Getting Started


New member
We live in Arizona. Do you have any recommendations on clinics here? My husband has family in S. Cal, I would be open to travel for a good clinic.


New member
We live in Arizona. Do you have any recommendations on clinics here? My husband has family in S. Cal, I would be open to travel for a good clinic.


New member
We live in Arizona. Do you have any recommendations on clinics here? My husband has family in S. Cal, I would be open to travel for a good clinic.


New member
We live in Arizona. Do you have any recommendations on clinics here? My husband has family in S. Cal, I would be open to travel for a good clinic.


New member
We live in Arizona. Do you have any recommendations on clinics here? My husband has family in S. Cal, I would be open to travel for a good clinic.


New member
My husband and I would have had to pay $200 for a consulatation here. But we were lucky and they were giving free consultations for like three months. Yet... I don't think we're going with them right now. We're still making decisions. For some reason I keep thinking about foster care. After going to a meeting for my job I can't help but have some kind of a desire to do this.
When we talked about child abuse and had to look at sad and graphic pictures it really got to me. Then a lady spoke to us her name is Stacey Bess. An amazing lady. She wrote a book I'm going to get my hands on. It's called "Nobody Don't Love Nobody." She got a standing ovation after she spoke.
It's so hard for me though, maybe after the year is over and I go in and check out foster care we'll see. I know it's not for the faint of heart. I have thought a lot on it lately though. I see people who make a difference. I don't want to for an ego boost... I just wish that every child had a chance... been thinking about adoption too. I really want to be pregnant once though... just always dreamed of the day I would feel a baby kick inside of me. I know, I've heard of all the discomfort. Life has so many choices its hard to choice a direction.
I used to dream of having 7 children. Now... I don't know what's going to happen. Their are so many "what ifs." It seems so much easier to just have children... because you can raise them to be children that don't swear and don't have so much anger. Yet... maybe its the child with anger who needs a home like the one I could provide. Maybe I'm a coward. There are so many emotions that go with making these kinds of decisions for me.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who prays and thinks and goes over everything I could possibly worry about, every scenario...
Anyway... nice ramble...



New member
My husband and I would have had to pay $200 for a consulatation here. But we were lucky and they were giving free consultations for like three months. Yet... I don't think we're going with them right now. We're still making decisions. For some reason I keep thinking about foster care. After going to a meeting for my job I can't help but have some kind of a desire to do this.
When we talked about child abuse and had to look at sad and graphic pictures it really got to me. Then a lady spoke to us her name is Stacey Bess. An amazing lady. She wrote a book I'm going to get my hands on. It's called "Nobody Don't Love Nobody." She got a standing ovation after she spoke.
It's so hard for me though, maybe after the year is over and I go in and check out foster care we'll see. I know it's not for the faint of heart. I have thought a lot on it lately though. I see people who make a difference. I don't want to for an ego boost... I just wish that every child had a chance... been thinking about adoption too. I really want to be pregnant once though... just always dreamed of the day I would feel a baby kick inside of me. I know, I've heard of all the discomfort. Life has so many choices its hard to choice a direction.
I used to dream of having 7 children. Now... I don't know what's going to happen. Their are so many "what ifs." It seems so much easier to just have children... because you can raise them to be children that don't swear and don't have so much anger. Yet... maybe its the child with anger who needs a home like the one I could provide. Maybe I'm a coward. There are so many emotions that go with making these kinds of decisions for me.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who prays and thinks and goes over everything I could possibly worry about, every scenario...
Anyway... nice ramble...



New member
My husband and I would have had to pay $200 for a consulatation here. But we were lucky and they were giving free consultations for like three months. Yet... I don't think we're going with them right now. We're still making decisions. For some reason I keep thinking about foster care. After going to a meeting for my job I can't help but have some kind of a desire to do this.
When we talked about child abuse and had to look at sad and graphic pictures it really got to me. Then a lady spoke to us her name is Stacey Bess. An amazing lady. She wrote a book I'm going to get my hands on. It's called "Nobody Don't Love Nobody." She got a standing ovation after she spoke.
It's so hard for me though, maybe after the year is over and I go in and check out foster care we'll see. I know it's not for the faint of heart. I have thought a lot on it lately though. I see people who make a difference. I don't want to for an ego boost... I just wish that every child had a chance... been thinking about adoption too. I really want to be pregnant once though... just always dreamed of the day I would feel a baby kick inside of me. I know, I've heard of all the discomfort. Life has so many choices its hard to choice a direction.
I used to dream of having 7 children. Now... I don't know what's going to happen. Their are so many "what ifs." It seems so much easier to just have children... because you can raise them to be children that don't swear and don't have so much anger. Yet... maybe its the child with anger who needs a home like the one I could provide. Maybe I'm a coward. There are so many emotions that go with making these kinds of decisions for me.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who prays and thinks and goes over everything I could possibly worry about, every scenario...
Anyway... nice ramble...



