Have you ever refused a med student?


New member
I know a lot of people have replied to this so I guess i am just agreeing with them. Having so much hospital exposure and blood work and such, your veins are so precious. It is DEFINITELY withing your rights to ask for an experienced. I have done this too, as my veins are pretty scarred. Don't be afraid to put your body first. Don't feel bad either, because I have friends that are in med school right now, and they say that if a patient takes charge they are more likely to understand what they are going through/having to work with. Take care of your body, and let other people know that you are taking care of it as well.


New member
I know a lot of people have replied to this so I guess i am just agreeing with them. Having so much hospital exposure and blood work and such, your veins are so precious. It is DEFINITELY withing your rights to ask for an experienced. I have done this too, as my veins are pretty scarred. Don't be afraid to put your body first. Don't feel bad either, because I have friends that are in med school right now, and they say that if a patient takes charge they are more likely to understand what they are going through/having to work with. Take care of your body, and let other people know that you are taking care of it as well.


New member
I know a lot of people have replied to this so I guess i am just agreeing with them. Having so much hospital exposure and blood work and such, your veins are so precious. It is DEFINITELY withing your rights to ask for an experienced. I have done this too, as my veins are pretty scarred. Don't be afraid to put your body first. Don't feel bad either, because I have friends that are in med school right now, and they say that if a patient takes charge they are more likely to understand what they are going through/having to work with. Take care of your body, and let other people know that you are taking care of it as well.


New member
I know a lot of people have replied to this so I guess i am just agreeing with them. Having so much hospital exposure and blood work and such, your veins are so precious. It is DEFINITELY withing your rights to ask for an experienced. I have done this too, as my veins are pretty scarred. Don't be afraid to put your body first. Don't feel bad either, because I have friends that are in med school right now, and they say that if a patient takes charge they are more likely to understand what they are going through/having to work with. Take care of your body, and let other people know that you are taking care of it as well.


New member
I know a lot of people have replied to this so I guess i am just agreeing with them. Having so much hospital exposure and blood work and such, your veins are so precious. It is DEFINITELY withing your rights to ask for an experienced. I have done this too, as my veins are pretty scarred. Don't be afraid to put your body first. Don't feel bad either, because I have friends that are in med school right now, and they say that if a patient takes charge they are more likely to understand what they are going through/having to work with. Take care of your body, and let other people know that you are taking care of it as well.


New member

You absolutely have the right to refuse not only a student, but anyone , students, nurses, just about anyone that walks into your room, if you feel they are not competent and or for whatever reason.

I have many times been a patient patient <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> but i drawn the line when i feel i am being mistreated/not properly cared for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I have no problem voicing my opinion and suggest all of you do the same ,lol

When it comes to IV's/Piccs , i am right up front and tell the person how bad my veins are and if they feel they cant do it to please not try.. I dont usually give more that one shot at it..

It's your body.. I hope all goes well. Hang in <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member

You absolutely have the right to refuse not only a student, but anyone , students, nurses, just about anyone that walks into your room, if you feel they are not competent and or for whatever reason.

I have many times been a patient patient <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> but i drawn the line when i feel i am being mistreated/not properly cared for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I have no problem voicing my opinion and suggest all of you do the same ,lol

When it comes to IV's/Piccs , i am right up front and tell the person how bad my veins are and if they feel they cant do it to please not try.. I dont usually give more that one shot at it..

It's your body.. I hope all goes well. Hang in <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member

You absolutely have the right to refuse not only a student, but anyone , students, nurses, just about anyone that walks into your room, if you feel they are not competent and or for whatever reason.

I have many times been a patient patient <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> but i drawn the line when i feel i am being mistreated/not properly cared for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I have no problem voicing my opinion and suggest all of you do the same ,lol

When it comes to IV's/Piccs , i am right up front and tell the person how bad my veins are and if they feel they cant do it to please not try.. I dont usually give more that one shot at it..

It's your body.. I hope all goes well. Hang in <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member

You absolutely have the right to refuse not only a student, but anyone , students, nurses, just about anyone that walks into your room, if you feel they are not competent and or for whatever reason.

I have many times been a patient patient <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> but i drawn the line when i feel i am being mistreated/not properly cared for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">

I have no problem voicing my opinion and suggest all of you do the same ,lol

When it comes to IV's/Piccs , i am right up front and tell the person how bad my veins are and if they feel they cant do it to please not try.. I dont usually give more that one shot at it..

It's your body.. I hope all goes well. Hang in <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
<br />
<br /> You absolutely have the right to refuse not only a student, but anyone , students, nurses, just about anyone that walks into your room, if you feel they are not competent and or for whatever reason.
<br />
<br /> I have many times been a patient patient <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> but i drawn the line when i feel i am being mistreated/not properly cared for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br /> I have no problem voicing my opinion and suggest all of you do the same ,lol
<br />
<br />When it comes to IV's/Piccs , i am right up front and tell the person how bad my veins are and if they feel they cant do it to please not try.. I dont usually give more that one shot at it..
<br />
<br /> It's your body.. I hope all goes well. Hang in <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


They always ask Malora first if a newbie can stick her. She has ghost veins. She will let them but she lays the grounds rules. No fishing. Heat the weins up first and if you can't get it without fishing start again. If you don't get it after 3 or 4 sticks then get someone else to do it.

