those of us who can't for whatever reason, I was glad to hear it wasn't a terrible thing to not be able to breastfeed.
Dori, carrier of DF508/Mom to Brandon, 17 mos carrier of 3659delC/soon to be mom of Brett, CF baby
Dori, carrier of DF508/Mom to Brandon, 17 mos carrier of 3659delC/soon to be mom of Brett, CF baby