My fiance and I have are starting the process now. We wanted to know ahead of time. I have CF and she found out someone in her family was a carrier, which was unexpected. After she was tested, low and behold, she found out she was a carrier. We now have some important decisions to make. She just found out what mutation she has (711 and 1GT) ad I am waiting for my results back from my bloodwork. Supposedly, between her mutation and mine, it will tell us what the severity of the disease would be if the child had it. There is definitely a 50% chance rather than 25%. It is only 25% if both parents ar eonly carriers. We now have to take that information and decide if it is worth going through everything knowing what the outcome could possibly be. Can I bring a child into the world knowing what my brother and I have gone though? By the way, my brother has CF also, and has a beautilful 19 month old daughter and now 2 brand new additions to our family. He just recently had triplets, thanks to the miracle of science! Fortunately, his wife is NOT a carrier so they had nothing to worry about. Has anyone else been tested that found out their husband/wife WAS a carrier? How do you come to a decision on what to do, it's not an easy decision to make.