I think it depends on how much you feel pain. It takes alot before she really feels it.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


They always ask Malora first if a newbie can stick her. She has ghost veins. She will let them but she lays the grounds rules. No fishing. Heat the weins up first and if you can't get it without fishing start again. If you don't get it after 3 or 4 sticks then get someone else to do it.

I think it depends on how much you feel pain. It takes alot before she really feels it.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


They always ask Malora first if a newbie can stick her. She has ghost veins. She will let them but she lays the grounds rules. No fishing. Heat the weins up first and if you can't get it without fishing start again. If you don't get it after 3 or 4 sticks then get someone else to do it.

I think it depends on how much you feel pain. It takes alot before she really feels it.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


They always ask Malora first if a newbie can stick her. She has ghost veins. She will let them but she lays the grounds rules. No fishing. Heat the weins up first and if you can't get it without fishing start again. If you don't get it after 3 or 4 sticks then get someone else to do it.

I think it depends on how much you feel pain. It takes alot before she really feels it.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


They always ask Malora first if a newbie can stick her. She has ghost veins. She will let them but she lays the grounds rules. No fishing. Heat the weins up first and if you can't get it without fishing start again. If you don't get it after 3 or 4 sticks then get someone else to do it.
<br />
<br />I think it depends on how much you feel pain. It takes alot before she really feels it.
<br />
<br />Cheryl mom to Malora 15 w/cf


New member
Last time I was in the hospital, the student had trouble * ING MY FINGER*. But that aside.

------->QUESTION FOR EVERYONE<------------

At my CF clinic, the person who goes over my list of meds, asks me how I've been feeling, listens to my chest/heart, etc... that person, is 99% of the time a med student. I don't like that. Do you think it's possible for me to request to NOT have med students checking me in but have a nurse on staff do it? I feel very uncomfortable explaining my entire medical history to a med student every 3 months and having them being confused on where to listen to me on my back/chest. Not to mention, I believe that my medical history is private and if I don't want to share it to a student whom I do I not know nor trust, why should I?

Is this acceptable or should I just suck it up and deal with it?



New member
Last time I was in the hospital, the student had trouble * ING MY FINGER*. But that aside.

------->QUESTION FOR EVERYONE<------------

At my CF clinic, the person who goes over my list of meds, asks me how I've been feeling, listens to my chest/heart, etc... that person, is 99% of the time a med student. I don't like that. Do you think it's possible for me to request to NOT have med students checking me in but have a nurse on staff do it? I feel very uncomfortable explaining my entire medical history to a med student every 3 months and having them being confused on where to listen to me on my back/chest. Not to mention, I believe that my medical history is private and if I don't want to share it to a student whom I do I not know nor trust, why should I?

Is this acceptable or should I just suck it up and deal with it?



New member
Last time I was in the hospital, the student had trouble * ING MY FINGER*. But that aside.

------->QUESTION FOR EVERYONE<------------

At my CF clinic, the person who goes over my list of meds, asks me how I've been feeling, listens to my chest/heart, etc... that person, is 99% of the time a med student. I don't like that. Do you think it's possible for me to request to NOT have med students checking me in but have a nurse on staff do it? I feel very uncomfortable explaining my entire medical history to a med student every 3 months and having them being confused on where to listen to me on my back/chest. Not to mention, I believe that my medical history is private and if I don't want to share it to a student whom I do I not know nor trust, why should I?

Is this acceptable or should I just suck it up and deal with it?



New member
Last time I was in the hospital, the student had trouble * ING MY FINGER*. But that aside.

------->QUESTION FOR EVERYONE<------------

At my CF clinic, the person who goes over my list of meds, asks me how I've been feeling, listens to my chest/heart, etc... that person, is 99% of the time a med student. I don't like that. Do you think it's possible for me to request to NOT have med students checking me in but have a nurse on staff do it? I feel very uncomfortable explaining my entire medical history to a med student every 3 months and having them being confused on where to listen to me on my back/chest. Not to mention, I believe that my medical history is private and if I don't want to share it to a student whom I do I not know nor trust, why should I?

Is this acceptable or should I just suck it up and deal with it?



New member
Last time I was in the hospital, the student had trouble * ING MY FINGER*. But that aside.
<br />
<br />------->QUESTION FOR EVERYONE<------------
<br />
<br />At my CF clinic, the person who goes over my list of meds, asks me how I've been feeling, listens to my chest/heart, etc... that person, is 99% of the time a med student. I don't like that. Do you think it's possible for me to request to NOT have med students checking me in but have a nurse on staff do it? I feel very uncomfortable explaining my entire medical history to a med student every 3 months and having them being confused on where to listen to me on my back/chest. Not to mention, I believe that my medical history is private and if I don't want to share it to a student whom I do I not know nor trust, why should I?
<br />
<br />Is this acceptable or should I just suck it up and deal with it?
<br />
<br />-Annie