New member
My husband and I would have had to pay $200 for a consulatation here. But we were lucky and they were giving free consultations for like three months. Yet... I don't think we're going with them right now. We're still making decisions. For some reason I keep thinking about foster care. After going to a meeting for my job I can't help but have some kind of a desire to do this.
When we talked about child abuse and had to look at sad and graphic pictures it really got to me. Then a lady spoke to us her name is Stacey Bess. An amazing lady. She wrote a book I'm going to get my hands on. It's called "Nobody Don't Love Nobody." She got a standing ovation after she spoke.
It's so hard for me though, maybe after the year is over and I go in and check out foster care we'll see. I know it's not for the faint of heart. I have thought a lot on it lately though. I see people who make a difference. I don't want to for an ego boost... I just wish that every child had a chance... been thinking about adoption too. I really want to be pregnant once though... just always dreamed of the day I would feel a baby kick inside of me. I know, I've heard of all the discomfort. Life has so many choices its hard to choice a direction.
I used to dream of having 7 children. Now... I don't know what's going to happen. Their are so many "what ifs." It seems so much easier to just have children... because you can raise them to be children that don't swear and don't have so much anger. Yet... maybe its the child with anger who needs a home like the one I could provide. Maybe I'm a coward. There are so many emotions that go with making these kinds of decisions for me.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who prays and thinks and goes over everything I could possibly worry about, every scenario...
Anyway... nice ramble...



New member
My husband and I would have had to pay $200 for a consulatation here. But we were lucky and they were giving free consultations for like three months. Yet... I don't think we're going with them right now. We're still making decisions. For some reason I keep thinking about foster care. After going to a meeting for my job I can't help but have some kind of a desire to do this.
When we talked about child abuse and had to look at sad and graphic pictures it really got to me. Then a lady spoke to us her name is Stacey Bess. An amazing lady. She wrote a book I'm going to get my hands on. It's called "Nobody Don't Love Nobody." She got a standing ovation after she spoke.
It's so hard for me though, maybe after the year is over and I go in and check out foster care we'll see. I know it's not for the faint of heart. I have thought a lot on it lately though. I see people who make a difference. I don't want to for an ego boost... I just wish that every child had a chance... been thinking about adoption too. I really want to be pregnant once though... just always dreamed of the day I would feel a baby kick inside of me. I know, I've heard of all the discomfort. Life has so many choices its hard to choice a direction.
I used to dream of having 7 children. Now... I don't know what's going to happen. Their are so many "what ifs." It seems so much easier to just have children... because you can raise them to be children that don't swear and don't have so much anger. Yet... maybe its the child with anger who needs a home like the one I could provide. Maybe I'm a coward. There are so many emotions that go with making these kinds of decisions for me.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who prays and thinks and goes over everything I could possibly worry about, every scenario...
Anyway... nice ramble...



New member
I know what you are going through Amanda. Since my husband & I had our baby Sophie, and went through all the tests and worry last year, I wonder if maybe we should just count our blessings and not have any more children. I thought having 3 would be perfect and fun...a house full of love. I pray every night for some direction and guidance on this. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one....


New member
I know what you are going through Amanda. Since my husband & I had our baby Sophie, and went through all the tests and worry last year, I wonder if maybe we should just count our blessings and not have any more children. I thought having 3 would be perfect and fun...a house full of love. I pray every night for some direction and guidance on this. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one....


New member
I know what you are going through Amanda. Since my husband & I had our baby Sophie, and went through all the tests and worry last year, I wonder if maybe we should just count our blessings and not have any more children. I thought having 3 would be perfect and fun...a house full of love. I pray every night for some direction and guidance on this. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one....


New member
I know what you are going through Amanda. Since my husband & I had our baby Sophie, and went through all the tests and worry last year, I wonder if maybe we should just count our blessings and not have any more children. I thought having 3 would be perfect and fun...a house full of love. I pray every night for some direction and guidance on this. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one....


New member
I know what you are going through Amanda. Since my husband & I had our baby Sophie, and went through all the tests and worry last year, I wonder if maybe we should just count our blessings and not have any more children. I thought having 3 would be perfect and fun...a house full of love. I pray every night for some direction and guidance on this. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one....